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Red brown – red, brown — Перевод на русский — примеры английский

red, brown — Перевод на русский — примеры английский

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Black, white, red, brown Feel the vibration

So, later, I got up and I ran down that mountain and I found that the rocks weren’t grey at all — but they were red, brown and purple and gold.

Так вот, позже, я встал и побежал к горе и обнаружил, что скалы вовсе не серые — они были красными, коричневыми, пурпурными и золотыми.

The fur is in a well-delineated mixture of red, brown and cream colors.

Окрас шерсти должен составляться из хорошо смешанных
и кремового.

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Другие результаты

Brown-red, purplish-brown, or almost black

Red shoes, brown pants, and yellow sweater?

Green, red, and brown cabbage,

I thought colour-blind people couldn’t see red, green or brown.

Pseudo-morphozm is usually grey or

brown, but sometimes it can be red, pink, light-brown, yellow, blue or violet. Grinding and polishing makes the colour richer.

Окраска псевдоморфоз обычно невзрачная, серая или бурая, но иногда бывает мягкой красной, розовой, светло-коричневой, желтой или даже голубой до синей и фиолетовой.

steel hull tuning natural leather: red eel, brown cayman, cobra, python, sharks, alligators, ostrich, frog, crocodile, iguanas or monitor lizard.

Стальной корпус обтянутый натуральной кожей угря, крокодила, кобры, каймана, акулы, игуаны, варана…

Red dress, pretty, brown hair?

więcej» We have introduced Happy Garden Colored Wood Chips in 70 L packagings in the following colours: red, yellow, brown, green, blue and black; in 7.5 L packagings: red, yellow, brown, orange, blue and green.

więcej» Введена в продажу цветная древесная щепа «Happy Garden» в упаковках по 70 л красного, желтого
, коричневого
, зеленого, голубого и черного цветов, а также в упаковках по 7,5 л красного, желтого, коричневого, оранжевого, голубого и зеленого цветов.

There is white, yellow, red and brown Amber and more seldom even black, green and blue Amber.

Надо заметить, что, сам по себе, дворец очень красив. Он был построен в 1897 г. Феликсом Тышкевичем, сыном Йозефа Тышкевича.

Shoots brownish, on lighted side red-brown, glossy, with light strokes and lenticels.

Побеги буроватые, с освещенной стороны красно-бурые, блестящие, со светлыми полосками и чечевичками.

«Sheriff of Red Rock, Wayne Brown may have… a killer to murder his wife».

«Шерифу Ред Рок, Уэйн Браун, возможно… киллера для того, чтобы убить свою жену».

No matter which one it is — white, red or even brown.

red stele, red core root rot

, brown core rootrot

фитофтороз корней, покраснение осевого цилиндра корня

A brown suit, brown shoes, a white shirt a grayish tie with reddish-brown, or brownish-red, dots in it.

The procedures involve four stages of alert, brown, orange, yellow and red, the highest being red alert.

Red, green, blue, yellow, orange, baby blue, purple, pink, brown, mocca, avocado…

зеленый, синий, желтый, оранжевый, голубой, фиолетовый, розовый, лиловый, золотой, коричневый, кофе авокадо… (танцевальная музыка)

So a petite, brown— or red-haired woman with fake nails.


red-brown — перевод — Английский-Русский Словарь

en Red, brown, red?

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Ты ошибаешься!Чтоб тебя

en więcej» We have introduced Happy Garden Colored Wood Chips in 70 L packagings in the following colours: red, yellow, brown, green, blue and black; in 7.5 L packagings: red, yellow, brown, orange, blue and green.

Common crawlru Вы отдохнёте сегодня, или присоединитесь к группе?

en Shoots brownish, on lighted side red-brown, glossy, with light strokes and lenticels.

Common crawlru Так ты хочешь вертолет или самолет?

en So, later, I got up and I ran down that mountain and I found that the rocks weren’t grey at all — but they were red, brown and purple and gold.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Ты не лучше меня.Ты просто везучая

en We do not know the nature of the red-brown clouds.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Связь установлена

en Motovilin A. N. 2000. Responsiveness of oats varieties on fungicides application against red-brown spot.

Common crawlru ОК, в прошлом мне всегда давали подбирать сестёр

en Tubers may develop spraing (see also TRV): reddish-brown rings or lines on the tuber surface which extend as arcs of red-brown, necrotic tissue through the tuber flesh.

UN-2ru Давайте работать вместе

en I was walking along a woodland path when a slight rustling among the fallen leaves—a blaze of reds, browns, and yellows—caught my attention.

JW_2017_12ru Как будто кричит » стимпанк «, правда ведь?

en It used to be… red… brown!

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Йорик… не надо… не делай этого

en Tubers may have spraing (see also TRV): reddish-brown rings or lines on the tuber surface which extend as arcs of red-brown necrotic tissue through the tuber flesh.

UN-2ru Но она не просто прыгнула, она утонула

en Moreover, only trees that are 20 years old or more develop the yellow or red-brown heartwood that is suitable for bowmaking.

JW_2017_12ru Имя беглеца… доктор Ричард Кимбл

en Heather Lea Garrick’s designer yoga pants, yoga clothes, and yoga clothing uses stretch organic cotton, velvet, and crushed velvet (black, red, brown) in activewear yoga fabric. HLG’s spiritual clothes and comfortable yoga clothing brings you from dance studio to yoga studio!

Common crawlru Вы, господин поручик, не можете не знать, что в этой Польше как для Вас, так и для тысяч таких, как Вы, существует только один выход

en The fur is in a well-delineated mixture of red, brown and cream colors.

Common crawlru Если она так любит мужа, что она делает в этом отеле?

en And it culminated with the red-brown cells that, even today, on sites that I prefer not to mention, offer “grub” and a “hideout” for persons willing to “bump off” the “bosses” on the chancellor’s “payroll.”

ProjectSyndicateru Мы сможем жить там дешево, оставаться там, пока не надоест… и потом поехать дальше, так?

en Although diamonds are generally colorless, some have such tints as yellow, green, red, brown, blue, and black.

JW_2017_12ru Я же говорил тебе что не сдавал его, но ты же мне не веришь

en Brown-red, purplish-brown, or almost black

UN-2ru Она просто чудо

en Most are animals that spread easily and quickly, living all across the temperate zone in Eurasia, such as the tench and carp, common toad, slow-worm and grass snake, chaffinch, mallard and goshawk, red squirrel, brown hare, roe deer and red deer, all typical of the zone of broadleaved and mixed forests.

Common crawlru Если бы я знала, что это действительно ты, я бы так с тобой не обошлась

en He prepared a report describing his injuries as follows: «Left upper arm: livid-red and brown discoloration 10 x 8 cm with slightly raised red edges; right shoulder blade and shoulder: livid-red discolorations in the form of stripes 3 x 11 cm, and 4 x 6 cm on the shoulders; gluteal part of the body: blue-livid discolorations of the size of a man’s palm on both sides; outside of the left mid-thigh: distinct red stripe 3×5 cm; inside of right knee: light blue swelling 5×5 cm; area around ankle and soles (both legs): slight, light blue swelling.”

UN-2ru Так что это стимул

en He prepared a report describing his injuries as follows: “Left upper arm: livid-red and brown discoloration 10 x 8 cm with slightly raised red edges; right shoulder blade and shoulder: livid-red discolorations in the form of stripes 3 x 11 cm, and 4 x 6 cm on the shoulders; gluteal part of the body: blue-livid discolorations of the size of a man’s palm on both sides; outside of the left mid-thigh: distinct red stripe 3×5 cm; inside of right knee: light blue swelling 5×5 cm; area around ankle and soles (both legs): slight, light blue swelling.”

UN-2ru Я не могу убить этого человека

en Among the many other birds breeding there are the red-tailed tropic bird, the masked booby, the brown booby, the red-footed booby, the brown noddy, and the frigate bird.

JW_2017_12ru Да ладно, для этого нужны два ключа чтоб задействовать систему

en Red shoes, brown pants, and yellow sweater?

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Люди, которые живут на холодных островахТаких как Каваи и Майи Собираются у костра на Рождество

en The viscous, colorless secretion gradually turns red, then brown and plasticlike.

JW_2017_12ru Хочу напомнить всем вам, что операция секретная

en There is white, yellow, red and brown Amber and more seldom even black, green and blue Amber.

Common crawlru Это время свежего, чистого утреннего воздуха и звуков грохочущего бега табуна

en Don’t matter if you’re black, white, red or brown.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Я надеялась, что он тут- в Крепости

en Sun didn’t burn you red-red, just brown.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Ее психологическое состояние очень важно на этом этапе


Red brown по Русский, перевод, Английский-Русский Словарь

en Red, brown, red?

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Да, мы в опасности

en więcej» We have introduced Happy Garden Colored Wood Chips in 70 L packagings in the following colours: red, yellow, brown, green, blue and black; in 7.5 L packagings: red, yellow, brown, orange, blue and green.

Common crawlru А ты его спугнул!

en Shoots brownish, on lighted side red-brown, glossy, with light strokes and lenticels.

Common crawlru Ну, лютик, пора вставать

en So, later, I got up and I ran down that mountain and I found that the rocks weren’t grey at all — but they were red, brown and purple and gold.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Он готовится к условно- досрочному освобождению

en We do not know the nature of the red-brown clouds.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Ты любишь мороз?

en Motovilin A. N. 2000. Responsiveness of oats varieties on fungicides application against red-brown spot.

Common crawlru Ты что? издеваешься надо мной?

en Tubers may develop spraing (see also TRV): reddish-brown rings or lines on the tuber surface which extend as arcs of red-brown, necrotic tissue through the tuber flesh.

UN-2ru В & kig; имеется хорошая система преобразования

en I was walking along a woodland path when a slight rustling among the fallen leaves—a blaze of reds, browns, and yellows—caught my attention.

JW_2017_12ru Кто такой Бэн?

en It used to be… red… brown!

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Да, теперь я вспомнил

en Tubers may have spraing (see also TRV): reddish-brown rings or lines on the tuber surface which extend as arcs of red-brown necrotic tissue through the tuber flesh.

UN-2ru На кого я похож?

en Moreover, only trees that are 20 years old or more develop the yellow or red-brown heartwood that is suitable for bowmaking.

JW_2017_12ru Что это за больница такая?

en Heather Lea Garrick’s designer yoga pants, yoga clothes, and yoga clothing uses stretch organic cotton, velvet, and crushed velvet (black, red, brown) in activewear yoga fabric. HLG’s spiritual clothes and comfortable yoga clothing brings you from dance studio to yoga studio!

Common crawlru Чувак, здесь была дюжина нарушений

en The fur is in a well-delineated mixture of red, brown and cream colors.

Common crawlru Мистер Слоан должен присутствовать, чтобы разделить с Вами момент славы

en And it culminated with the red-brown cells that, even today, on sites that I prefer not to mention, offer “grub” and a “hideout” for persons willing to “bump off” the “bosses” on the chancellor’s “payroll.”

ProjectSyndicateru Но не будем забывать о ремонте автомобиля

en Although diamonds are generally colorless, some have such tints as yellow, green, red, brown, blue, and black.

JW_2017_12ru Мы бы хотели увидеть Руби Джейн Рейнольдс

en Brown-red, purplish-brown, or almost black

UN-2ru Ума ТурманДжанин Гарофало

en Most are animals that spread easily and quickly, living all across the temperate zone in Eurasia, such as the tench and carp, common toad, slow-worm and grass snake, chaffinch, mallard and goshawk, red squirrel, brown hare, roe deer and red deer, all typical of the zone of broadleaved and mixed forests.

Common crawlru Теперь тебе можно

en He prepared a report describing his injuries as follows: «Left upper arm: livid-red and brown discoloration 10 x 8 cm with slightly raised red edges; right shoulder blade and shoulder: livid-red discolorations in the form of stripes 3 x 11 cm, and 4 x 6 cm on the shoulders; gluteal part of the body: blue-livid discolorations of the size of a man’s palm on both sides; outside of the left mid-thigh: distinct red stripe 3×5 cm; inside of right knee: light blue swelling 5×5 cm; area around ankle and soles (both legs): slight, light blue swelling.”

UN-2ru Надо с этим что- то делать

en He prepared a report describing his injuries as follows: “Left upper arm: livid-red and brown discoloration 10 x 8 cm with slightly raised red edges; right shoulder blade and shoulder: livid-red discolorations in the form of stripes 3 x 11 cm, and 4 x 6 cm on the shoulders; gluteal part of the body: blue-livid discolorations of the size of a man’s palm on both sides; outside of the left mid-thigh: distinct red stripe 3×5 cm; inside of right knee: light blue swelling 5×5 cm; area around ankle and soles (both legs): slight, light blue swelling.”

UN-2ru Угостишь сигаретой?

en Among the many other birds breeding there are the red-tailed tropic bird, the masked booby, the brown booby, the red-footed booby, the brown noddy, and the frigate bird.

JW_2017_12ru Так, Бриджи, на этот раз я хочу, чтобы ты все сделала правильно

en Red shoes, brown pants, and yellow sweater?

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Спокойной ночи, Йоси

en The viscous, colorless secretion gradually turns red, then brown and plasticlike.

JW_2017_12ru Не хотите приобрести страховку на аренду, м- р Факер?

en There is white, yellow, red and brown Amber and more seldom even black, green and blue Amber.

Common crawlru Садитесь вот здесь

en Don’t matter if you’re black, white, red or brown.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Хорошо.Мама, сколько будет один плюс один?

en Sun didn’t burn you red-red, just brown.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Что ты думаешь о кольце?


Brown red по Русский, перевод, Английский-Русский Словарь

en Brown-red, purplish-brown, or almost black

Я же говорила тебе, что этот костюм самый лучший

en These black/brown/red brigades don’t just promise investigations and some sort of punishment for Russia’s privatized oligarchs and their allies in the bureaucratic den of thieves. Their agenda is a no nonsense hanging of the corrupt, a restoration through state subsidies of industrial (for large numbers of people) jobs, paying equal wages to everybody, and stopping crime by clamping down hard on the streets.

News commentaryru Артур, этот бой не за Рим

en Turquoise and blue, popular this year, have become the main collection colors, however, the summer series are also supplemented with wares made in brown, red, and orange tones.

Common crawlru Кто сидит рядом с нами?

en Very variable: first whitish, then pinkish-white, greyish, yellow‐ochre-brown, rusty brown, orangy brown, even dark brown, often dotted with brown red or dark reddish patches

UN-2ru Я могу не ехать на конференцию » Модель ООН «, хотя в России я мог бы носить меховую шапку

en Red, brown, red?

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Я думал, ты из магазинов воровала или ещё что

en Warm colour is created by brown, red and ochre paints.

Common crawlru На них и не было, зато у Луиса были

en Brown, red, orange.

Куча телефонных розеток, но нет самого телефона

en These black/brown/red brigades don’t just promise investigations and some sort of punishment for Russia’s privatized oligarchs and their allies in the bureaucratic den of thieves.

ProjectSyndicateru Всякий раз, когда Маршал вёл себя гипер- активно, его мама обычно решала, что он » болен » и давала ему лекарства от кашля пока он не прекращал

en The brown-red stones, the garnets, note their number.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Он, первый раз.Ты готов?

en Varieties made in the first century C.E. were of various colors, including light brown, red orange, and gray.

JW_2017_12ru Данный файл является закрытым ключом! Используйте менеджер ключей KGpg, чтобы импортировать его

en The onyx has white layers alternating with black, brown, red, gray, or green.

JW_2017_12ru Так вот как он собирается раскаяться- самоубийство!

en więcej» We have introduced Happy Garden Colored Wood Chips in 70 L packagings in the following colours: red, yellow, brown, green, blue and black; in 7.5 L packagings: red, yellow, brown, orange, blue and green.

Common crawlru Обыскали вокруг, оружия нет

en Among the many other birds breeding there are the red-tailed tropic bird, the masked booby, the brown booby, the red-footed booby, the brown noddy, and the frigate bird.

Пусть он умрет.Пусть они все умрут

en Onions come in different colors—white, yellow, brown, green, red, and purple.

JW_2017_12ru Пожалуйста не говорите ничего, пожалуйста не говорите ничего.

en Topaz may be colorless, but it also occurs in a great range of colors that include white, yellow, light brown, pinkish red, and sometimes pale green or blue.

JW_2017_12ru Кажется, он не виновен

en Its color ranges from snow white to numerous shades of gray, brown, yellow, red, green, and black.

JW_2017_12ru Время от времени я так и делаю.Но храм вечности восстанавливает меня снова

en High-yield types of brown and red-and-white dairy cattle were developed with an input of Swiss/American selected cattle and Holsteins of Dutch selection; an intra-breed type of thin-fleece sheep for meat production was developed with an input of German-bred merinos; and two intra-breed strains of Astrakhan sheep, four lines of high-yield milk horses of the Kushum breed and three lines of camel were developed

MultiUnru Почти в отставке и сейчас думаю поучавствовать в кубке Америке

en Because you have brown eyes, red hair and muscular legs.

OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru Что ты тут делаешь?

en Color scheme is green, beige, the color of cream, coffee with milk, soft yellows, browns, gold, red tomato and punicea, navy and gray with metallic surfaces.

Common crawlru Я вас отнесу

en Most are animals that spread easily and quickly, living all across the temperate zone in Eurasia, such as the tench and carp, common toad, slow-worm and grass snake, chaffinch, mallard and goshawk, red squirrel, brown hare, roe deer and red deer, all typical of the zone of broadleaved and mixed forests.

Common crawlru Всего доброго

en Tubers may develop spraing (see also TRV): reddish-brown rings or lines on the tuber surface which extend as arcs of red-brown, necrotic tissue through the tuber flesh.

UN-2ru Мне нравилось проводить время с вами, здесь на спящем вулкане, но

en Tubers may have spraing (see also TRV): reddish-brown rings or lines on the tuber surface which extend as arcs of red-brown necrotic tissue through the tuber flesh.

UN-2ru Мне хватило.Целых # лет

en Pseudo-morphozm is usually grey or brown, but sometimes it can be red, pink, light-brown, yellow, blue or violet. Grinding and polishing makes the colour richer.

Common crawlru Ну что, вы идёте?

en He prepared a report describing his injuries as follows: «Left upper arm: livid-red and brown discoloration 10 x 8 cm with slightly raised red edges; right shoulder blade and shoulder: livid-red discolorations in the form of stripes 3 x 11 cm, and 4 x 6 cm on the shoulders; gluteal part of the body: blue-livid discolorations of the size of a man’s palm on both sides; outside of the left mid-thigh: distinct red stripe 3×5 cm; inside of right knee: light blue swelling 5×5 cm; area around ankle and soles (both legs): slight, light blue swelling.”

UN-2ru И что будем делать?

en He prepared a report describing his injuries as follows: “Left upper arm: livid-red and brown discoloration 10 x 8 cm with slightly raised red edges; right shoulder blade and shoulder: livid-red discolorations in the form of stripes 3 x 11 cm, and 4 x 6 cm on the shoulders; gluteal part of the body: blue-livid discolorations of the size of a man’s palm on both sides; outside of the left mid-thigh: distinct red stripe 3×5 cm; inside of right knee: light blue swelling 5×5 cm; area around ankle and soles (both legs): slight, light blue swelling.”

UN-2ru Извините, но такого здесь нет


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