Экшн-игра «Zombieland: crazytown» от «Росквест» в Москве
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Независимый обзор экшн-игры «Zombieland» от компании «Росквест»
Возрастной рейтинг — 16+
Кто из нас не слышал о пользе физических упражнений? А признайтесь честно, кому действительно нравится наматывать круги на стадионе? Но век -21-й, жизнь — развивается, и вот вы уже можете быстро бегать и метко стрелять с самой важной целью — спасти человека! И не какого-то там «рядового Райна», а себя, любимого, и ближайших друзей, которые рискнут с вами отправиться на территорию яхт-клуба «Адмирал», на квест-экшн игру «Зомбиленд» от Росквеста.
Внутри трехпалубной яхты вам дадут настоящую страйкбольную винтовку на 8 патронов, фонарик, пожелают удачи — и вперед! Сразу надо сказать, что патронов на всех зомби не хватит, придется искать по ходу пьесы.
Да и зомби, к сожалению, патронами не убиваются, а только контузятся — помните, мы предупреждали о необходимости быстро бегать?
Квест про зомби, существовавшие до этого, никогда не были столь объемны и многолюдны. И вот Росквест подарил нам эту «экшн-игру с элементами хоррора», как они сами ее называют.
Подарок действительно царский: вы с товарищами оказываетесь в секретной лаборатории, на военном корабле, где вся команда давно превратилась в жутких монстров-зомби, жаждущих обглодать вас до косточек.
Вам помогает местный доктор, чудом выживший. Он знает корабль достаточно хорошо, чтобы помочь вам и себе заодно, спастись. Вы будете бежать по темным коридорам и врываться в заброшенные и заполненные туманом каюты, пол будет покачиваться, а плеск воды за бортом напомнит, что «люди делятся на живых и мертвых, и тех, кто плавает на кораблях».
Зомби будут гнаться за вами, иногда целой толпой, и патроны кончатся в самый неподходящий момент… Если вы когда-нибудь играли в Resident Evil, или смотрели фильмы с Милой Йовович на эту тему, вы понимаете, о чем идет речь.
Логических задач как таковых здесь не так много, очевидно, основной упор все же сделан на стрельбу по актерам-зомби. И, конечно, детей лучше оставить дома! А вот взять с собой сменную одежду крайне желательно. Ну, представьте — две тысячи квадратных метров заброшенного корабля, тяжелая винтовка, неумолимо нарастающий ритм погони — потом футболку хоть выжимай. Перед игрой вам еще выдадут очки и каску, для защиты глаз.
Не так уж часто это можно сказать с полным основанием, но в это раз, действительно, — квест Зомбилэнд – это новое слово в игровой индустрии Москвы. Динамичный сюжет с нарастающим темпом, много хорошо гримированных зомби, огромное пространство, мрачная атмосфера, ну и конечно, оружие в ваших руках, делают этот квест незабываемым приключением. Для любителей жанра, и для любителей пощекотать нервы явка обязательна. Фотосессия победителей с зомби на верхней палубе корабля станет прекрасным завершением этого опыта.
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Адмирал Зомби Ферма • Постройка игры, стадии
Адмирала можно купить в разделе Сделай сам, пройдя квест Суп:
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2 стадия — 250 10Колоннада
+ 15Гайка
+ 50Черепуша
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Видео — Призы в рулетке Адмирала в Зомби Ферме
Видео — Что копается под Адмиралом
Адмирал — Задание — World of Warcraft
Комментарий от MisterEver
I was running my level 12 Priest through Deadmines with my level 80 Druid. With the Druid, I initially picked up the first quest, The Foreman, but abandoned it because my Priest was not high enough (level 15 requirement) and figured I would come back and do them both together.When my Priest entered the Mast Room, the quest The Carpenter was automatically offered, even though he does not meet the level requirements and does not have the Stormwind Communicator Mk. II, yet my Druid got no quest.
Upon entering the Goblin Foundary area, the same thing happened with the quest The Machination; offered to my ineligible Priest just for walking through the door, but not to my eligible Druid.
Once walking onto the dock in the Ironclad Cove area, I was given the quest The Admiral, but upon completion, I was NOT given the follow-up quest, The Defias Kingpin.
I ran through the dungeon again, this time doing the quest line with my Druid, starting from the beginning, and was given every quest normally as I progressed through the dungeon, without incident.
Once my Priest reached level 15, I zoned back into Deadmines and Lieutenant Horatio Lane offered me both The Foreman and The Defias Kingpin at once.
TL;DR — Even if you are below level 15, it seems you can still do every quest in this chain except the first and the last.
I kept killing him too quickly to see if there are any more changes as the fight progresses, but it seems that as you damage him, he will disappear, and the area becomes shrouded in mist, out of which appear some mist-elemental-type creatures. After killing a certain number, or after a certain length of time progresses, Admiral Ripsnarl reappears. I got him to disappear and reappear twice before accidentally killing him.
If you are rep farming, it is worth noting that the elementals (as well as all of the targetable cannons in the zone) give +3 rep.
EDIT: I came back and tried this again. I got Admiral Ripsnarl to just above 50% health, and stopped damaging him. It seems the «Vapor» elemental adds will spawn indefinitely. It became nearly imposible to count the number of them by eye after 18 or so. They continued to spawn for well after that, until I grew bored and killed them all. Calculating by the rep gain, there turned out to have been 35 of them total.
Комментарий от rickmp3s
As a lvl 20 paladin, I got to the door leading to the Admiral, but the door is locked. Where’s the key?Адмирал Тейлор — Задание — World of Warcraft
Адмирал Тейлор выяснил, кто за всем этим стоит. Он велел нам спасти всех, кого сможем… хотел разобраться в произошедшем самостоятельно.Больше мы его не видели, ведь мы не можем ослушаться приказа.
Пожалуйста… пожалуйста, найди его. Он отправился к ферме.
Благодарю тебя, как командир командира…Мы ведь с тобой не раз встречались на поле боя. Вайш’ир… Нефритовый лес… Львиный лагерь…
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Адмирал Тейлор — Задание — World of Warcraft
Комментарий от JiwaCranktopple
Rest in Peace… champion.Комментарий от Dayta
Quest Video ( YouTube Link )Showing the Quest beeing done from start to end
English — Admiral Taylor
German — Admiral Taylor
Комментарий от Brielle1202
If he doesn’t transform into soulscythe, abandon and come backКомментарий от Kilroy7456
he deserved better than being offed in a sidequest.Комментарий от Titface
If the quest doesnt continue from » Find Admiral Taylor» Try to unmount when you run to there.. It worked for me 🙂Комментарий от Ryawy
My questing buddy and I needed a moment after this one… ;~;Комментарий от firedogbryan
At least they added an Admiral Taylor shrine to Southport.The feels.
Комментарий от Vegasduck
If you have problems getting him to transform into Soulscythe then just log out and log back in and that will make him transform.Комментарий от Xbander
If you’re looking to get him as a follower, one does not simply go straight to Admiral Taylor. You must first do the opening quests at the northern tip of the Spires of Arak with the Arakkoa (bird people) Reshad, who will lead you to their village and after his quests free Jasper Fel. Then he will meet you at Southport. You must then choose your outpost there, Jasper will then send you on a quest to investigate Taylor’s Garrison, and some more quests with all the dead people. Then Admiral Taylor will join you.Комментарий от elfiemyrtle
Unexpected, and unfair. Right in the feels.Комментарий от mimose
In case you are in a party — leave it and run unmounted to the guy 🙂 then it worksКомментарий от Surfersanela
I Cried …Комментарий от neotsn
Had trouble getting the quest to trigger the objectives, for me it was a combination of the solutions mentioned:1. Drop Group
2. Abandon quest
3. Log out, back in
4. Pick up quest
5. Walk to the quest zone
6. Rejoin group once everyone is there and the quest has triggered the first phase.
Комментарий от casonator
Blizzard! NOOOOOOOO! WHY!Too many characters have already died this expansion!
Комментарий от Valdan
This quest is part of a major quest line for your garrison Salvage Yard.Below is what is needed to acquire it.
See NPC: Reshad <Scrollkeeper> : He will lead you to the village to get the quests you need to open up at Southport.
1) One of Our Own
2) Inspecting the Troops
3) Admiral Taylor
4) Pinchwhistle Gearworks — If you went here and didn’t complete the above, you wont be able to interact with Watchman Kovak. Admiral Taylor is required to be completed.
5) Defungination
**BEFORE the next quest is offered you need to do the following TWO quests:
*1) Spore-Be-Gone
*2) Unwanted Pests
6) The Mother Lode
7) Getting the Crew Back Together
8) Follow that Hotrod!
9) Field Trial
10) Skimming Off The Top
11) The Right Parts for the Job
12) Sporicide
13) Curing With Force
14) Preventing the Worst
15) Flame On!
Garrison Blueprint: Salvage Yard, Level 1
Follower: Kimzee Pinchwhistle
Follower: Admiral Taylor <Commander>
Комментарий от yzq85
To gain more insight into how Taylor’s garrison was undermined, you’ll need to find the key to unlock Сундук адмирала Тейлора. Details are found over there.Wrathion definitely had a role in the affair. Maybe, Madame Goya as well.
Комментарий от Alshandar
The Alliance never forgets its heroes, and you Taylor are one of the finest. Everytime I do this questline I get filled with sadness at his loss and rage at the way they got rid of him…!@#$ you Blizzard…seriously…
Комментарий от sitecow09
Taylor’s rival Nazgrim may have served Garrosh, but he died on his feet, fighting for what he believed in like a true warrior.Taylor got stabbed in the back by his own troops and perverted into undeath. Whoever is behind this, whether it be the Shadow Council, cult of the damned or even Sylvanas, this «Dark One» Ephiel spoke of is going to have hell to pay!
Комментарий от Rekira
Alliance:If you are trying to get Адмирал Тейлор / Бенджамин Гибб (Taylor) as your companion:
Старые знакомые starts the quest-line at Admiral Taylor’s garrison.
Complete Заместитель командира, Полевой суд, Забить снаряды в пушку to receive Адмирал Тейлор
After completing Адмирал Тейлор you’ll recieve a quest called Honoring A Hero that leads you back to Southport. There you will find Taylor and he will give you: По старой дружбе. Receive Taylor and you are finished!
Комментарий от niffboy
I salute him every time I see him in my garrison.Комментарий от Signetcross
I just completed this quest on my enhancement shaman not realizing enhancement shamans dont get any loot AT ALL if they are loot pref enhancement. not even the stupid dagger boot knife. even though we can use daggers they’re not for us.Utter BS. It’s so hard to play an enhance shaman these days when majority of agility weaponry is a frikkin sword.
Комментарий от onecrazykid
After playing primarily Alliance toons from LK through Pandaria, I made 2 horde toons in MoP. First toon I leveled through WoD was a horde. I got to this quest and I got really upset and sad. I was like «NOOO! TAYLOR!» I knew then I would not look forward to doing it as Alliance.I just completed it on my Alliance toon, knowing I was prepared knowing he was dead. What I was not prepared for was «We’ve been through a lot together, haven’t we? Vashj’ir… the Jade Forest… Lion’s Landing…» and then back at the outpost «we’ve been through hell and back together more times than I can count…We can bring the fight to orcish scum together, just like old times.»
Right as I read that, some ninja snuck into my place and started cutting onions.
Find peace, brother.
Комментарий от GitGudGuides
Admiral Taylor http://youtu.be/5ENdEN2Vl_gКомментарий от footmenn
Who ever killed taylor I will personally slice off their head and hang it as a trophy in my garrison for killing the only person who I really respected in the alliance whether wrathion or goya I have an axe to sharpen /salute Admiral taylor the feels man….the feelsКомментарий от PerryGatner
Blizzard really screwed big time now.With so much diversity in his weaponry, Admiral Taylor is obviously a Hunter not a Warrior.
Комментарий от Aurleis1
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wXBhRoEZGUPick up the quest from Джаспер Скверн
1. Старые знакомые — (Video) — Travel north, out of Southport to Admiral Taylor’s Garrison at coords 39.2, 49.0, and turn in the quest to Джаспер Скверн.
2. Я вижу умерших людей — (Video) — Kill Призрачный работник and Встревоженный надсмотрщик around the outside of Admiral Taylor’s Garrison until you have looted Чертеж Брайана Финна.
• Return to Брайан Финн to turn in the item and quest.
3. Последняя просьба — (Video) — Enter Admiral Taylor’s Garrison and attack mobs inside to retrieve 6 Сущность привидения.
• Once done, enter the inn (entrance @ coords 37.7, 51.3), go upstairs and click on Элис Финн, who will be laying down on a bed, and select «Show the spectral essences to Alice.» Next, turn in the quest to her.
4. Недостающее звено — (Video) — Go to the basement of the Inn and kill Командир стражи Брансон.
• Turn in the quest, at the top of the stairs to Элис Финн.
5. Заместитель командира — (Video) — Exit the Inn and travel to the Barracks at Admiral Taylor’s Garrison (entrance @ coords 37.4, 53.4).
• Turn in this quest to Сэр Эдвард and pick up Полевой суд.
• Pick up the quest Забить снаряды в пушку from Леди Клаудия.
6. Забить снаряды в пушку — (Video) — Exit the Barracks, and turn left, to loot the Пушка арсенала in front of the Town Hall at coords , 36.5, 53.5.
• Loot 10 Пушечное ядро in the area of the entrances to the Barracks & Town Hall.
• Полевой суд — While completing this step of quest chain, kill 6 traitors (Герой-изменник, Страж-заговорщик, Пленный житель or Канонир-отступник).
• Turn in both quests inside Admiral Taylor’s Garrison Barracks, and pick up Адмирал Тейлор from Леди Клаудия.
7. Адмирал Тейлор — (Video) — Exit the Barracks and turn left, traveling to coords 36.9, 56.9.
• Wait for Admiral Taylor to turn into Вырезатель Душ, and then kill it.
• Next kill Эфиал.
• Turn in the quest to Адмирал Тейлор at coords 36.9, 56.9.
• NOTE: After completing Step 7, you can go back to Southport and recruit Адмирал Тейлор / Бенджамин Гибб.
Комментарий от Deathonacake
For some reason, it would not trigger when in a group. I abandoned it, got it again, mounted, dismounted, and nothing worked until I dropped the group, then it triggered instantly.Комментарий от kerrymayall
Boneeeeestormmmmmm!Комментарий от DELLsFan
I thought I was the only one who mourned for Admiral Taylor. We HAD been through so much together.I was NOT happy with how you offed him, Blizzard. I mean — really? 🙁
Комментарий от Boomerasp
Well, I’m where I’m supposed to be, Capt. Taylor just looks at me like a moron and says NOTHING! What do I do now? (I know — submit a ticket and wait two weeks for a response).You know — we spend the money to play the game. As far as I’m concerned, Blizzard ought to put a little more effort into keeping the quests operable — am I wrong?
Комментарий от Boxofbeer
Admiral Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ6WyTnNsu4Комментарий от Ivanqus
If Claudia is not active for you, you should start the chain here:Старые знакомые
Комментарий от Nymphia
Admiral Taylor died in this reality not normal timeline, like prophet velen death.Комментарий от Megedagik
If you are having problems getting Soulscythe to spawn… and you have flying… and you flew in to the area where Admiral Taylor is.. don’t fly in.. walk or ground mount it in.Комментарий от mghostly
After looking through the comments here I found I had to do a few quests before I could pick up the quest Old Friends.You will need to speak with Azik in Spires of Arak. If you use coordinates he located roughly around 37.82, 17.81. If you don’t use coordinates he is located on the road headed into Spires of Arak from the southern end of Talador.
1. The Shadows of Skettis – Talk to Reshad and tell him “Shadows Gather…”
2. Hidden in Plain Sight
3. Adherents of the Sun God
4. Orders From on High
5. The Crone – Talk to Ornekka and tell him “Shadows Gather…”
6. A Charming Deception
7. All Due Respect
8. Echo Hunters
9. Syth’s Secret
10. A Gathering of Shadows
11. One of Our Own
12. Inspecting the Troops
13. Orders, Commander?
14. Old Friends
15. I See Dead People
16. A Parting Favor
17. A Piece of the Puzzle
18. Second in Command
19. Punishable by Death
20. Prime the Cannons
21. Admiral Taylor
22. Honoring A Hero
23. For Old Times’ Sake – you obtain Admiral Taylor as your follower!
I hope this helps…I am posting this pretty late so if there are mistakes I apologize. Be kind.
Комментарий от Destructor2012
So I’ve been leveling a new toon and I noticed that if you don’t turn the quest in after completing it and then you relog to fix the Ephial’s Dark Grimoire bug, you won’t be able to turn this quest in as Admiral Taylor despawns.Pretty annoying how buggy this section is. It’d be nice if they take the time to go back and fix all of these wonky bugs.
Комментарий от Fynger
He was struck down and became more powerful than they could possibly imagine.ru.wowhead.com
Небесный адмирал Роджерс — NPC
Комментарий от Fernasc
I grew up in Southshore. My parents are buried there — what’s left of them.Time to get revenge I guess
Комментарий от selvin
If you click her she says:The Skyfire has had a complete overhaul since our encounter with Deathwing! We now carry a full complement of both fixed wing and gyro aircraft as well as a battery of 18-inch smoothbore shore bombardment cannons.
The Horde won’t be able to hide from her reach. Not on land, not at sea, not from in the air.
The player then asks
You really have it in for the Horde, don’t you?
She resonds with:
I grew up in Southshore. My parents are buried there — what’s left of them.
Комментарий от PkMnHunter
Opening Dialogue:«This is the most powerful ship in the fleet.»
«What’s the situation?»
«Victory in battle is the only path to peace.»
Closing Dialogue:
«Show them what we’re made of!»
«For the Alliance!»
«Do your duty, soldier.»
Rallying speech aboard the Skyfire: Video
«Men, you’ve trained for this. You’re amoung the elite. You are Skyfire men! This is the ship that took down Deathwing. You think some raggedy little Horde outpost stands a chance against the pride of the Alliance fleet? NO! Those green dirtbags down there plagued your homes in Southshore, laid siege to your children in Redridge, and massacred every man, woman, and child in Theramore. It. Is. PAYBACK TIME!»
Комментарий от Azaram
They’ve added a ‘no peckerhead’ box around her. You can’t get close enough to obstruct her with a big fatass mount.About time…
Комментарий от Starnet
Hate her. She’s nothing but a bloodthirsty, warmongering #$%^&. Made me sick when she gleefully ordered the execution of helpless prisoners. I hope she gets possessed by the Sha at some point so I can kill her.Комментарий от Evwan
You can see her floating around at jade forest.she is indeed a sky admiral.
Комментарий от RogalDorn
I grew up in Southshore. My parents are buried there — what’s left of them.
Must surely be a Starship Troopers reference.
Комментарий от taurenmoo812
Talk about being full of #$%^.«this is the ship that took down deathwing»
Yeah? And who actually killed deathwing in the end you dumb $%^&*? Thats right, an Orc!
God I loath characters like this, self justified in there hate that they miss major details.
Комментарий от Jaunter
I love this admiral! I’ve never cared for the orcs ever since Hellscream took over Orgrimmar and he authorized the bombing of Theramore. So the orcs helped against the Burning Legion just so they could take over from where the same Legion left off. Yeah, the Alliance should be so grateful… NOT.Комментарий от MABGamer6407
I was expecting her to turn into a Sha. She has quite a lot of Rage on her mind. Not the Friendly type. Yet still Honorable to her people. I am impressed that she managed to survive though out the expansion, unlike a lot of Npcs who succumbed to the Sha’s might.Комментарий от Sellanor
Gossip: These pandaren seem like good people.They’re reluctant to get embroiled in our war, but after a few weeks of dealing with the Horde, I have no doubt they’ll all come around to our side.
Комментарий от taurenmoo812
I seriously hate this ^&*!@. People say they like her because of her over aggressive hatred for the horde, but heres the thing, ITS COMPLETELY FORCED ON THE STORY. She never appeared anywhere in the game before, she’s only appeared at the started of pandaland with this hate filled rhetoric, and we’re meant to feel sorry for her and find that engaging.But she isn’t a character, she’s a forced fan service that only exists to play to players moronic faction fanboyism, and if all blizzard can do to make that faction hate/loyalty crap is make up characters with no backstory, then I won’t see them as anything but &*!@.
Комментарий от HinataObsession
She is very bitter, but it is well warranted. She is also a good Admiral.«…But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people.» ~ King Menethil
She does exactly that. It does not matter if what she says is 100% true or not. She did what she was supposed to do and that is boost morale for her soldiers
Note: Why do they never show what footwear the character has in these articles?