Где найти и как фармить?
Астральный Вьюнок — новое растение, которое могут собирать гербалисты в патче 7.3. Согласно игровому лору, это растение очень чувствительно. И, если собирающий его имеет помыслы нечистые, то Астральный Вьюнок гибнет — самоуничтожается.
Поэтому полагается собирать его имея в голове представление о том, что вы будете использовать его во благо — не себе, но окружающим. Такое вот благородное растение, механика сбора которого требует незаурядных навыков двоемыслия. Во благо окружающим… боты и аукционные магнаты должны будут очень постараться, чтобы “очистить” свои помыслы. Впрочем, ботам вообще все равно=)
Учителем травничества и спецом по освоению новой травы выступает крокул-алхимик Фунен. Он же расскажет, как нужно ДУМАТЬ, чтобы ДЕЛАТЬ.

Где найти Астральный Вьюнок?
Растение встречается на Аргусе повсеместно. В локациях, не тронутых скверной (таких, как МакАри) Астральный Вьюнок растет в обычном виде. В подконтрольных демонам областях имеет привычный вид оскверненной травы.
Собирая траву, можно изучить 3 ранга навыка, первый повышает количество собираемого ресурса, а второй дает шанс найти Изначальный Саргерит, необходимый реагент для крафта, например, для Изначального Аннигилята. Третий и вовсе вешает ХоТ, периодически исцеляющий персонажа.
По впечатлениям Кувалдыча встречается не реже, чем любая другая трава Легиона, хотя из-за непростого пейзажа фармить его столь же неприятно, как Лисоцвет в Крутогорье.
Постижение алхимии — Задание — World of Warcraft
Комментарий от voldyton
Provides rank 1 for Звездный алхимический каменьКомментарий от Isyali
Does not give you the stone; only the recipe. The reagents are consumed for no other reward… >_>Комментарий от genophilia
For future readers turning in this quest scouring their bags for their new trinket. You’ll be disappointed. All the quest items are consumed, and you only learn the recipe Звездный алхимический камень. Don’t use your Infernal Alchemist Stone if it’s in your trinket slot, buy a spare.Комментарий от drmark1
If you want to make the Primal Sargerite, the cost is 25 Blood of Sargeras. For what we get this is insanely expensive. Not seeing that they added anything really useful with 7.3 to Alchemy.Комментарий от tclark118
I came here because I foresaw doom in this quest because when I finally got all the herbs gathered, the stone equipped on me was the only one I had.I went to Dalaran, dropped THAT stone (my upgraded 900 piece) in my bank, left one stone in inventory, and ported back to Argus. I saw Funen to turn in the quest.
This left me at no possible risk of losing my geared stone. Sorry BlizzDev, but this REQUIRES a hotfix. To make a quest for a profession where you can lose a major piece of gear is HIGHLY unacceptable. I realize we are filling the slot with something else, but I will keep the larger amount of Obliterum Ash that results from Obliterating the old piece, thank you.
Комментарий от merlinver
Has anyone been able to turn it in with Astral Glory they bought on the AH? The quest log isn’t giving me credit for having the 75 Astral Glory even though I have 90 in my bags. I tried putting them into the bank, closing it and then taking them back out — but it didnt help. I don’t have all the Primal Sargerite yet, so I can’t test it myself.Комментарий от Grobb
Just had a chat with a GM, who returned my Infernal Stone and said it is a known bug to be hotfixed and that the quest is NOT intended to consume your stone. However, he said it IS intended that you have to use all the other mats up to learn the recipe and you are NOT intended to get a Astral Stone.So you actuayl need 150 Astral Glory and 10 Sargerite for your first one.
Комментарий от Nimbonya
Received an offline GM response today claiming that it is NOT a bug that the quest consumes all related materials, Infernal Stone included.I understand you believe the Ascending Alchemy quest removing your Alchemist stone trinket is a bug. I can let you know officially this is actually not considered a bug. The quest was specifically designed to do that.This being said, if you think it should be changed you would want to suggest it to our developers with the new ingame suggestion feature or in our forums at http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/. Check out https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/300739 for more info.
I assure you though that our developers read through them daily to keep tabs on what our players are thinking about and what concerns them most. I always suggest that if you are going to post on the suggestion forums to get your fellow players to back you up on there because the more players that agree the more weight a suggestion hold with our developers :»).
Which I think is some BS personally, that Sargerite is not easy to get on a toon with double-crafting profs, Or at all from what I’ve been told.
Комментарий от Toxijuice
Grabbed my Инфернальный алхимический камень from my bank after collecting the other materials, but it did not give me the quest progress. I tried both putting it back in and taking it out, as well as depositing it and withdrawing from guild bank. In the end, vendoring it and buying it back was the only thing that gave me the quest progress.Комментарий от saggyass
Quest was marked as completed for me, but could not turn it in. Turns out the Astral Glory and Primal Sargerite were in my bank AND that I only had 3 Primal Sargerites. The other 2 I had used to make Primal Obliterum. So check bags before trying to turn in the completed quest!Комментарий от georgia221
this is the same thing as if you were an engineer and you wanted to learn how to make a sky golem and the trainer asks you to get the materials needed for the mount and then you gather all the materials and then the vendor consumes them and then you have to gather all the materials all over again. For alchemy Astral Glory is new so its expensive on the AH and Primal Sargerite you get from world quests and daily there is about 2 world quests rewarding it and on good days 3 and if you’re lucky theres a reward for a large amount, if you do Argus daily then you’d likely have a lot of it, but i like to use it to upgrade my trinket, id use 5 to create it but 10? i just started argus today. This is the dumbest profession quest in the game like ever.Комментарий от WillySWG
I’m stuck on this quest, not because of the stuff posted previously, but a mundane problem, albeit still a road block to me so far.I just started alchemy / herbalism and was using Broken Isles + Argus to speed up the process, since I had a few bags of ancient herbs that I got my alchemy raised to 110+.
I got the 75 Astral Glory, have had the Primal Sargerite for quite some time, pre-dating picking up these two professions earlier today.
My problem is : I’ve visited both Patricia’s, the one in Legion Dalaran and took a Zep to the old school Dalaran and _NEITHER_ vendor has the recipe to make the Infernal Alchemist Stone (which is like I said, a 110 recipe and I’ve just gotten to 110, taking the sideways approach to both professions).
Does anyone know what I have to do to find the recipe, it looks like the recipes that are on the Legion Patricia, but it wasn’t one of the 4-5 she offered. The old school Patricia didn’t offer any recipes, just vials.
Комментарий от Stompa
To those wondering how to get an Инфернальный алхимический камень to complete this quest:You can craft the Infernal Alchemist Stone yourself, provided you have made enough progress through the Alchemy quests.
Check first with Патрисия Еган (who sells you most of the new recipes) and see if the Level 1 recipe Рецепт: инфернальный алхимический камень is available. If you can buy it — great. If not, you’ll need to continue doing the quests until you repair the Demonsbreath Crucible (in and around Казематы Стражей: желчь демона) and then Patricia will sell it to you.
EDIT: The Stone is BOE so if you want to shortcut past doing the quests you might be able to buy one from another Alchemist.
Комментарий от Shigy
Some warning before they steal a piece of my equipment would be nice. Or straight up not used an equipped item for a quest turn in. I now have to get an item to remake my infernal one. Which will be a downgrade from the one I had and then farm the mats needed to upgrade it to the new one.Terrible design IMO.
Комментарий от Emorle
Is this quest bugged? I have all the necessary materials, but when I go to turn them in, the game freezes and then crashes to the desktop.Комментарий от Eluria
Where can I pick this quest up? I am maxxed JC, and have done all previous JC quests. I can’t seem to find anyone giving this quest. Any help is appreciated!Комментарий от IntrovertGenius
Can someone help me with this. I am trying to complete this quest. Have been going back to Legion stuff to try and complete what I can. So, I have gotten everything I need, including the Infernal Alchemist Stone, but, I don’t know how to turn it into a Bound Infernal Alchemist Stone. I thought that just meant soulbinding it to my character, which I have done, but, it is not marking off that part of the quest as to being complete. Is there something I am misunderstanding? Is the quest bugged? How should I proceed if it is bugged? Should I drop the quest and reacquire it? Thanks in advance.Комментарий от Macondor
I had an add-on which blocked the button that pops up to change your Infernal Alchemist Stone into a Bound Infernal Alchemist Stone. Initially I assumed that the quest called for a «Soulbound» IAS, and it took a little tinkering to figure out you have to take an action step to convert it.ru.wowhead.com
Слава Аргуса — Задание — World of Warcraft
<Дивный цветок увял у вас на глазах. Интересно, знает ли кто в этом покинутом Светом месте, как правильно собирать эту бесценную траву…>
Вижу, ты попытался сорвать астральный вьюнок. Ни у кого с первого раза не получается сделать это правильно, потому что нужно знать секрет.Цветок обладает уникальным свойством: ощущая угрозу, он лишает себя силы и погибает.
Когда срываешь его, очень важно делать это не с намерением причинить ему вред, а напротив – защитить. По иронии судьбы мы все равно уничтожаем его в процессе переработки и производства.
Но тебе придется прибегнуть к этому обману, чтобы цветок добровольно вверил тебе свою судьбу.
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