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Предвестник рока – Внезапные любовники / Divinity: Original Sin 2

Внезапные любовники / Divinity: Original Sin 2

Внезапные любовники – это побочный квест в Divinity: Original Sin 2. На Райских холмах нам повстречались духи. Они говорили о ведьме, которая недавно пробегала здесь вместе с каким-то предателем. Может быть, стоит разузнать, что к чему.

Важные NPC

Найдите Альмиру в разрушенном доме [1] на северо-востоке карты. Согласитесь убить Предвестника рока [2].

Убейте Предвестника и членов Черного Круга, а затем вернитесь к Альмире.

Вы можете позволить Альмире поцеловать вас, чтобы получить дополнительное очко Истока. Кроме того, если вы согласитесь, то Альмира попросит вас найти для нее древнюю скрижаль (задание «Просьба Альмиры»).

Структура задания

На Райских холмах нам повстречались духи. Они говорили о ведьме, которая недавно пробегала здесь вместе с каким-то предателем. Может быть, стоит разузнать, что к чему.

На ферме мы нашли Альмиру, сильную колдунью из Черного Круга, которая полюбила Микаля, магистра-стражника, что охранял ее в плену. Они бежали вместе, но теперь застряли здесь: Микаль тяжело ранен. Альмира предлагает помочь нам в освоении силы Истока, если мы поможем им.

Мы решили выяснить, откуда взялась странная гнилостная завеса на севере, которая оказывает влияние на всю округу.

Мы обнаружили источник покрова разложения – ужасную тварь Пустоты.

Тварь Пустоты, создавшая покров разложения, мертва.

Мы должны расчистить путь для Альмиры и Микаля.

Нужно сопроводить Микаля в безопасное место. Альмира сможет позаботиться о себе сама.

Мы проводили пару в безопасное место.

Микаль погибает:

Альмира враждебна:

  • Альмира, разъяренная смертью возлюбленного, напала на нас.

Альмира погибает:

  • Альмира мертва.

Согласиться/Отказаться от поцелуя Альмиры:

  • Альмира поведала нам, что она – суккуб. Чтобы получить обещанную силу Истока, нам нужно ее поцеловать, хотя в таком случае мы рискуем стать ее рабами. Однако мы согласились и повысили свое мастерство владения Истоком.
  • Альмира поведала нам, что она – суккуб. Чтобы получить обещанную силу Истока, нам нужно ее поцеловать, хотя в таком случае мы рискуем стать ее рабами. Мы отказались.

Покинуть Побережье Жнеца, не выполнив задание:

  • Мы покинули Побережье Жнеца, так и не узнав ничего о странной паре беглецов.
  • Мы покинули Побережье Жнеца, так и не сумев помочь Альмире и Микалю.


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Divinity Original Sin 2 прохождение. Подробнее на: http://rosdesign.com/design_materials7/divinity-original-sin-2.htm.

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Одеяние вестника рока — Предмет


Комментарий от prinnygod

Greetings, good man. Might I trouble you for a drink?

Комментарий от wiegrafzerolok

¿Homero? ¡Ay! ¿Quién es Homero? ¡Mi nombre es Cosme Fulanito!

Комментарий от tooltip

This item was not marked deprecated like Kvaldir Seaweed Disguise was during beta, so it’s possible that «Guy Incognito» Costume may still make an eventual appearance in the game.

Комментарий от Deathcam

As to what i know about this «Hidden Toy» so far is that from a beta / alpha build is was said Chester from darkmoon faire sold it. could be something a player has to to to trigger him (like the scarlet sets if you have the tabard) to sell you the toy or blizzard might have changed they way to obtain the toy.

Комментарий от dakyras

Patch 7.0 to 7.3.5 this was toy: «A 3-piece costume set that contains a moustache, monocle, and top hat.» Hence the weird screenshot of an ogre NPC wearing a top hat, monocle and bushy ‘stache and the other comments referencing a Simpsons episode. Never found by players in its original incarnation.
Became toy from 7.3.5.

Комментарий от JProgrammer

Spent an hour farming the Twilight Outpost in Silithus and no drop, so might be from another source.

Комментарий от Lomkail

Did anyone get this yet? Where does it drop exactly?

Комментарий от TheFlyingHawk

The Twilight Stonecaller NPCs in Old Silithus level up to 110 (as does the rare spawning around the camps, Lord Everun), maybe this has something to do with them? Probably not, but seeing as how all the other mobs are stuck at level 60… They still drop the old cowls, mantles, robes and texts, with «level appropriate» (iL 54, requires level 51) loot and runecloth. Or they could just be Call of the Scarab related.

Комментарий от Nekyr

Might not be available yet, more story to the silithus campaign over the coming weeks might introduce the mobs that it comes from?

Edit: Niixten has provided a tweet from Muffinus which states its obtainable already.

Комментарий от vixeliaeonar

why was this stuff included in patch notes , if it is not even in the game yet. blizz losing its touch

Комментарий от Niixten

Одеяние вестника рока is available in-game right now

Комментарий от Bazrzokh

Muffinus confirmed it can be obtained as of right now :

Комментарий от Mada1337

Spent a hour and a half farming mobs (twilight cultists). No drop.

Комментарий от bradybunch

I’ve tried killing various mobs in new Silithus, nothing. Killed Ogmot the Mad today, he dropped a journal called «Ogmot’s Dream Journal». It contained the text: «Ogmot was just puny boy fightin at da war camp when da Masters first blessed me wit da visions. I come to Silithus, to da great wound, seekin wonders. Make Ogmot your vessel, Masters! Last night, Ogmot dreams of great battle. Two fleets bashin on ocean of blood. Shadows twistin beneath da ships, rising. Risin. Ogmot so happy watchin da carnage! Then Ogmot gets waked up by skitterin sounds. Stupid bugs! Dont matter. Ogmot knows dese dreams soon come true. Life come back to dis wasted land. First da bugs come. Now da gobbies skulkin round… Dey dravin da world blood… Ogmot am sure of it! BAH! Let dem ha dese drippins! Soon Ogmot gonna drink rivers of blood! Da Masters promise!»

Комментарий от TanpoSongai

sounds like the doomsayer cultists from around daralan + one of them having their robes washed by the gnome above the toy store…

Комментарий от SentientDreamer

Secret Finding Discord had reports that the Robes drop off of a mob and we’re on farm status for that mob to verify. No info until we confirm/deny that we’ve found the source.

Комментарий от Xreaper

Doomsayers Robes drop of off city guards in Stormwind and Orgrimmar! We have drops on both sides to confirm it! Horray for the Secret Findings Discord.

Credit to shifmen for the first finding, Ataxus and me for the second, and Vykodin for the third!

EDIT: Reports say Charles Gastly (/way 51.0, 55.6) in Orgrimmar drops it at a fairly high rate. Estimated drop chance on guards is ~1% or lower.

EDIT: Reports say Gordon MacKellar (/way 42.72, 76.2) in Stormwind drops it at a fairly high rate. (##RESPBREAK##)2##DELIM##perculia##DELIM##

Комментарий от flatluigi

As discovered by the Secret Finding Discord on Jan 30, this toy drops from any NPCs in your opposing faction’s main city (Orgrimmar or Stormwind). An easy NPC for Alliance is Чарльз Гастли by the zeppelins, while Horde can kill any Штормградский стражникs. It’s a low% drop, so be prepared to be in the city for a good while.

Комментарий от w7654e

The horde killable mob that drops these with a high chance is Гордон Маккелар at coords 42.75 76.27

Комментарий от Ampdk

For Horde it drops from Гордон Маккелар in the Mage Quarter in the Pyrotechnics building Coords 42.8, 76.6
For Alliance it drops from Чарльз Гастли up on the flight pad next to the Tirisfal Glades Zeppelin Master Coords 51,55

Комментарий от Niixten

I got Одеяние вестника рока after 32 attempts from Гордон Маккелар

Комментарий от Adradia

Beware! The dead Charles despawns very fast… And if the Zeppelin from UC is there u might wanna wait with killing him — the Guards on this ship will shoot at you and this will kick you from the tower…. He was clowing and dead — i was like «yay» but the guards where like «lol nope»

Комментарий от Questcequece

Thanks once again to the Secret Finding Discord community for the hard work!

For Alliance: Charles Ghastly (Orgrimmar 51, 55, killed 6:21a, respawned 6:29a) dropped the Robes on my second kill.

I went there early in the A.M. when there was hardly any horde players around and saw no other alliance players. I used prowl between kills to hide from pathing guards that fly close to the tower. You can kill them at a chance for the Robes, but so far, reports suggest that Charles has the highest chance to drop the robes, so I stuck to killing just the guards and Charles on/within the tower, as I didn’t want it spiraling out of control. The platform just SW of the Tirisfal Zeppelin platform is not used by a zeppelin and is relatively a safe place to wait for Charles’ respawn.

Warning: Charles runs for help, «Guards! Help me!». I would advise killing the guards between spawns, as any close enough when he yells will agro, even the ones downstairs in the tower. But, they are easy enough to dispatch.

Charles had no loot, except for when the Robes dropped. So if you see the corpse sparkling, rejoice! 🙂

Loot him ASAP as he despawns rather quickly.

If you plan to go solo as I did, use a character that has the ability to Shadowmeld, Prowl, Invisibility, or Invisibility Potions, etc. to keep you off the radar of horde players and pathing guards. I used my druid and was able to fly right into Orgrimmar from Hyjal and land on the tower without alerting any of the flying guards. I was in and out within 15 minutes. I imagine, as this new find becomes well known, griefers will come out making it increasingly difficult to acquire.

Edit: You cannot loot the Robes in a raid. Shadggypaw, thanks for the confirmation that contrary to earlier rumor, it can be personal looted in a raid.

Good luck!

Комментарий от nirvana11

it change your race or only change clothes ?

Комментарий от Draxle

For Horde


1.Go to Stormwind. /way 42.72, 76.2 (Mage district)

2. Kill Gordon MacKellar (Respawn time: 4-8 minutes)

Tip: Use the «premade group» function to server hop. Simply type «Gordon» in the search bar for a quick find.

* Gordon despawns really fast, loot him fast.
* The only item I have seen him drop is this toy.
* Group tag is enabled (You can be in a party or a raid). The toy is personal loot: Everyone in the group has a chance for loot!
* I got my toy after about 5 tries. Took me <20 minutes with server hopping.

Комментарий от Jangeoffry

By what I saw the toy IS NOT personal loot. Seems it’s a single loot from Gordon and who get it first makes the corpse despawn. I missed the toy twice when I clicked for loot then saw the toy but it went to another player. The next time he died at my feet I loot it quickly and get the toy.

Комментарий от vindurza

A must have uniform for the people from the forums that criticize every mistake/set back that happens to the game when a patch goes badly.

Комментарий от Wowhero111

How to get this toy for Horde and Alliance!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7prUESP11cU&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от psymantis

You can use other toys that transform your appearance after using this. I used the horse head so I could be #ahem# a neigh-sayer.

Комментарий от maglariusFW

This Item is tradeable and you can get it again after learning it! Just got it a second time and could trade it to a friend!

Комментарий от Beardybeer

Just dropped for me. Cool toy. Haven’t seen anyone mention that if you type /doom while it is active it spawns a cool elemental buddy for a bit. 🙂

Комментарий от avatarofshadow

For the curious; those runes say «I (heart symbol) Die Hard 3».

Комментарий от blozoya87

I honestly lost count of my kills but it was anywhere between 10-20 until I got my toy to drop. I was starting to think that maybe starting/completing the new quest line in Silithis was required in order to be eligible for the drop but I continued to test my luck. I just wanted to post this so people feel at ease knowing that you don’t have to do that quest line on the character you’re trying to get the toy with, however my rogue alt HAS completed Antorus on LFR. I’m not sure if thats a flag for eligibility or not.

Комментарий от richietheguru

Four kills it dropped from Charles.

Комментарий от Hezar

Dropped on first kill from Gordon. Was there on my rogue and two other rogues got the item with first kill also so drop rate is decently high if not 100%.

Комментарий от stym

An easy way to solo this on the Alliance side is to have a lvl110 subtlety rogue with the artifact equipped:

1- Fly to Orgimmar, staying really really high
2- Go to 50.8 55.1
3- Dismount and activate stealth. You will drop from a high distance on top of Charles, but you have the Fangs of the Devourer equipped and don’t take any fall damage.
4- Kill Charles, hopefully loot the toy.
5- Profit

EDIT: because artifact traits were disabled, this method might end poorly for you. *splat*

Комментарий от Farstucker

MANY thanks to all who shared info and, of course, to those who discovered this

FYI: today spawn time for me was 2 1/2 mins (150secs) and it took me 2 kills of Gordon MacKellar @ /way 43, 76

you can stopwatch or countdown using in game tools:

/timer then click the «play» button to count time elapsing
/timer 2:30 then click the «play» button to countdown 2mins 30 secs…

best luck and have fun RPing


Комментарий от DiabloSVK

its not 100% drop and for me spawn time of Gordon MacKellar was cca 5 min

Комментарий от Cefre

Got it on my first kill (Horde killing in Stormwind)

Комментарий от wolfmusic

This toy changes your clothes and gives you the buff «Doomsayer.» Lasts 10 minutes, 1hr cooldown.

Комментарий от Xmech

Took 20 kills from Gordon MacKellar today. He reset for me in about 15 min.

Комментарий от Jkpman

Confirming it still drops the day after the Wound opened for everyone.
Took 10 kills on Mackellar. Average respawn time 6 mins.
Very easy despite my poorly geared rogue. (844)

Комментарий от TheGamingGeneral

Gordon MacKellar is not a 100% drop, Wowhead is wrong. Got it on the third try so still pretty high though.

Комментарий от lunaistelle

If you are doing this in a group, for some reason loot is always going to the leader.
Tried this out several times with several different people, and it always happened.
Also, the item was not tradable.
I hope it’s a bug and they fix it soon enough.

Комментарий от Epytropos

For Alli trying to kill chuckles, I recommend pulling him onto the platform to the left as you face the center of the tower from his section. He has a bad habit of getting stuck in the geometry and resetting where he is. Requires a little bit of (bad) luck to get him to do it, but when he does he steals 8 minutes of your life you can never get back.

Комментарий от Sebastian2008

As others had mentioned, the NPC’s corpse is only lootable if the robes actually dropped. Took two attempts for me.

Комментарий от Serraine

Whichever guy you kill for it, drop everything and click him ASAP. Stop attacking the guards and focus on looting. He’ll leg it when he gets low, so follow him and stick close as you deliver the killing blow. Even after reading the comments here, the speed at which his body despawns still took me by surprise, so save yourself some disappointment.

Luckily he dropped it the very next time I killed him, too.


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