Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных — Предмет
Комментарий от Strykie
Drops nighthold normal items.870-880 ilvl
Комментарий от BlackwingGuru
Unlike the Hellfire Citadel caches, these ones have the chance to drop your class specific trinket. Just got it today on my Death Knight. This might mean that you can also get tier pieces from these caches. Seems unlikely, but there’s a chance.Комментарий от Windscar
There appears to be 4 versions of Наручники Пульсарона, Древний фолиант ночнорожденных, Светящаяся лилия, and Лоскут рваной мантии that offers different versions of the Quest that is tied to the different boxes you get that rewards the Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных, meaning this is likely gated the same way and determined through Boss Kills which one is offered to your followers to chase after initially.The quality of the cache is determined as you obtained the mission not when you complete or acquire the quest and can award tier pieces unlike in WoD,
EN kills appear to affect the quality of the cache by one difficulty less (If you had Mythic EN Cache, you will get Heroic base to start)
In addition, Normal NH Cache can be acquired from the Timewalking Quest weekend event and Heroic NH Cache from the Mythic Legion Dungeon quest weekend.
The initial offering of the NH Cache is during the US Reset on January 24th, 2017 — one week after NH opened and likely January 25th for EU.
I will list some data and see if we can determine the breakpoints.
- 10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills — Heroic Cache; had Mythic EN Cache previously
- 10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills — Normal Cache; had Heroic EN Cache previously
Based on previous tiers, we expect 11 kills (of current or greater difficulty) to be the threshold to award that difficulties’ cache.
After several Mythic lockouts, the # appears to be 12 for NH.
Examples if anyone is confused:
- 7 Normal + 4 Heroic = 11 kills ; toatl does not exceed 11, LFR Cache
- 10 Normal + 2 Heroic = 12 kills; total is 11; heroic > normal, counts kills as normal — Normal Cache
- 12 Normal = 12 kills; Normal Cache
- 6 Normal + 11 Heroic = 17 kills; heroic is >=12; Heroic Cache
- 10 Heroic + 2 Mythic = 12 kills; total is 12; Mythic > Heroic, counts kill as heroic — Heroic Cache
- 12 Mythic Kills = Mythic Cache
Edit — Change to 12.
Комментарий от Kidja
Killed first week 8 bosses on HC. On reset day i received this mission but i did not want to do until i kill more bosses. So i killed again 8 before i finished this mission.Quest was Pulsauron Bindings so it’s not tied to different version of caches it’s just 4 random quests.
Even on cache that i opened did not said its heroic.
Комментарий от Relphin
I tried to find valid information on how many kills exactly are needed for the different versions, but there seems to be a lot of discussion and uncertainty about that, so I’m not going into that.What I do feel certain about though, is that if you have your respective minimum of kills before completing the class hall mission, you are on the safe side and will receive the appropriate quest for you. I guess that’s obvious enough, just trying to sum up things a little.
However, the interesting thing I’ve stumbled across in a few comments on different websites is that it appears as though the tooltip of the cache is set when you receive the quest, but that upon opening the cache your killcount is checked again and thus might reward a higher difficulty item if you have passed the threshold between receiving and completing the quest, which actually wouldn’t be that far-fetched imo. Now, I really don’t want to spread misinformation, so if anyone can verify this and maybe even provide proof, please do so. Also, it appears that in the first week of NH there were general issues with the tooltips on the caches, at least I’ve seen a couple of comments about that, so my theory might be just linked to that.
More confirmed information: Set pieces can drop from the chest, and all items have the usual chance to be warforged/titanforged/have a socket/have a tertiary stat on them.
Комментарий от Pgans94
I know nobody wants to hear the ‘I got <x loot> from this cache!’ types of comments, but this is worth noting. Across all my times opening this, and I admit I’m lax when it comes to earning it. I have gotten a necklace, Beliron’s Choker of Misery, four out of six or seven times. Has anyone else gotten this, or any particular other item, a ridiculous number of consecutive times?ru.wowhead.com
Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных — Предмет
Комментарий от Windscar
There appears to be 4 versions of Наручники Пульсарона, Древний фолиант ночнорожденных, Светящаяся лилия, and Лоскут рваной мантии that offers different versions of the Quest that is tied to the different boxes you get that rewards the Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных, meaning this is likely gated the same way and determined through Boss Kills which one is offered to your followers to chase after initially.EN kills appear to affect the quality of the cache by one difficulty less (If you had Mythic EN Cache, you will get Heroic base to start)
In addition, Normal NH Cache can be acquired from the Timewalking Quest weekend event and Heroic NH Cache from the Mythic Legion Dungeon quest weekend.
The initial offering of the NH Cache is during the US Reset on January 24th, 2017 — one week after NH opened and likely January 25th for EU.
I will list some data and see if we can determine the breakpoints.
- 10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills — Heroic Cache; had Mythic EN Cache previously
- 10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills — Normal Cache; had Heroic EN Cache previously
Based on previous tiers, we expect 11 kills (of current or greater difficulty) to be the threshold to award that difficulties’ cache.
After several Mythic lockouts, the # appears to be 12 for NH.
Examples if anyone is confused:
- 7 Normal + 4 Heroic = 11 kills ; toatl does not exceed 11, LFR Cache
- 10 Normal + 2 Heroic = 12 kills; total is 11; heroic > normal, counts kills as normal — Normal Cache
- 12 Normal = 12 kills; Normal Cache
- 6 Normal + 11 Heroic = 17 kills; heroic is >=12; Heroic Cache
- 10 Heroic + 2 Mythic = 12 kills; total is 12; Mythic > Heroic, counts kill as heroic — Heroic Cache
- 12 Mythic Kills = Mythic Cache
Edit — Change to 12.
Комментарий от Aknazer
It currently takes greater than 11 kills to get the mythic cache, or else there’s other requirements as well. I’m currently at 11 mythic kills (4/3/4) and my cache is still at heroic. I have 58 heroic kills (all lootable) and have full cleared both normal and LFR so I doubt it requires some number of previous difficulty kills to upgrade.Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных — Объект
Комментарий от janjojie
I’m currently working on a better map with more points. Will try to add it once I have my fox mount invitation.Комментарий от priapus
I found one at 35.33, 50.06 inside a little building. It only had like 28 mana and 10 order resources but I think these can have the fox mount in them.Комментарий от janjojie
I’ve been busy farming these the last couple of days since it can contain the quest item that starts the Fox mount questchain! The map on this page has barely any spawnpoints on it, which is why I’ve been keeping track using my own map.http://www.wowhead.com/maps?data=7637:505831703524501505573540248346458711474644503768511601576640353504497811465753450601503801446648528570718481555483586598575611546578608483549434545549572440588429497850492869551638481794
I will be keeping that map and this comment updated until I find my invitation.
Few things to keep in mind:
- The treasure tracking map you unlock after getting honored with The Nightfallen does NOT track this chest. I’m not sure if that is intended or not, but it is what it is currently.
- Demon Hunters can use Spectral Sight to see this chest through walls, which is how I’ve been scanning the city.
- The chests can spawn outside the city as well, but since the city is more packed I’m finding more chests there.
- Outlaw rogues with treasure tracking are in luck, they CAN track these treasures and see them on their minimap.
- The chests spawn at logical locations, so you won’t find one somewhere in the middle of a field, but maybe next to a pillar, inside a house, in a little garden at the end of a path etc. The coords on the map are not 100% the spawnpoint, but basically next to it. Try and think logically, if it is not there, it probably just didn’t spawn.
- The chests usually contains an Artifact Power item, some grey vendor junk, and ancient mana. The rare item you (probably) want from this is Порванное приглашение . It starts a chain that ends with you receiving the Fox mount.
EDIT: updated my own map and added Wowdb’s map, which is a cluster&*!@ but does contain all points.
Комментарий от GarroshIcecream
after 1 hour of server hopping and running through all buildings I Found mine first Nightborne treasure chestView post on imgur.com
coords 50.34 85.15
I recommend you checking every house in suramar still from 10 normal treasure chest I found only 1 nightborne
(looted only garison resources and AP though)
Комментарий от AvoinHY
If you are going to pursue these chests in the off chance they do drop the invitation i have a few tips.Stay in the more safe half of the city — from the jailed citizens that require orbs to unlock, and the commons where you often go to for the quest chains *make sure you check the canals too, as i’ve found a couple down there*. It is low risk, and has quite a few chests.
Make sure to check everywhere, they are easy to spot as they glow purple like every chest in the game. I personally have found about 5 in the last hour secluding myself to this section of the city and searching everywhere around it.
Though, if you feel like you can handle the more hazardous end, by all means go for it. I just prefer not to as it’s a hassle.
Комментарий от Rifkin11
My map is telling me there is one at 35.68 47.53, in the Ruins of Elune’eth. I just cannot locate it, have been up the stairs, looked in all the nooks and crannies and just cannot see it 🙁 hopefully someone else will find it and post up where it’s hidden.Комментарий от kjeksomanen
This map is quite comprehensive now, but is it possible to export all the coordinates somehow? Would be nice to generate a list of /way commands for TomTom or something.Комментарий от kjeksomanen
The map here on wowhead seems to contain objects that are not, or are not always nightbourne treasure chests. Instead, these container-looking things can appear:View post on imgur.com
Is this a placeholder for when a treasure chest spawns, or are the data mined incorrect?
Комментарий от ohjayce
I found some @19.55, 35.76
21.90, 53.97
28.38, 49.04
47, 83
Комментарий от Lyzoldas
Really would like if anyone can verify the Порванное приглашение drops from this, as I’ve found a nice safe loop I can run through and farm them when I have the time and I must have well over 100 now. Either I am unlucky, the drop rate is even lower than low, or it doesn’t drop the item at all.Комментарий от Labradorian1977
Is there a quest or something that need to be done to see these boxes? I have them I my rogues tracking but I can’t find any of them.Edit: I found it with my Demon Hunter. It is under the ground and only able to be open by a demon hunter. Good job Blizzard. Aces in Stupidity.
Комментарий от Eido
Each zone appears to have its own random-spawning treasure chests.These chests are not to be confused with the similar looking but static, zone treasures (Treasure Chests, Small Treasure Chests, Protected Treasure Chests, etc…) which can be obtained only once per character.
Комментарий от Sylvannia12
If anybody has a good farming route for these chests, I’d kill the entire Legion with my bare hands to get a map or something of it. Been farming the fox mount starter item via emissary cache every time the nightfallen quest is up and withered army training every 3 days on 3 different characters since they added the invitation into the game and it’s just not cutting it apparently.. I mean come the f*** on blizzard, this is almost as bad as the Invincible farm was. >_>Комментарий от asloversgo
This loot box has a chance to contain a legendary item. I don’t know about other treasure chests in other zones, but I’ve found two of these in two days and both contained a legendary.ru.wowhead.com
Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных — Предмет
Комментарий от Windscar
There appears to be 4 versions of Наручники Пульсарона, Древний фолиант ночнорожденных, Светящаяся лилия, and Лоскут рваной мантии that offers different versions of the Quest that is tied to the different boxes you get that rewards the Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных, meaning this is likely gated the same way and determined through Boss Kills which one is offered to your followers to chase after initially.The quality of the cache is determined as you obtained the mission not when you complete or acquire the quest and can award tier pieces unlike in WoD,
EN kills appear to affect the quality of the cache by one difficulty less (If you had Mythic EN Cache, you will get Heroic base to start)
In addition, Normal NH Cache can be acquired from the Timewalking Quest weekend event and Heroic NH Cache from the Mythic Legion Dungeon quest weekend.
The initial offering of the NH Cache is during the US Reset on January 24th, 2017 — one week after NH opened and likely January 25th for EU.
I will list some data and see if we can determine the breakpoints.
- 10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills — Heroic Cache; had Mythic EN Cache previously
- 10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills — Normal Cache; had Heroic EN Cache previously
Based on previous tiers, we expect 11 kills (of current or greater difficulty) to be the threshold to award that difficulties’ cache.
After several Mythic lockouts, the # appears to be 12 for NH.
Examples if anyone is confused:
- 7 Normal + 4 Heroic = 11 kills ; toatl does not exceed 11, LFR Cache
- 10 Normal + 2 Heroic = 12 kills; total is 11; heroic > normal, counts kills as normal — Normal Cache
- 12 Normal = 12 kills; Normal Cache
- 6 Normal + 11 Heroic = 17 kills; heroic is >=12; Heroic Cache
- 10 Heroic + 2 Mythic = 12 kills; total is 12; Mythic > Heroic, counts kill as heroic — Heroic Cache
- 12 Mythic Kills = Mythic Cache
Edit — Change to 12.
Комментарий от pjrulez
Appears today as a reward from a Weekly Event quest «Emissary of War» marked with Heroic.Therefore it seems the lowest item level gear from it is 885.
Мамины сокровища 30 фото | Идеи для изготовления коробочек «Мамины сокровища»

Для каждой мамы — ее малыш самый важный, единственный и неповторимый. И у каждой есть дорогие сердцу вещицы: бирочки из роддома, крестильная рубашка, соска и т.д. Хранить эти вещички вместе с воспоминаниями нужно в особом месте. Сайт «Мама может все!» собрал для вас 60 идей для изготовления коробок мамины сокровища своими руками.
Для изготовления таких коробок вам понадобятся следующие материалы:
Что положить в мамины сокровища?
В такие коробочки обычно кладут:
- бирочки;
- волосы;
- первый зубик;
- прищепку;
- пуповину;
- соску;
- пинетки;
- шапочку;
- крестильную рубашку;
- мамины заметки;
- снимки узи;
- тест на беременность;
- отпечатки ручек и ножек;
- приятные мелочи и другое.
На мой взгляд оставлять пуповину и зубик не много странно, а вот остальное вполне нормально. А как вы думаете? Что бы вы оставили в коробочке «Мамины сокровища»?
Мамины сокровища с морском стиле
Оформление в морском стиле набирает обороты. Обычно в этом стиле оформляют коробочки для мальчиков.
Для девочек чаще выбираю нежные цветы, кружева и салфетки.
Идеи для оформления коробочек «Мамины сокровища» для двух детей
Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных — Предмет
Комментарий от Windscar
There appears to be 4 versions of Наручники Пульсарона, Древний фолиант ночнорожденных, Светящаяся лилия, and Лоскут рваной мантии that offers different versions of the Quest that is tied to the different boxes you get that rewards the Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных, meaning this is likely gated the same way and determined through Boss Kills which one is offered to your followers to chase after initially.The quality of the cache is determined as you obtained the mission not when you complete or acquire the quest and can award tier pieces unlike in WoD,
EN kills appear to affect the quality of the cache by one difficulty less (If you had Mythic EN Cache, you will get Heroic base to start)
In addition, Normal NH Cache can be acquired from the Timewalking Quest weekend event and Heroic NH Cache from the Mythic Legion Dungeon quest weekend.
The initial offering of the NH Cache is during the US Reset on January 24th, 2017 — one week after NH opened and likely January 25th for EU.
I will list some data and see if we can determine the breakpoints.
- 10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills — Heroic Cache; had Mythic EN Cache previously
- 10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills — Normal Cache; had Heroic EN Cache previously
Based on previous tiers, we expect 11 kills (of current or greater difficulty) to be the threshold to award that difficulties’ cache.
After several Mythic lockouts, the # appears to be 12 for NH.
Examples if anyone is confused:
- 7 Normal + 4 Heroic = 11 kills ; toatl does not exceed 11, LFR Cache
- 10 Normal + 2 Heroic = 12 kills; total is 11; heroic > normal, counts kills as normal — Normal Cache
- 12 Normal = 12 kills; Normal Cache
- 6 Normal + 11 Heroic = 17 kills; heroic is >=12; Heroic Cache
- 10 Heroic + 2 Mythic = 12 kills; total is 12; Mythic > Heroic, counts kill as heroic — Heroic Cache
- 12 Mythic Kills = Mythic Cache
Edit — Change to 12.
Пошаговый мастер класс по изготовлению коробочки «Мамины сокровища» » Татьяна Бедарева
У каждой мамы есть дорогие сердцу вещицы, напоминающие о сладких мгновениях малыша — это бирочки из роддома, первый зубик, локон волос, первое фото — узи, тест на беременность, прищепка от пупочка, носочки, любимая погремушка и т.д. Хранить воспоминания можно в красивой сокровищнице, шкатулке, сделанной самостоятельно. И сейчас вы узнаете, как сделать своими руками шкатулку для детских вещей на память.

Данный пошаговый мастер класс с фото по изготовлению коробочки подходит для начинающих! Такую шкатулку сможет сделать сама любая мама!
Екатерина Лазутина
Автор — Екатерина Лазутина , счастливая мама и творческий человек. После рождения дочки стала делать замечательные коробочки для мам, в которые можно сложить все самые важные детские сокровища! Благодаря подробному мастер-классу по изготовлению шкатулки своими руками, вы тоже можете сделать ее сами или заказать такую в подарок в группе Екатерины.
Чтобы сделать коробочку «Мамины сокровища» своими руками, вам понадобятся следующие материалы и инструменты:
картон для крышки и основания коробочки (не менее 1,5мм)
картон для внутренних коробочек
синтепон 22х23см
ткань 26смх41см
бумага для декорирования — 2 листа 30х30см
клей ПВА
двусторонний скотч (не обязательно)
горячий клей (можно заменить клеем момент кристалл)
клей момент кристалл (или любой другой прозрачный)
простой карандаш
набор для декорирования коробочки зависит от вашей фантазии в данном мастер классе я использовала — ленты узкую (ручки для малых коробочек) и широкую (завязываем коробочку на красивый бант с помощью нее), кружево, металлический ключик и замочек, деревянная прищепка, декоративные бумажные цветы, декоративная лента — сантиметр
распечатанный текст (список сокровищ, дата рождения, рост вес, время рождения, имя малыша ) — можно написать от руки или скачать найденные в свободном доступе на просторах интернета надписи.

Как сделать коробочку «Мамины сокровища» своими руками:
Вырезаем плотный картон 15,5смх22,5см — 2 штуки, 5смх22,5см — 1 штука,
синтепон такого же размера как картон (15,5смх22,5см — 2 штуки, 5смх22,5см — 1 штука).
Примеряем к ткани (26смх41см)

Приклеиваем синтепон к картону с помощью клея момент

Выкладываем на ткань картон приклеенным синтепоном внутрь, оставляем расстояние 5мм между деталями для последующего закрывания и открывания крышки.
Заворачиваем ткань на картон (сначала длинные стороны) с помощью клея момент фиксируем.

Аккуратно загибаем уголки, фиксируем с помощью клея момент

После приклеивания ткани по всему периметру получается такая заготовка:

Приклеиваем клеем момент широкие ленты — ими будем завязывать нашу коробочку

Из декоративной бумаги вырезаем деталь размер 22смх23см, приклеиваем на внутреннюю крышку нашей будущей коробочки клеем. Места сгиба аккуратно прочерчиваем старой гелевой ручкой или любым острым предметом (пластиковым ножичком для резки пластилина ?

Вырезаем из плотного картона детали размером 14,4х4,5см — 2шт, 21х4,5см,

Склеиваем клеем момент края — получается прямоугольник

Укрепляем конструкцию: с помощью небольших кусочков бумаги размером 4,5х4 (их понадобится 8 шт) на углах с внутренней и внешней стороны. Приклеиваем дно к нашей конструкции — картон.
Вырезаем из декоративной бумаги полосы размер 6,5х30 (или больше если бумага другого размера), приклеиваем по всему периметру

Собираем все воедино крышку + дно коробочки с помощью клея момент.

Приступаем к изготовлению маленьких коробочек — их размер зависит от количества имеющихся сокровищ. На мой взгляд 6 штук оптимально.
Вырезаем из картона 6 заготовок (обратите внимание размеры коробочек зависят от плотности картона)
Выкройка маленьких коробочек своими руками:


Для удобства я использую скотч и клей ПВА одновременно, чтобы не ждать пока клей высохнет.
Собираем наши коробочки



Декорируем внутренние коробочки. Приклеиваем горячим клеем (или клеем момент) узкую ленту (с ее помощью открывается коробочка). Распечатанный текст приклеиваем к картону для плотности вырезаем и приклеиваем на крышку, украшаем как нравится (я использовала фигурный степлер для декорирования бумаги верхней крышки)

Приступаем к самой интересной части — декорированию коробочки

На внутренней крышке коробочки для новорожденного можно разместить фото малыша, узи, информацию о дате месте и времени рождения.

Коробочка воспоминаний — шкатулка своими руками готова! Варианты коробочек для мам «Мамины сокровища» от Екатерины:


Всегда для вас много подробных мастер-классов по валянию, изготовлению цветов из ткани своими руками, шитью мишек Тедди, лепке и в других техниках в рубрике Творчество и мастер-классы!
А для тех, кто уже задумался, как оригинально украсить новогодний стол и что можно приготовить к новому году, рубрика Мастер-классы «О вкусном!»
Наш комплект эксклюзивной мебели на заказ)