Не запускатся игра PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, которую очень многие игроки часто называют просто ПУБГ или PUBG — это очень популярная многопользовательская онлайн-игра. У нее есть очень много поклонников во всем мире, в том числе и в странах бывшего Советского союза. Однако, если игра у пользователя вдруг перестает запускаться, это вызывает очень много вопросов и выбивает игрока из колеи. В этой статье мы постараемся подробно разобрать, почему не запускается знаменитая PUBG, а также найти способы того, как устранить эту ошибку и снова начать играть в любимую игру.
Почему ПУБГ не хочет идти на компьютере
Часто пользователи сталкиваются с такой неприятностью, что у них на компьютере не запускается PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. Она не идет, несмотря на то, что у вас в приложении Steam она значится как запущенная и вроде как должна работать. Такая проблема возникает у многих игроков, поэтому вам не стоит переживать о том, что ваша неприятность в своем роде уникальна и из-за этого не может решиться.
Особенно часто у большинства игроков бывают сложности с игрой PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds после того, как игра обновляется. Самый распространенный вариант ошибки — когда вы пытаетесь запустить игру и статус этого игрового приложения в Steam меняется. Так, вам показывает окошко, что игра вроде как запущена и должна быть открыта на вашем ПК или на ноутбуке, но экран не меняется, не отображается меню игры и ничего не происходит на дисплее. После нескольких минут такого “зависания” статус игры в игровом магазине меняется на то, что игра на самом деле не запущена. После этого многие игроки пытаются запустить игру заново, но сталкиваются с точно таким же результатом.
У того, что PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds не запускается, есть две основные причины, о которых мы сегодня и поговорим и разберем их детально. Прежде всего, стоит подумать от том, что вашу игру что-то блокирует при запуске. Так, когда вы пытаетесь включить ПУБГ, то процесс на доли секунды появляется в диспетчере задач и компьютер действительно пытается загрузить игру. Именно из-за того, что процесс появляется в диспетчере задач на компьютере, Стим и меняет статус игры на запущенный, но на самом деле ничего не меняется. Через секунду после того, как диспетчер задач запускает программу, он ее снимает. Именно из-за этого реальной загрузки и не происходит. Есть два основных способа того, как решить эту проблему. Можно пристроить права администратора программе BattleEye и решить проблему с антивирусником.
Проблема с BattleEye
BattleEye — то программное обеспечение, которое включено в состав большинства многопользовательских игр. Это ПО есть также и в PUBG. Программа должна защищать игру и пользователей от инструментов, которые дают одним пользователям незаслуженное преимущество над другими пользователями игры — проще говоря, защищает игроков от проделок читеров. Именно поэтому в ПУБГ непросто смухлевать и она правильно функционирует для всех игроков. Но иногда процесс BattleEye не может начаться и поэтому игра может не запускаться. Для того, чтобы игра успешно запустилась, нужно решить проблему именно с BattleEye.
BattleEye хранится в той же папке, в которой хранится и сама игра. Для того, чтобы перейти в папку, вы можете воспользоваться ярлыком в Steam. Нужно всего лишь открыть приложение, перейти в его библиотеку и найти папку с названием игры.
Вам необходимо:
- Нажать правой кнопкой мыши на саму папку и выбрать ее свойства.
- Там нужно открыть “Локальные файлы” и выберете их просмотр.
- После этого вам должна открыть вкладка с проводником, в котором есть основной каталог игры. Вам нужно перейти таким образом: “TslGame\Binaries\Win64\BattleEye\”.
Когда вы перейдете непосредственно в BattleEye, там нужно найти BEService_x64.exe. Скорее всего, что этот файл не будет иметь прав на запуск из вашего компьютера. Кроме того, запуск файла может просто блокироваться чем-то. Для того, чтобы решить проблему с блокировкой и запуском, вам нужно дать ему права администратора.
Для этого необходимо выбрать свойства этого файла, нажав правой кнопкой мышки по нему. После этого:
- Выбрать “Совместимость”.
- Когда вам откроется список доступных параметров, нужно там поставить галочку напротив пункта под названием “Выполнять эту программу от имени администратора”. Обратите внимание, что формулировка может быть несколько другой, но в целом смысл строки сохранится.
- Для того, чтобы все это сохранить, выберите “Применить” и нажмите “ОК” для того, чтобы выйти из окна.
После того, как вы все это сделали, попробуйте снова запустить игру. Если была проблема в отсутствии прав администратора, то все должно запуститься. Если у вас не получилось поиграть в любимую игру после этого, то нужно решить проблему с антивирусником. Поэтому если не запускается ПУБГ, то переходите к следующему разделу, где описано решение проблемы.
Проблема с антивирусником
Программа, которая защищает ваш компьютер от вирусов может стать причиной, из-за которой у вас не запускается любимая игра.
Проблемы с антивирусником может быть из-за того, что создатели игры специально с новыми обновлениями ставят такие стандарты безопасности, чтобы не дать читерам играть нечестно. Из-за этого многие антивирусники блокируют игру, так как думают, что она стала вредоносной.
Для того, чтобы программа запустилась нормально и вы смогли поиграть в игру, нужно добавить некоторые из файлов папки PUBG или всю ее в список исключений защиты антивируса. В каждом антивирусе алгоритм действий свой, но общая картина должна быть понятна. Для того, чтобы вы смогли лучше разобраться с тем, как добавить папку в исключения, мы разберем это на примере одной из самых популярных бесплатных программ для защиты компьютера от вирусов — AVAST Free Antivirus.
Прежде всего вам нужно открыть настройки активирусника. Для этого нужно нажать правой клавишей мышки на значок программы и выбрать там “Открыть интерфейс пользователя AVAST”.
Вам должно выплыть окно, в котором вы должны открыть строчку с настройками и нажать на нее. После этого алгоритм действий следующий:
- В меню настроек нужно найти “Общие”. После этого вам выпадут варианты и там кликните по строчке “Исключения”.
- Потом нажмите на “Пути к файлам” и выберите папку, в которой находятся игровые файлы.
- Нажмите на “Обзор”, вам должно открыться окно с выбором области. В нем стоит указать такое: “Steam/steamapps/common/PUBG/TslGame/Binaries/Win64”.
- Чтобы подтвердить свои действия, нажмите на ОК.
Однако на этом процесс решения проблемы с антивирусником не заканчивается. Дело в том, что AVAST включает в себя несколько модулей, которые отвечают за то, какие процессы и как должны запусткаться на компьютере. Поэтому и в этих модулях нужно прописать то, что игра попадает в исключительные случаи. Чтобы это сделать:
- Откройте “Компоненты”.
- Там найдите “Экран файловой системы”. Нужно открыть настройки конкретного разлела.
- В настройках вам нужно найти исключения и добавить туда игру.
- Нажмите на ОК, чтобы сохраниться и выйти с этого экрана.
Кроме того, вам нужно добавить исключение для ”Экрана поведения”. В Компонентах отыщите его, откройте настройки и точно так же, как и с “Экраном файловой системы” добавьте туда ПУБГ.
После этого такая проблема как не запускается Battlegrounds, исчезнет и вы сможете играть в нее без проблем.
Мы надеемся, что статья помогла решить проблему с игрой. После того, как вы решите проблему с антивирусником и с присвоением прав администратора, у вас должна запуститься игра. Однако, если PUBG не запускается и после этого, то попробуйте обратиться за помощью к техподдержке сервиса. Кроме того, вам может помочь обычный перезапуск компьютера, проверка компьютера на вирусы и удаление вредоносных программ, которые могут блокировать работу ПУБГ.
Если вы знаете другие причины того, почему PUBG не запускается на вашем компьютере, делитесь ими в комментариях с другими читателями. Пусть ваши знания не останутся неоцененными и пусть другим пользователям будет легче решить данную проблему со своей любимой игрой.
Сразу отметим, что Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds находится на стадии раннего доступа, это говорит о том, что игра продолжает дорабатываться. В настоящее время, оптимизация проекта далека от совершенства, поэтому игровой клиент ведёт себя по-разному, в зависимости от технических возможностей «железа» пользователей. Одна из распространённых ошибок: не запускается Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds. Столкнувшись с такой проблемой, первое, что нужно проверить – соответствие системным требованиям battlegrounds. Игра работает на движке UNREAL ENGINE 4, который весьма требователен к ресурсам ПК. Если противоречий нет, а проблемы с запуском клиента имеются, ознакомьтесь с советами по решению проблемы от wot-info.ru.
Драйверы и система
Столкнувшись с тем, что Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds не запускается на вашем компьютере, нужно проверить системные файлы и выполнить обновление драйверов. В большинстве случаев, проблема кроется именно в этом. Для этого выполняем такую последовательность действий:
- Обновляем WINDOWS до последней версии, обновления устанавливаем только с официального сайта MICROSOFT. Проверяем периодичность обновления драйверов. Здесь нужно отметить галочкой пункт автоматического обновления.
- Обязательно проверяем драйверы видеокарты. Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds работает только на DIRECTX 11.
- Если предыдущие варианты не помогают, переустанавливаем винду, выбирая WINDOWS 10. Мера конечно радикальная, но если есть острое желание поиграть в Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, приходится идти и на такие жертвы.
- Операционная система должна быть чистой, без сборной солянки файлов и сомнительного софта.
- Пользователям «семёрки» нужно обновиться до версии KB2999226.
Помимо этого, имеет смысл проверить наличие пакета VISUAL C++. Если файл отсутствует, устанавливаем актуальную версию.
Playerunknown’s battleground запускается, и сразу сворачивается окно
Иногда возникает и такая ситуация: игра запустилась, но окно сразу сворачивается. При этом в STEAM отсчитывается время игры. Здесь нужно действовать так:
- Открываем библиотеку STEAM.
- Выбираем свойства (ПКМ), переходим в параметры запуска.
- Подтверждаем ввод.
После проделанных манипуляций, клиент запустится автоматически, с минимальными графическими настройками. Изменить параметры визуализации можно в настройках игры.
Если ни один из способов не помогает, значит «железо» просто не тянет новый графический движок. Здесь нужно запастись терпением и дождаться последующих обновлений. Разработчики не бросают проект и постоянно работают над оптимизацией.
Не запускается игра PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS в Windows 7 и Windows 8.1
PUBG не запускается, несмотря на то, что отображается в статусе запущенной на Steam? Проблема возникает у многих игроков. Узнаем подробнее, почему PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds не хочет включатся и как решить проблему?
Что нужно делать если PUBG не запускается?
У большинства пользователей возникают ошибки с PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, особенно, после последних обновлений. Проблема касается самого запуска – при попытке запустить PUBG статус в Steam меняется и указывает на то, что игра запущена, но на самом деле нет. На экране ничего не отображается, а через несколько минут статус в Steam возвращается по умолчанию.
Почему PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds не запускается? Есть несколько причин. Основным источником проблемы является то, что игровой процесс что-то блокирует. При попытке запустить игру, процесс PUBG на секунду появляется в Диспетчере задач (через что, Стим отображает информацию о том, что игра запущена), и сразу завершается. Как решить эту проблему?
Присвоение прав администратора программе BattleEye
Программное обеспечение BattleEye включено в состав многих многопользовательских игр, в том числе в PUBG. Программа предназначена для защиты от инструментов, которые предоставляют несправедливое преимущество над другими игроками. От работы этой программы зависит правильное функционирование игры. Но бывает так, что процесс, отвечающий за BattleEye не может стартовать, что является причиной того, что игра не запускается.
BattleEye находится в папке с игрой. Для перехода в папку можно воспользоваться ярлыком в Steam. Для этого откройте Steam, затем в Библиотеке найдите PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.
Кликните на PUBG правой кнопкой мыши и перейдите в Свойства. Откройте вкладку «Локальные файлы», затем нажмите кнопку «Просмотреть локальные файлы».
Теперь откроется окно Проводника, указывающее непосредственно на основной каталог игры. В каталоге перейдите по следующему пути:
Найдите BEService_x64.exe. Большая вероятность в том, что у этого файла отсутствуют соответствующие права или он чем-то блокируется. В связи с этим, присвоим ему права администратора. Для этого кликните правой кнопкой мыши и зайдите в Свойства.
Перейдите на вкладку Совместимость, а затем в списке доступных параметров установите флажок «Выполнять эту программу от имени администратора». Нажмите «Применить», чтобы сохранить изменения, и закройте окно нажатием на ОК.
После выполнения этих действий попробуйте снова запустить игру. Если не запускается перейти к следующему разделу.
Полезные программы: Яндекс Браузер – мощный и современный, с набором полезных плюшек на борту, которые облегчат серфинг в интернете.Добавление PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds в список исключений антивирусной программы
Антивирус может стать еще одной причиной, вследствие которой игра не запускается.
Разработчики заведомо вводят обновления, которые должны повысить уровень безопасности, чтобы устранить читеров. В одно из обновлений был вложен мощный механизм безопасности, через который игра стала блокироваться антивирусными программами.
Правда, обновление было отозванного разработчиками, но это не меняет тот факт, что PUBG все еще блокируется антивирусом.
В таком случае нужно добавить исполняемые файлы (tslgame.exe и tslgame_BE.exe) или всю папку PUBG в список исключений функции защиты антивируса.
Для примера посмотрите, как это сделать в одном из популярных антивирусов AVAST Free Antivirus.
Сначала перейдем в настройки AVAST Free Antivirus. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши на значок AVAST в трее выберите пункт «Открыть интерфейс пользователя AVAST». В открывшемся окне кликните на «Настройки» в нижнем левом углу.
В меню выберите вкладку «Общие», в списке доступных вариантов откройте раздел «Исключения».
В секции «Пути к файлам» укажите папку, где находятся файлы, отвечающие за запуск игры. Нажмите кнопку Обзор, в окне «Выберите области» укажите:
Кликните на ОК, чтобы подтвердить добавление пути. Все файлы директории будут разблокированы (в том числе BattleEye, который также может блокироваться антивирусом).
Это еще не все — AVAST имеет несколько модулей, контролирующие запуск процессов. В эти модули также добавьте игру в исключения. Откройте вкладку «Компоненты».
Найдите компонент «Экран файловой системы». Нажмите на кнопку «Настройка» для отображения параметров компонента. Выберите раздел Исключения и добавьте каталог PUBG.
Закройте окно нажатием на ОК и вернитесь к списку компонентов.
Нужно добавить еще одно исключение для компонента «Экран поведения». Кликните на кнопку Настройка. Отобразится окно параметров этого модуля. Перейдите в раздел «Исключения» и добавьте папку, как указано выше. Подтвердите внесенные изменения нажатием ОК.
Теперь попробуйте запустить PUBG – игра ничем не будет блокироваться и должна запускаться.
Если вы столкнулись с тем, что PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds тормозит, вылетает, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds не запускается, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds не устанавливается, в PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds не работает управление, нет звука, выскакивают ошибки, в PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds не работают сохранения – предлагаем вам самые распространенные способы решения данных проблем.
Первое – проверьте, соответствуют ли характеристики вашего ПК минимальным системным требованиям:
- ОС: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300
- Память: 6 Гб
- Видео: nVidia GeForce GTX 660 2 Гб / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2 Гб
- DirectX 11
- HDD: 30 Гб свободного места
Перед тем, как вспоминать самые нехорошие слова и высказывать их в сторону разработчиков, не забудьте отправиться на официальный сайт производителя своей видеокарты и скачать самые свежие драйвера. Зачастую, к релизу игр готовятся специально оптимизированные для них драйвера. Также можно попробовать установить более позднюю версию драйверов, если проблема не решается установкой текущей версии.
Важно помнить, что следует загружать только окончательные версии видеокарт – старайтесь не использовать бета-версии, так как в них может быть большое количество не найденных и не исправленных ошибок.
Не забывайте, что для стабильной работы игр часто требуется установка последней версии DirectX, которую всегда можно скачать с официального сайта Microsoft.
Многие проблемы с запуском игр случаются по причине некорректной установки. Проверьте, не было ли ошибок во время установки, попробуйте удалить игру и запустить установщик снова, предварительно отключив антивирус – часто нужные для работы игры файлы по ошибке удаляются. Также важно помнить, что в пути до папки с установленной игрой не должно быть знаков кириллицы – используйте для названий каталогов только буквы латиницы и цифры.
Еще не помешает проверить, хватает ли места на HDD для установки. Можно попытаться запустить игру от имени Администратора в режиме совместимости с разными версиями Windows.
Первое – установите свежие драйвера на видеокарту, от этого FPS в игре может значительно подняться. Также проверьте загруженность компьютера в диспетчере задач (открывается нажатием CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE). Если перед запуском игры вы видите, что какой-то процесс потребляет слишком много ресурсов – выключите его программу или просто завершите этот процесс из диспетчера задач.
Далее переходите к настройкам графики в игре. Первым делом отключите сглаживание и попробуйте понизить настройки, отвечающие за пост-обработку. Многие из них потребляют много ресурсов и их отключение значительно повысит производительность, не сильно повлияв на качество картинки.
Если PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds у вас часто вылетает на рабочий слот, попробуйте начать решение проблемы со снижения качества графики. Вполне возможно, что вашему компьютеру просто не хватает производительности и игра не может работать корректно. Также стоит проверить обновления – большинство современных игр имеют систему автоматической установки новых патчей. Проверьте, не отключена ли эта опция в настройках.
Чаще всего проблема с черным экраном заключается в проблеме с графическим процессором. Проверьте, удовлетворяет ли ваша видеокарта минимальным требованиям и поставьте свежую версию драйверов. Иногда черный экран является следствием недостаточной производительности CPU.
Если с железом все нормально, и оно удовлетворяет минимальным требованиям – попробуйте переключиться на другое окно (ALT+TAB), а потом вернуться к окну игры.
Прежде всего проверьте, хватает ли у вас места на HDD для установки. Помните, что для корректной работы программы установки требуется заявленный объем места, плюс 1-2 гигабайта свободного пространства на системном диске. Вообще, запомните правило – на системном диске всегда должно быть хотя бы 2 гигабайта свободного места для временных файлов. Иначе как игры, так и программы, могут работать не корректно или вообще откажутся запуститься.
Проблемы с установкой также могут произойти из-за отсутствия подключения к интернету или его нестабильной работы. Также не забудьте приостановить работу антивируса на время установки игры – иногда он мешает корректному копированию файлов или удаляет их по ошибке, считая вирусами.
По аналогии с прошлым решением проверьте наличие свободного места на HDD – как на том, где установлена игра, так и на системном диске. Часто файлы сохранений хранятся в папке документов, которая расположена отдельно от самой игры.
Иногда управление в игре не работает из-за одновременного подключения нескольких устройств ввода. Попробуйте отключить геймпад или, если по какой-то причине у вас подключено две клавиатуры или мыши, оставьте только одну пару устройств. Если у вас не работает геймпад, то помните – официально игры поддерживают только контроллеры, определяющиеся как джойстики Xbox. Если ваш контроллер определяется иначе – попробуйте воспользоваться программами, эмулирующими джойстики Xbox (например, x360ce).
Проверьте, работает ли звук в других программах. После этого проверьте, не отключен ли звук в настройках самой игры и выбрано ли там устройство воспроизведения звука, к которому подключены ваши колонки или гарнитура. Далее следует во время работы игры открыть микшер и проверить, не отключен ли звук там.
Если используете внешнюю звуковую карту – проверьте наличие новых драйверов на сайте производителя.
Игровые новoсти
MMO про выживание становятся очень популярными в наше время и множество геймеров заинтересованы в них. Этой весной вышла игра нового типа – PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. Данный проект все еще находится в раннем доступе, но разработчики поддерживают его, отталкиваясь от отзывов своего сообщества.
Так как PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds находится в раннем доступе, то прямо гарантирует, что вы обязательно встретитесь с какими-либо ошибками. Что, собственно, и произошло с многими игроками. В самые распространенные проблемы с PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds входит зависание при загрузке, проблемы с соединением, игра не запускается, баги с изображением и прочие неприятности, которое мешают наслаждаться игрой.
Разработчики выпускают патчи еженедельно, но, если вам так сильно невмоготу поиграть в PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, то можете воспользоваться ниже приложенными методами для решения проблем различного происхождения. Однако, для предосторожности, мы рекомендуем вам ознакомиться с системными требованиями для PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.
Минимальные системные требования
- ОС: 64-битная Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300
- Оперативная память: 6 Гб ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce GTX 660 2 Гб/ AMD Radeon HD 7850 2 Гб
- DirectX: Версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 30 Гб
Исправляем проблемы c PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
Ошибка соединения PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
При попытке поиграть в PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, вы можете столкнуться с ошибкой соединения. Это является самой большой проблемой для всех пользователей. Сейчас мы опишем, как попробовать исправить это. Советы идут от самих разработчиков:
- Просто попробуйте перезапустить клиент Steam. Это является самым действенным способом решения самых распространенных проблем.
- Отключите Защитник Windows и другие сторонние фаерволы, которые могут останавливать игру от создания соединения с серверами.
- Попробуйте перезапустить роутер или попробуйте подключиться к сети напрямую без каких-либо посредников.
- Если решение проблемы так и не удается найти, то вы можете попробовать использовать какой-то VPN.
- Можете попробовать открыть порты 80, 81 и 443.
- Также можете попробовать проверить правила для Брандмауэра Windows. Возможно, что ваш фаерволл попросту запрещает игре создавать соединение с сервером.
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds не запускается
Если вы нажимаете на кнопку «Играть», но это не приводит ни к какому результату, то вы очевидно столкнулись с проблемой, которая затронула многих игроков. Некоторые из них сообщают, что данная проблема заключается со службой анти-чита BattlEye. Попробуйте пройтись по этому списку решений:
- Проверьте целостность игровых файлов через Steam.
- Установите все обновлений Windows.
- Запустите клиент Steam через Администратора.
- Попробуйте запустить именно саму игру от имени Администратора.
- Можно попробовать вручную запустить службу BattleEye:
- Нажмите Win+R, впишите Services.msc и нажмите Enter.
- Найдите в списке служб BattleEye и кликните на нее два раза левой кнопкой мыши.
- Выберите «Тип запуска – Автоматически» и нажмите на кнопку «Запустить».
- Поставьте в Параметры запуска значение -noborder, -autoconfig или -windowed.
- Измените размер экрана вручную. Для этого сделайте следующее:
- Пройдите путем C:\Users\имя пользователя\AppData\Local\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor2.
- Откройте Блокнотом файл GameUserSettings.
- Найдите параметры
и выставьте в них желаемое разрешение.
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds вылетает
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds может порой вылетать, что уже было указанно многими пользователями неоднократно. Для исправления этой проблемы, попробуйте сделать следующее:
- Игра может вылетать из-за того, что она запускается в странном разрешении. Выполните действия, описанные выше, и замените ваше разрешение на что-то стандартное, например, 720р или 1080р.
- Вылеты при запуске Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds могут быть связаны с отсутствием файла api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll. Если это так, то перейдите по этой ссылке с нашей статьей, которая описывает всевозможные способы решения ошибки с отсутствием файла api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll.
- Установите .NET Framework.
Разрывы картинки в Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
В первую очередь, попробуйте включить вертикальную синхронизацию через утилиту для своей видеокарты. Если это не помогло, то можно внести некоторые изменения в конфигурационный файл. Пройдите путем C:\Users\\AppData\Local\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor и откройте конфиг с помощью Блокнота. Затем найдите строчку «ViewDistance» и замените значение 0 на 1.
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds тормозит
Нужно понимать, что игра все еще находится на стадии разработки и проблемы с оптимизацией – это вполне ожидаемая ситуация. Однако, если вы столкнулись с действительно ужасной кадровой частотой, то вы можете попробовать выставить в параметрах запуска игры в Steam значение malloc=system +mat_antialias 0 window -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -sm4.
Нашли опечатку? Выделите текст и нажмите Ctrl + Enter
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds не запускается в стиме
С момента выхода всеми любимой игры Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds прошло не очень много времени, и ходя данная игра была признана многими геймерами, многие игроки столкнулись с многочисленными багами и ошибками, как в игровом процессе игры, так и при установке. В этой статье мы постараемся детально ответить на некоторые вопросы, а именно что делать если Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds не запускается? Черный экран? Баги или выдает ошибку при запуске.
Для начала прежде чем покупать данную игру, следует ознакомится для начала с системными требованиями. Многие из пользователей не обращают на это никакого внимания, убеждая себя в том, что их компьютер способен потянуть любую новейшую игрушку. Но потом выясняется, что это не так. Сегодняшние игры практически все из них используют DirectX 11, и кроме всего прочего очень требовательны не только к самой видеокарте, но и к процессору.
Проблемы с видеокартой при запуске игры
В некоторых компьютерах помимо внешней видеокарты установлена встроенная видеокарта, игру следует запускать не на встроенной видеокарте. Очень часто пользователи устанавливают игру в свой выбранный каталог, который имеет наличие русских букв в пути установки, этого быть не должно. На сегодняшний день разработчики выпустили несколько патчей, которые решают проблемы не только оптимизацией, но и с другими ошибками, в том числе с ошибкой запуска. Установка патча проста, для этого скачиваем установщик, запускаем его и следуем дальнейшим указаниям.
Игра зависает (фризит) или вылетает
Пользователи которые собираются запускать игру на мощном компьютере, который оснащен видеокартой от компании Nvidia, могут также столкнутся со следующими проблемами, такими как зависания игры, частые фризы и вылеты. Как потом оказалось данная проблема легко может быть устранена, для этого пользователю необходимо зайти в настройки видеокарты, и там отыскать пунктик — запускать приложение «Высокопроизводительный процессор NVIDIA», ставим туда галочку и не забываем поставить галку под пунктом «Вертикальный синхроимпульс». Прежде чем установить игру нужно отключить необходимые антивирусные программы, которые очень ругаются на некоторые файл игры. Также прежде чем устанавливать игру, нужно отключить на время некоторые программы, которые очень сильно нагружают систему, особенно антивирус, который может закинуть какой нибудь файл в карантин.
Системные характеристики и решение лагов
Если игры все таки включится, но она жутко лагает, то нужно отключить вертикальную синхронизацию, тем самым вы увеличите немного FPS. практически все новейшие игры требуют от 4 ГБ ОЗУ, если же у вас больше то нужно установить 64 — битную систему, так-как 32 не видит больше 4 гб ОЗУ. Если же вы заметили, что в игре нет звука, прежде всего обновите драйвера, не только для самой звуковой карты, но и для всего оборудования. Разработчики также заявляют, что в будущем они выпустят некоторые патчи, которые помогут избавится от некоторых проблем.
Избавляемся от черного экрана и других ошибок
Чтобы избавится от черного экрана после запуска игры, нужно проделать следующие действия. Прежде всего скачиваем и обновляем всю систему, некоторые компании выпустили для своих видеокарт специальные драйвера для игры PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS, скачать их можно с официального сайта. Если обновление драйверов не даст никакого результата, то попробуем запустить игру в оконном режиме, для этого нажимаем ctrl + enter. Активировать оконный режим также можно в настройках самой игры. Чтобы избавиться от лишних проблем, заходим в свойства файла запуска игры, и отмечаем галоски: запустить от имени администратора и тестируем совместимости различный ОС. Если жн ничего не помогло, то попробуйте подключить запасную видеокарту, чтобы убедится что проблема в видеокарте. На ноутбуках установлены две видеокарты, попробуйте отключить встроенную и включить игру с дискретной.
Игра Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds не запускается
Тут конечно же могут быть множество причин: первым делом запускаем Steam если конечно выдает какую нибудь ошибку Steam. Если ошибка не исчезнет то попробуем проверить целостность файлов самой игры, для этого заходим на наш аккаунт, ищем игру и щелкаем на ней правой кнопкой мыши и переходим в «Локальные файлы», там выбираем вариант проверить целостность игровых файлов». Также не забываем установить все необходимые драйвера и последние выпущенные патчи, которые очень помогать при возникновении ошибок.
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds вылетает на рабочий стол
Пржде чем приступать нужно прочитать что мы написали выше, и проделать эти способы. Также не забываем посмотреть системные требования самой игры и сравнить с нашей системой. Если вылеты не исчезнут, то снижаем настройки графики игры, и отключаем некоторые элементы. Может быть вылет происходит из-за какой нибудь настройки, коротая плохо влияет на весь игровой процесс.
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds: неожиданная ошибка «Low memory»
Прежде всего нужно запустить игру на самых низких настройках в низком разрешении экрана. Далее обновляем драйвера. Запуск Steam и игры делаем от имени администратора.
Черный экран в Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
Если же проблема с черным экраном не исчезла то пробуем проделать следующие шаги, запускаем игры и нажимаем Alt+Enter игра переводится в оконный режим. После чего снова переходим в полный экран, так у некоторых пользователей проблема с черным экраном была навсегда решена. Но чаще всего, данная проблема встречается из-за того, что у игроков очень слабый графический процессор и он несовместим с игрой. Смотрим на требования игры и проверяем с самой системой, если ваша система слабая то тут уже ничего не поделаешь, придется покупать новое железо или поменять некоторые комплектующие вашего ПК. Но если ваш ПК соответствует всем требованиям, то не стоит волноваться вы наверняка сможете отыскать проблему в нашей статье.
Нет русского языка в Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
Прежде всего хотелось бы отметить, что данная игра полностью была переведена на русский язык. Если же вы скачали игру с какого нибудь ресурса, попробуйте поискать русификатор, но это конечно же на ваше усмотрение, сейчас многие вирусы маскируются в таких файлах. Также некоторые пользователи не знали, что сменить язык игры нужно в настройках игры. Если же вы скачали официальную версию игры, но в настройках игры нет нужного языка, то переустанавливаем игру с отключенным антивирусом, возможно файл был помещен в карантин.
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds: нет звука
Прежде чем ковыряться в настройках игры нужно проверить звук в самом компьютере на какой либо программе. Если звук есть, то переходим в настройки игры и смотрим включен ли сам звук, и какое устройство выбрано для звука, попробуйте сменить устройство воспроизведения. Если после всего этого звук так и не появился, то сворачиваем игру и проверяем звук на компьютере. Ну и также не забываем обновить драйвера для звуковой карты. На этом мы заканчиваем нашу статью, надеюсь наши советы помогут многим игрокам от всевозможных проблем, в том числе и проблемы с производительностью игры.
Конечно многим игрокам быть может данная статья и не поможет, но все же некоторые проблемы можно будет решить благодаря этой статье. Варианты описанные в этой статье помогли многим геймерам, которые столкнулись с критическими ошибками в игре PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS, в том числе и со всевозможными багами, лагами и с плохой оптимизацией.
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90000 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | bart.gov 90001 90002 90003 Why does not BART run 24/7 or at least later on Friday and Saturday nights? 90004 90003 Why can not my train be longer? Why can not all trains be 10 car trains? 90004 90003 I went into a station and then came right back out of the same station. I did not ride the train, and had to pay $ 6.20 or $ 6.70. Why? 90004 90003 Why does not BART construct more parking? Where can I find parking right now? 90004 90003 How can I buy discounted fares for children / disabled / senior? 90004 90003 Is there a BART discount for college students? 90004 90003 I failed to pay for parking earlier when I left my car in the lot.Can I pay online or by phone to avoid a citation? 90004 90003 What time does BART stop running? I have a flight arriving at or near midnight. 90004 90003 Does BART have / why does not BART have a monthly pass? 90004 90003 Why can not you run trains more frequently on midday / evenings / weekends? Why can not you run trains closer together during the commute? 90004 90003 Why are the cars so hot? Can not someone turn on the air conditioning? 90004 90003 How often are stations cleaned? 90004 90003 Do train cars get sanitized? 90004 90003 Why does not direct Fremont / Daly City and direct Richmond / SF service begin and end later? 90004 90003 Why do not I see more BART Police Officers on trains? 90004 90003 What is BART doing to provide Wifi on trains? 90004 90003 Is it viable to have dedicated bike cars in set locations on BART trains? 90004 90003 Why are underground restrooms closed? Are you going to keep them closed? 90004 90003 What is BART doing to keep escalators in service? 90004 90003 Is there a Code of Conduct for riders? 90004 90003 I’m seeing people who look homeless on BART trains and in stations.What is BART doing about this? 90004 90003 My car had seat cushions on the floor, what’s going on? 90004 90003 Are pets allowed on BART? 90004 90003 Why are not there any barriers on platforms to block people from getting onto the tracks? 90004 90051 90052 1. Q: Why does not BART run 24/7 or at least later on Friday and Saturday nights? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 The short window of time when BART is not in operation is used for essential nightly track maintenance to help keep BART safe and reliable.There are only a few hours for maintenance crews to get their work done each night between when the last trains of the day leave and when the first trains of the day start up. There are typically just 2-3 hours available when there are no trains on the track for crews to travel to their work site and then perform the maintenance. Weekend nights are particularly important because they provide longer maintenance windows. Check out our video highlighting the work that occurs in the overnight hours.90057 90054 Unlike some public transit systems with multiple sets of tracks on the same routes, BART does not have the duplication that would allow us to run trains on one set while performing maintenance on another. Third-rail power has to be shut down for maintenance crews to be able to operate safely and do the work that keeps the system safe and reliable. And the trains can not run when the power is down. 90057 90054 What about shifting service hours on weekends? 90057 90054 In 2011, the BART Board of Directors directed staff to study shifting service hours on weekends so that Saturday and Sunday morning train service would begin later to allow Friday and Saturday night service to end later.This would preserve the maintenance window. But the 2011 survey found that customers who ride early in the morning are predominately minority and low-income and largely riding to work. Shifting service hours would negatively impact these customers. 90057 90054 BART was never intended to be a 24-hour system. When cost projections were initially developed, the residents of the region who voted to approve BART supported a system that would have limited hours of operation. (In its early days, BART was even closed on weekends.) 90057 90054 In December 2014 року, BART partnered with AC Transit on apilot project to provide more late night bus options from San Francisco into the East Bay. The BART augmented service ended August 19, 2018. Learn more about transit options when BART is not operating or contact BART’s Transit Information Center at 510-465-2278. 90057 90054 90055 Greater need for an even longer maintenance window 90056 90071 Reducing or eliminating the overnight maintenance windows would result in 90071 potentially catastrophic consequences, such as derailments.As our system ages, we are finding the current maintenance windows are rapidly becoming inadequate. Troubling indicators include current track conditions requiring slow speed zones and reductions in traction power system resiliency, requiring reduced acceleration of trains. We are also having to perform more and more scheduled track maintenance during operating hours, causing delays to passengers, because there is not enough time to get it all done in the middle of the night. 90057 90054 We have reached the point where the maintenance work needed to keep our more than 40 year old system safe and reliable will require extended outages of all tracks on a particular line segment during operating hours in order to provide maintenance crews with adequate access to complete the major track work that can not be done while trains are running, even on adjacent tracks.BART will try to schedule these extended outages, some of which will require bus bridges, during non-peak travel such as weekends and evening. 90057 90054 This type of scheduled service disruption reflects the approach taken by every other major U.S. rail transit system needing to get big, vital maintenance jobs done. While there is great pressure to run 24 hours or later on weekends, the reality is if the BART system is to perform in the future anything like it has in the past, there will have to be longer maintenance windows and / or much more disruptive planned line segment closures.Shortening the maintenance window by staying open later on the weekends or eliminating it all together to provide 24-hour service would be at the expense of service reliability and safety. 90057 90052 2. Q: Why can not my train be longer? Why can not all trains be 10 car trains? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 We understand no one wants to be packed in like sardines and there is great demand for train cars due to high ridership. But unfortunately, there are simply not enough train cars in our fleet. That’s why we’ve ordered 775 new train cars.BART schedules all available cars to be in service during the rush hour. 90057 90054 The current number of vehicles in BART’s fleet does not allow for all trains to operate at maximum length. If all trains were 10 car trains, there would be fewer trains out in service. Wait times would be longer and platforms would get even more crowded. Train sizes are determined by the demand or «load» on each line and how much of that route the train will carry a full load. BART officials determine the length of trains by looking at the number of riders who enter and exit the system at particular times and locations.They use this data to match train lengths with demand while taking into account car availability. We look at the data throughout the year and make adjustments to match demand trends. However, if we lengthen a train, it means shortening another train. There simply are not enough cars currently to make all trains a 10 car train while providing service at our current frequency. As the new trains continue to arrive, BART plans to run a mixed fleet. This will expand capacity and reduce overcrowding. By February 2020 року, BART anticipates all peak period transbay trains, except for the extra commute trains that serve a portion of the Antioch line, will be 10-car trains.90057 90052 3. Q: I went into a station and then came right back out of the same station. I did not ride the train, and had to pay either $ 6.20 or $ 6.70. Why? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 We apologize for the confusion. Entering and exiting at the same location within a three hour window is seen by the fare gate software as an «excursion» and you will be charged the Excursion fare. The fare gate software does not take into account the length of time between entering and exiting. The Excursion fare is $ 6.20 (for a Clipper Card) or $ 6.70 (regular adult paper ticket) 90057 90092 90054 90055 Rider Tip: 90056 90071 If you need to exit a station without riding the train, please see the Station Agent first and do not go through the fare gate . The Agent will be better able to help if you have not processed your ticket or Clipper® card to exit. 90057 90098 90054 A lost ticket, by policy, requires that you pay Excursion fare. 90057 90052 4. Q: Why does not BART construct more parking? Where can I find parking right now? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 Demand for parking at many BART stations is more than the number of spaces available.Our busiest daily fee lots are filled as early as 6:30 a.m., while others do not fill up until 9:30 a.m. You can find 90055 estimated fill times 90056 (just click on your preferred station and look under the parking section — some stations do not have fill times yet, but most popular stations do). Staff updates these estimates several times a year to reflect seasonal ridership trends. 90057 90054 There currently is no money to purchase real estate for parking lots or multi-level garages. Many stations are located in densely populated areas and there is no room to grow.90057 90092 90054 90055 Rider Tips: 90056 90071 At some stations, Single Day Reserved parking permits are available. Learn more about 90055 Single Day permits 90056. 90057 90054 Any unused permit spaces (Long-Term, Single Day or Monthly) become available to everyone at 10 am. We encourage customers to consider sharing rides to the station (90055 learn more about Carpool Permits 90056 or take the bus, get dropped off by a family member, bike to the station, or walk). 90057 90098 90052 5.Q: How can I buy discounted fares for children / disabled / senior? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 To avoid surcharges starting Jan. 1, 2018, for trips made using paper tickets, get a Clipper card, which can also incorporate your discounts for children, teens, people with disabilities and senior citizens. To find out where and how to get the Clipper card and access the discounts, visit www.clippercard.com 90057 90052 6. Q: Is there a BART discount for college students? 90053 90054 90055 A. 90056 BART provides discounts for seniors age 65 and older as well as people with qualified disabled identification.BART also offers a youth discount for riders ages 5 through 18. Learn more about these discounts. In addition, BART has embarked on a new program, the Higher Education Discount Program (HEDP), to offer discounts to students at colleges and universities. San Francisco State University is the first program participant. Students use a school-specific Clipper card to get the BART discount, the cost of which is reimbursed to BART through transit fees paid by the student body or the school. Learn more about the HEDP and how your school could participate.90057 90052 7. Q: I failed to pay for parking earlier when I left my car in the lot. Can I pay online or by phone to avoid a citation? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 The only way to pay for daily parking is at the station. There are currently no options for paying remotely. 90057 90052 8. Q: What time does BART stop running? I have a flight arriving at or near midnight. 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 BART stops operating each night after the final trains leave their origin station, usually at or just prior to midnight — the final trains will make all stops until they reach the end of their line and then go out of service .For instance, at SFO, the final train is scheduled to leave the San Francisco International Airport Station 11:54 pm but will not go out of service until it arrives at the end of the line at Antioch at approximately 1:35 am. 90055 View BART schedules by station and by line 90056. You can use our mobile site m.bart.gov to get real-time train departure times while on the go. 90057 90052 9. Q: Does BART have / why does not BART have a monthly pass? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 BART fares are calculated on the distance traveled, and there are no «time-based» passes for BART.Shorter-distance riders would unfairly bear the burden of the trips taken by daily, long-distance riders using a monthly pass. In addition, certain sections of certain routes and some specific locations (such as SFO and BART to OAK) assess an additional surcharge which can not be factored in a time-based pass. Under the current structure, everyone pays according to how far they travel. 90057 90054 In lieu of monthly passes, BART offers High Value Discount tickets. This provides customers a 6.25% discount overall, which is similar to the discount a monthly pass affords frequent riders.90057 90052 10. Q: Why can not you run trains more frequently on midday / evenings / weekends? Why can not you run trains closer together during the commute? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 The level of BART service is determined by the level of demand. Weekends, midday, and evenings have fewer passengers so we run less frequently with fewer trains. We do not have enough train cars to add more service during non-peak hours. This demand-based strategy helps BART maintain our top priorities: safety and reliability.It gives us time to work on the trains and perform preventative maintenance and repairs. By matching the level of service to the level of demand we avoid unneeded wear and tear. This helps keep operations costs down for everyone. 90057 90054 Even during the peak commute, we can not run trains any closer together than we already do because our current train control system does not allow for it. On January 2020 року, the BART Board voted to approve a modern Communications Based Train Control System which will replace our current train control system and will dramatically improve future BART service.90057 90052 11: Q: Why are the cars so hot? Can not someone turn on the air conditioning? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 We recognize temperatures can get uncomfortable on crowded trains. We’ve been upgrading the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems on the most problematic cars and our Fleet of the Future cars have modern HVAC units. If you tweet us at @SFBART and give us your car number (look above the end doors) we can have a tech hunt down the car and either fix it on the spot or send it to the shops.You can also let the Train Operator know by using the intercom, they will alert crew members- but keep in mind the operator can not control the temperature. If you find yourself on an unbearable car, you can try moving to another car. Climate control is separate in each car. 90057 90054 Extreme weather and crowded train cars can become hot because of the outside air entering in at each station stop when the door opens. Body temperatures of passengers also increase the intensity. The trains were originally built to provide air flow for seated passengers, not crowded trains.This is why those standing have a more stuffy experience. More details about how the system works are below. 90057 90054 From time to time units may simply fail even though we are not experiencing any extremes. 90057 90054 The good news is that our Fleet of the Future have modern HVAC systems and are designed to flow air from the ceiling, making for a much more comfortable ride for standees. Temperatures will also automatically adjust as the train travels through the various micro climates of the Bay Area.90057 90092 90054 90055 How Air Conditioning Works on the Trains 90056 90057 90054 Keep in mind, the air handling units on-board the trains are not operated by Train Operators. They also can not be adjusted by the train vehicle shops. They are factory set and activate at certain intervals. The air supply is from units powered by electricity from the third rail and is either heated, vented, or cooled based on the temperature of the outside air. One-third of the air is pulled directly from outside ambient air.There is a limit on the heating and cooling capability when the outside temperature reaches such extremes. Doors open to board / discharge passengers. This results in an exchange of the «treated» air and outside air. 90057 90054 Also, BART is required by a California Public Utilities Commission order to maintain a high level of circuitry overload protection. Electronics are subject to damage when they become hot and the critical functions are propulsion and communications. When potential of overload occurs, such as when it is extremely hot or extremely cold outside, the non-essential functions (such as heat and A / C) automatically shut off to preserve the critical propulsion and communications features.The blower will continue to deliver a «flow» or «vent» but there is no heating or cooling. Also, crowded conditions reduce room for air flow will work against the effective cooling within the vehicle. 90057 90098 90052 12. Q: How often are stations cleaned? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 Providing a clean and safe system is important to BART. To demonstrate that commitment, BART is implementing a new station cleaning program that will raise standards and allow us to better utilize our resources.The new strategy is focused on deploying increased resources to our busiest stations as well as making sure that BART is conforming with industry best practices. We have crews that work at all hours of the day to help keep things clean. Stations receive full cleanings each day involving a sweeping of the platforms, concourse, escalator steps and stairs, damp mop of any spills, and cleaning of elevator floors and panels. Any mess encountered will be removed and surface sprayed with the appropriate cleaning agent.90057 90054 Stations are power-washed by scrub crews on a rotating basis when the system is shut down. BART has hired additional brightening crews to clean stairwells and entrances, on a rotating basis, of the stations that need it the most. BART has also launched a program to build canopies over the entrances of our downtown San Francisco stations to help keep the entrances clean and free of debris. 90057 90054 Download the comprehensive presentation that outlines the new steps BART is taking to improve station cleanliness.The presentation describes how BART is establishing a robust training system for station cleaners, instituting audits to ensure better results, and taking steps to make sure our workers have access to the most effective cleaning tools available. The presentation also outlines new staffing levels for each station designed to make sure our cleaning teams are making the greatest impact. 90057 90052 13. Q: Do train cars get sanitized? 90053 90054 90055 A. 90056 Yes. Crews use electrostatic foggers on train cars that spray disinfecting mist that coats and clings to surfaces.Cars are fogged every 24 hours. We do a top to bottom scrubbing and sanitization of our cars (watch the video of exactly what we do). This work is getting done every night of the year at our yards. Cars also get a nightly cleaning that includes trash pick up, biohazards cleaned, graffiti removed and spot mopping. Car also get thorough cleans where all surfaces are cleaned and disinfected- the walls, windows, seats, ceiling, stanchions, straps, doors, floors, thresholds, and baseboards. At the end of every single run, an end of line cleaner walks the length of the train and picks up garbage (see below for the location of these cleaners).If they spot something that needs a wash, then the car is pulled and we sanitize it and take care of the mess. Biohazards can be reported on our website with a link at the bottom of the page- we will send a crew to intercept the train to clean it up. You can also notify the Train Operator using the intercom button- that way the mess will not remain until the end of the run walk through. Read our story about the late night cleaning crew. 90057 90054 End of line cleaners at located at: Berryessa / North San José (5 am-9pm), Richmond (5 am-9pm), Daly City (5 am-9pm), Dublin / Pleasanton (6 am-2pm and 6 pm-2am), Pittsburg / Bay Point (5 am-9pm), SFO (7 am-3pm), and Millbrae (11 am-7pm) 90057 90052 14.Q: Why does not direct Fremont / Daly City and direct Richmond / SF service begin earlier and end later? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 All day direct service is not possible at this time because of relatively low demand, lack of train car availability, and maintenance requirements. Convenient, timed transfers are provided instead. The goal is to avoid costly and unneeded wear and tear on the system while providing service that matches the level of demand. In 2015 року, we extended Richmond-Millbrae service by one hour on weeday evenings, meaning an extra hour of direct service.90057 90052 15. Q: Why do not I see more BART Police Officers on trains? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 Currently, our patrol officers are required to make at least six train rides during each shift worked. Even so, with more than 600 train cars in service during the peak commute it is easy to understand why one may not often see many officers on trains. 90057 90054 While we do have officers who mostly ride trains, primarily in the urban core areas, officers in outlying areas rely more heavily on patrol vehicles to allow travel between properties while responding to calls for service and covering other officers engaged in enforcement activity.This also allows the officers to conduct security inspections of perimeter fences and other areas for security purposes. The availability of a vehicle allows this to happen faster, especially when the trains are not running at rush hour intervals and one might have to wait for up to 20 minutes for a train to arrive. Further complicating the possibility of catching a train is the fact it is faster and safer for everyone involved to hold a train at a station to wait for an officer to respond. If we did not do this, the location of the suspect would continue to be a moving target, with the train-riding officer unable to determine when the subject left or transferred to another train.90057 90054 BPD has approximately 200 sworn officers and not all sworn officers are assigned to patrol duties. Contained within the sworn ranks are supervisors (Sergeants) and command staff (Lieutenants, Deputy Chiefs, and the Chief). Further reducing the number of personnel actually available for patrol assignments are other assignments fulfilling the BPD mission. These assignments include Training, Backgrounds and Recruiting, Internal Affairs, Traffic, and Criminal Investigations. It is also important to consider the fact that the patrol function of the BPD has to be staffed 24/7, 365 days a year.90057 90054 BART Police uses crime statistics to determine deployment of resources. We not only deploy officers in a manner so they are close enough to respond to each station, parking lot, platform, other BART property, and train, but also to put additional resources where they are needed based on crime statistics. This way we assign officers to areas where spikes in crime are identified. 90057 90054 Listen to our podcast as we follow along on patrol with an officer on a train. 90057 90052 16.Q: What is BART doing to provide Wi-Fi on trains? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 On January 2020 року, the BART Board of Directors approved a plan Thursday that will markedly improve cell phone connectivity across the system, and provide seamless WiFi coverage in all stations and aboard Fleet of the Future trains. Wi-Fi will not be available on our legacy fleet. 90057 90054 We have entered into a new Advanced Wireless System (AWS) agreement with Verizon to expand 4G LTE for all major carriers within the BART underground.90057 90052 17. Q: Is it viable to have dedicated bike cars in set locations on BART trains? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 No, BART cars reverse directions at the ends of the lines, and moreover are continuously coupled and uncoupled in between runs throughout the day. For these reasons, it is not possible to keep a «bike car» in a predictable position on a train. For example, a special car at the front of a train might end up being at the back of the train later in the day. Or if two 4-car trains each had a bike car and were then joined to make an 8-car train, seating for our riders would be greatly reduced.90057 90052 18. Q: Why are undergrounds restrooms closed? Are you going to keep them closed? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 Homeland Security made the recommendation to close underground restrooms following the September 11, 2001., terrorists attack. The recommendation still stands. 90057 90054 We’ve added clean, well-maintained public bathrooms near three of our downtown San Francisco stations: Civic Center / UN Plaza, Powell Street, and 16th Street Mission. The Pit Stop Program is a partnership between BART and the City of San Francisco.They are operated by San Francisco’s Public Works Department and provide clean and safe public toilets near these busy BART stations. 90057 90054 BART Directors, staff, and BART Police are reviewing options of reopening the closed restrooms if remodeled in a way that keeps them safe. Potential options include more transparent doors and sinks outside the restroom in public. Reopening the restrooms would cost $ 1 million a year for cleaning and maintenance plus the remodel costs. 90057 90054 We are in the process of redesigning the bathrooms in two stations — Powell Street in San Francisco and 19th Street in Oakland — to meet security concerns, then reopen them and evaluate the impacts.90057 90054 We want to provide a restroom but safety is important as underground stations continue to be a threat. 90057 90054 Stations with closed bathrooms are Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell (Pit Stop bathroom available), Civic Center (Pit Stop bathroom available), 16th Street (Pit Stop bathroom available) and 24th Street Mission in San Francisco and, in the East Bay, the Lake Merritt, 12th Street, 19th Street and downtown Berkeley ones. 90057 90052 19. Q. What is BART doing to keep escalators in service? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 BART has 177 escalators and most are 30-40 years old.We’ve increased staffing and the number of certified techs to work on the units. We’ve also implemented new technology to better track parts and repairs while focusing on preventative maintenance to help prevent longer outages. BART is working to renovate and replace some of our busiest units and build additional protective canopies to shield the escalators from weather and damage. For an update on these efforts click here. 90057 90054 BART has developed an online advisory that lists out-of-service escalators, their location, the reason they’re out of service and an estimated return to service date.The advisories can be found on BART’s website in the «Stations» section and its mobile website (m.bart.gov) in the «Advisories» section. 90057 90054 The tool updates every minute using real time data generated by BART’s internal maintenance system. When an escalator is taken out of service for any reason, the advisory will become active once a maintenance crew member enters the details into the system. 90057 90054 90267 90057 90052 20. Q. Is there a Code of Conduct for riders? 90053 90054 90055 A.90056 In 2013, the Board of Directors approved a Customer Code of Conduct. 90057 90052 21. Q. I’m seeing people who look homeless on BART trains and in stations. What is BART doing about this? 90053 90054 90055 A. 90056 There’s a national homeless crisis that is having an impact on the entire Bay Area. By some estimates there are as many as 30,000 homeless people in our region and some of them are using the BART system for shelter. As a transit agency, BART has limited resources and our system is not a suitable shelter for homeless people.BART is committed to providing our riders with a safe and clean environment and a key part of that is developing a comprehensive strategy that includes connecting homeless people with support services. 90057 90054 BART is partnering with Muni and the City of San Francisco’s Department of Homelessness to provide two full-time Homelessness Outreach Team (HOT) employees who are primarily focused on the Powell and Civic Center Stations. BART is also participating in the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program, which diverts low-level drug offenders who may also be struggling with being homeless from the criminal justice system to treatment programs.90057 90054 The comprehensive plan also brings a renewed focus on improving the station environment. That includes hiring new station cleaners to focus on our busiest stations and increasing the visible employee presence. BART is adding more community service officers to disrupt drug injection sites as well as recruiting 36 additional police officers. BART is also positioning fully attended Pit Stop bathrooms above ground at major station entrances and exits in downtown San Francisco to provide safe and clean access to restrooms for the public.90057 90054 You can learn more about BART’s comprehensive approach to the issue of homelessness by visiting our social resources page. 90057 90052 22. Q. My car had seat cushions on the floor, what’s going on? 90053 90054 90055 A. 90056 This is caused by someone flipping up the cushion looking for loose change or a cellphone that may have dropped out of someone’s pocket. Our end of line cleaners put the cushions back into place. You can also help us out and put the cushion back. We designed the Fleet of the Future so the seat cushions are attached.This his will soon be a thing of the past. 90057 90052 23. Q: Are pets allowed on BART? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 Pets must be properly secured in an enclosed carrier manufactured for transport of a pet when entering BART. Pets on leashes are not allowed. Trained service animals assisting people with disabilities are allowed on a leash or harness. Service animals are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. In a train car, trained service animals and pets in carriers must be kept off the seats and cleared out of aisles.Station agents who believe a particular service animal is behaving in a manner which may threaten other passengers can advise the owner of the service animal that the animal can not enter the station. 90057 90054 When a person is found to be in violation of the BART rule regarding pets, BART Police officers may issue a citation and / or eject the person from BART. 90057 90052 24. Q: Why are not there any barriers on platforms to block people from getting onto the tracks? 90053 90054 90055 A: 90056 BART studied in 2019 if it was possible to install Platform Screen Doors (PSDs) with our current train control system and be able to safely accommodate running a mixed fleet with some trains having 3 doors and some having 2.The study showed it is possible, but the design would be unique to BART’s existing block system wayside train control. The cost estimate to build platform doors into an existing station with the existing train control system is $ 20-25 million. The design would also become obsolete when BART brings on a new train control system. 90057 90054 Given the cost, risks, and timing of Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) system, the plan moving forward is to award the CBTC contract and then advance the design of the PSDs in coordination with the new train control technology, or perhaps as a future deliverable of the CBTC work.On January 9, 2020 року, the BART Board of Directors voted to award a $ 798 million contract to build a new CBTC system. 90057 90054 In North America, no major public transit rail systems have installed PSDs onto existing stations. 90057.90000 Why Some Platforms Thrive and Others Do not 90001 90002 Idea in Brief 90003 90002 The Challenge 90003 90006 It’s easier for digital platforms to achieve scale than to maintain it. 90007 90002 The Reason 90003 90006 Five basic network properties shape their scalability, profitability, and ultimately their sustainability. 90007 90002 The Insight 90003 90006 Analysis of these properties will help entrepreneurs and investors understand platforms ‘prospects for long-term success.90007 90006 In 2016, Didi became the world’s largest ride-sharing company, reaching 25 million trips a day in China and surpassing the combined daily trips of all other ride-sharing companies across the globe. It had arrived at this milestone by merging in 2015 with its domestic rival, Kuaidi, and pushing Uber out of the Chinese market after a fierce, expensive battle. With its competition gutted, Didi gradually began to improve its margins by reducing subsidies to drivers and passengers.90007 90006 But just as the company began to reach profitability, in early 2018, Meituan, a giant player in online-to-offline services such as food delivery, movie ticketing, and travel booking, launched its own ride-hailing business in Shanghai. Meituan did not charge drivers to use its platform for the first three months and afterward took only 8% of their revenues, while Didi took 20%. Drivers and passengers flocked to the new service. In April, Didi struck back by entering the food delivery market in Wuxi, a city close to Shanghai.What followed was a costly price war, with many meals being sold for next to nothing because of heavy subsidies from both companies. So much for Didi’s profitability. 90007 90006 Didi was taking other hits too. In March 2018, Alibaba’s mapping unit-Gaode Map, the largest navigation service in China-had started a carpooling business in Chengdu and Wuhan. It did not charge drivers at all, and in July it began offering passengers the option of ordering from several ride-hailing services. Meanwhile, Ctrip, China’s largest online travel service, had announced in April that it had been granted a license to provide car-hailing services across the country.90007 90006 Why had not Didi’s immense scale shut down its competition for ride services in China? Why was not this a winner-take-all market, as many analysts had predicted? Moreover, why do some platform businesses-such as Alibaba, Facebook, and Airbnb-flourish, while Uber, Didi, and Meituan, among others, hemorrhage cash? What enables digital platforms to fight off competition and grow profits? 90007 90006 A video game console with a small technical advantage can easily steal share.90007 90006 To answer those questions, you need to understand the networks a platform is embedded in. The factors affecting the growth and sustainability of platform firms (and digital operating models generally) differ from those of traditional firms. Let’s start with the fact that on many digital networks the cost of serving an additional user is negligible, which makes a business inherently easier to scale up. And because much of a network-based firm’s operational complexity is outsourced to the service providers on the platform or handled by software, bottlenecks to value creation and growth usually are not tied to human or organizational factors-another important departure from traditional models.Ultimately, in a digital network business, the employees do not deliver the product or service-they just design and oversee an automated, algorithm-driven operation. Lasting competitive advantage hinges more on the interplay between the platform and the network it orchestrates and less on internal, firm-level factors. In other words, in the digitally connected economy the long-term success of a product or service depends heavily on the health, defensibility, and dominance of the ecosystem in which it operates.90007 90006 And as Didi is learning, it’s often easier for a digital platform to achieve scale than to sustain it. After all, the advantages that allow the platform to expand quickly work for its competitors and anyone else who wants to get into the market. The reason that some platforms thrive while others struggle really lies in their ability to manage five fundamental properties of networks: network effects, clustering, risk of disintermediation, vulnerability to multi-homing, and bridging to multiple networks.90007 90030 Strength of Network Effects 90031 90006 The importance of network effects is well known. Economists have long understood that digital platforms like Facebook enjoy same-side ( «direct») network effects: The more Facebook friends you have in your network, the more likely you are to attract additional friends through your friends ‘connections. Facebook also leverages cross-side ( «indirect») network effects, in which two different groups of participants-users and app developers-attract each other.Uber can similarly mine cross-side effects, because more drivers attract more riders, and vice versa. 90007 90006 Less well acknowledged is the fact that the 90035 strength 90036 of network effects can vary dramatically and can shape both value creation and capture. When network effects are strong, the value provided by a platform continues to rise sharply with the number of participants. For example, as the number of users on Facebook increases, so does the amount and variety of interesting and relevant content.Video game consoles, however, exhibit only weak network effects, as we discovered in a research study. This is because video games are a hit-driven business, and a platform needs relatively few hits to be successful. The total number of game titles available is not as important in console sales as having a few of the right games. Indeed, even an entrant with only a small technical advantage (and a good business development team) can steal significant market share from incumbents. That explains why in 2001 Microsoft’s new Xbox posed such a threat to Sony’s then-dominant PlayStation 2, and why each console has gone up and down in market share, alternately taking the lead, over the years.90007 90006 Even more critically, the strength of network effects can change over time. Windows is a classic example. During the heyday of personal computers in the 1990s, most PC applications were «client based,» meaning they actually lived on the computers. Back then, the software’s network effects were strong: The value of Windows increased dramatically as the number of developers writing apps for it climbed, topping 6 million at the peak of its popularity. By the late 1990s Windows seemed entrenched as the leading platform.However, as internet-based apps, which worked across different operating systems, took off, the network effects of Windows diminished and barriers to entry fell, allowing Android, Chrome, and iOS operating systems to gain strength on PCs and tablets. Mac shipments had also begun to rise in the mid-2000s, increasing more than five-fold by the end of the decade. This turn of events illustrates that when an incumbent’s network effects weaken, so does its market position. 90007 90006 It is possible for firms to design features that strengthen network effects, however.Amazon, for example, has built multiple types of effects into its business model over the years. In the beginning, Amazon’s review systems generated same-side effects: As the number of product reviews on the site increased, users became more likely to visit Amazon to read the reviews as well as write them. Later, Amazon’s marketplace, which allows third parties to sell products to Amazon users, generated cross-side network effects, in which buyers and third-party sellers attracted each other. Meanwhile, Amazon’s recommendation system, which suggests products on the basis of past purchase behavior, amplified the impact of the company’s scale by continually learning about consumers ‘preferences.The more consumers used the site, the more accurate the recommendations Amazon could provide them. While not usually recognized as a network effect per se, learning effects operate a lot like same-side effects and can increase barriers to entry. 90007 90030 Network Clustering 90031 90006 In a research project with Xinxin Li of the University of Connecticut and Ehsan Valavi, a doctoral student at Harvard Business School, we found that the structure of a network influences a platform business’s ability to sustain its scale.The more a network is fragmented into local clusters-and the more isolated those clusters are from one another-the more vulnerable a business is to challenges. Consider Uber. Drivers in Boston care mostly about the number of riders in Boston, and riders in Boston care mostly about drivers in Boston. Except for frequent travelers, no one in Boston cares much about the number of drivers and riders in, say, San Francisco. This makes it easy for another ride-sharing service to reach critical mass in a local market and take off through a differentiated offer such as a lower price.Indeed, in addition to its rival Lyft at the national level, Uber confronts a number of local threats. For example, in New York City, Juno and Via, as well as local taxi companies, are giving it competition. Didi likewise faces a number of strong contenders in multiple cities. 90007 90006 Now let’s compare Uber’s market with Airbnb’s. Travelers do not care much about the number of Airbnb hosts in their home cities; instead, they care about how many there are in the cities they plan to visit.Hence, the network more or less is one large cluster. Any real challenger to Airbnb would have to enter the market on a global scale-building brand awareness around the world to attract critical masses of travelers and hosts. So breaking into Airbnb’s market becomes much more costly. 90007 90006 It’s possible to strengthen a network by building global clusters on top of local clusters. While Craigslist, a classified ad site, primarily connects users and providers of goods and services in local markets, its housing and job listings attract users from other markets.Facebook’s social games (like FarmVille) established new connections among players who were strangers, creating a denser, more global, more integrated network, which is easier to defend from competition. Both Facebook and WeChat, a popular social-networking app in China, have been enhancing their networks by getting popular brands and celebrities-those with national and often international appeal-to create public accounts and post and interact with users. 90007 90030 Risk of Disintermediation 90031 90006 Disintermediation, wherein network members bypass a hub and connect directly, can be a big problem for any platform that captures value directly from matching or by facilitating transactions.Imagine that you hire a house cleaner from a platform like Homejoy and are satisfied with the service. Would you really go back to Homejoy to hire the same person again? If a user has found the right match, there’s little incentive to return to the platform. Additionally, after obtaining enough clients from a platform to fill his or her schedule, the house cleaner will not need that platform anymore. This was exactly the problem that doomed Homejoy, which shut down in 2015 року, five years after it was founded.90007 90006 Platforms have used various mechanisms to deter disintermediation, such as creating terms of service that prohibit users from conducting transactions off the platform, and blocking users from exchanging contact information. Airbnb, for example, withholds hosts ‘exact locations and phone numbers until payments are made. Such strategies are not always effective, though. Anything that makes a platform more cumbersome to use can make it vulnerable to a competitor offering a streamlined experience.90007 90006 Some platforms try to avoid disintermediation by enhancing the value of conducting business on them. They may facilitate transactions by providing insurance, payment escrow, or communication tools; resolve disputes; or monitor activities. But those services become less valuable once trust develops among platform users-and the strategies can backfire as the need for the platform decreases. One of us, Feng, and Grace Gu, a doctoral student at Harvard Business School, saw this effect in a study of an online freelance marketplace.As the platform improved its reputation-rating system, trust between clients and freelancers grew stronger, and disintermediation became more frequent, offsetting the revenue gains from better matching. 90007 90006 Some platforms address disintermediation risks by introducing different strategies for capturing value-with varying results. Thumbtack, a marketplace connecting consumers with local service providers such as electricians and guitar teachers, charges for lead generation: Customers post requests on the site, and service providers send them quotes and pay Thumbtack fees if those customers respond.That model captures value before the two sides even agree to work together and has helped save the company from withering like Homejoy. Thumbtack today is handling over $ 1 billion worth of transactions annually. The downside of its revenue model is that it does not prevent the two sides from building a long-term relationship outside the platform after a match. 90007 90006 Alibaba took a different approach with its Taobao e-commerce platform. When Taobao entered the market, in 2003 eBay’s EachNet had more than 85% of the Chinese consumer-to-consumer market.However, Taobao did not charge listing or transaction fees and even set up an instant-messaging service, Wangwang, that allowed buyers to ask questions directly of sellers and haggle with them in real time. In contrast, EachNet charged sellers transaction fees and, because it was concerned about disintermediation, did not allow direct interactions between buyers and sellers until a sale had been confirmed. Not surprisingly, Taobao quickly took over leadership of the market, and at the end of 2006, eBay shut down its Chinese site.Taobao today continues to offer its C2C marketplace services free of charge and captures value through advertising revenues and sales of storefront software that helps merchants manage their online businesses. 90007 90006 After estimating that it could lose as much as 90% of its business to disintermediation, the Chinese outsourcing marketplace ZBJ, which launched in 2006 with a model of charging a 20% commission, began looking for new revenue sources. In 2014 it discovered that many new business owners used its site to get help with logo design.Typically, the next job those clients would need done was business and trademark registration, which the platform started to offer. Today ZBJ is the largest provider of trademark registration in China-a service that generates more than $ 70 million in annual revenue for the firm. The company has also significantly reduced its transaction fees and focused its resources on growing its user base instead of fighting disintermediation. As the experience of ZBJ, which is now valued at more than $ 1.5 billion, shows, when disintermediation is a threat, providing complementary services can work a lot better than charging transaction fees.90007 90030 Vulnerability to Multi-Homing 90031 90006 Multi-homing happens when users or service providers (network «nodes») form ties with multiple platforms (or «hubs») at the same time. This generally occurs when the cost of adopting an additional platform is low. In the ride-hailing industry, many drivers and riders use both, say, Lyft and Uber-riders to compare prices and wait times, and drivers to reduce their idle time. Similarly, merchants often work with multiple group-buying sites, and restaurants with multiple food-delivery platforms.And even app developers, whose costs are not trivial, still find it makes sense to develop products for both iOS and Android systems. 90007 90006 When multi-homing is pervasive on each side of a platform, as it is in ride hailing, it becomes very difficult for a platform to generate a profit from its core business. Uber and Lyft are constantly undercutting each other as they compete for riders and drivers. 90007 90006 Incumbent platform owners can reduce multi-homing by locking in one side of the market (or even both sides).To encourage exclusivity, both Uber and Lyft gave bonuses in many markets to people who completed a certain number of trips in a row without rejecting or canceling any or going offline during peak hours. And while rides are in progress, both platforms provide drivers new requests for pickups very close to current passengers ‘drop-off locations, reducing the drivers’ idle time and hence the temptation to use other platforms. Yet because of the inherently low cost of adopting multiple platforms, multi-homing is still rampant in ride sharing.90007 90006 Attempts to prevent multi-homing can also have unintended side effects. In one research project, Feng and Hui Li of Carnegie Mellon University examined what happened in 2011 when Groupon retooled its deal counter-which tracks the amount of people who have signed up for a specific offer on its site-to show ambiguous ranges, rather than precise numbers. It then became more difficult for LivingSocial to identify and poach the popular merchants on Groupon. As a result, LivingSocial started to source more exclusive deals.While Groupon was able to reduce merchant-side multi-homing, the research found, consumers became more likely to visit both sites, because there were fewer overlapping deals on them, and it cost little to multi-home. That finding points to a key challenge platform firms face: Reducing multi-homing on one side of the market may increase multi-homing on the opposite side. 90007 90006 Other approaches seem to work better. Let’s look again at the video game industry: Console makers often sign exclusive contracts with game publishers.On the platforms ‘user side, the high prices of consoles and subscription services, such as Xbox Live and PlayStation Plus, reduce players’ incentives to multi-home. Lowering multi-homing on both sides of the market decreased competitive intensity and allowed the console makers to be profitable. Amazon, which provides fulfillment services to third-party sellers, charges them higher fees when their orders are not from Amazon’s marketplace, incentivizing them to sell exclusively on it. Amazon Prime, which gives subscribers free two-day shipping on many products, helps the company reduce online shoppers ‘tendency to multi-home.90007 90030 Network Bridging 90031 90006 In many situations the best growth strategy for a platform may be to connect different networks to one another. In any platform business, success hinges on acquiring a high number of users and amassing data on their interactions. Such assets can almost invariably be valuable in multiple scenarios and markets. By leveraging them, firms that have succeeded in one industry vertical often diversify into different lines of business and improve their economics.This is a fundamental reason why Amazon and Alibaba have moved into so many markets. 90007 90006 When platform owners connect with multiple networks, they can build important synergies. Alibaba successfully bridged its payment platform, Alipay, with its e-commerce platforms Taobao and Tmall, providing a much-needed service to both buyers and sellers and fostering trust between them. Alibaba has also taken advantage of transaction and user data from Taobao and Tmall to launch new offerings through its financial services arm, Ant Financial-including a credit-rating system for merchants and consumers.And information from that rating system allowed Ant Financial to issue short-term consumer and merchant loans with very low default rates. With those loans, consumers can purchase more products on Alibaba’s e-commerce platforms, and Alibaba’s merchants can fund more inventory. These networks mutually reinforce one another’s market positions, helping each network sustain its scale. Indeed, even after the rival platform Tencent offered a competing digital wallet service, WeChat Pay, through its app WeChat, Alipay remained attractive to consumers and merchants because of its tight bridging with Alibaba and Ant Financial’s other services.90007 90006 As the most successful platforms connect across more and more markets, they’re becoming increasingly effective at tying together industries. Just as the Alibaba Group moved from commerce to financial services, Amazon has moved beyond retail to entertainment and consumer electronics. Platforms are thus becoming crucial hubs in the global economy. 90007 90084 CONCLUSION 90085 90006 When evaluating an opportunity involving a platform, entrepreneurs (and investors) should analyze the basic properties of the networks it will use and consider ways to strengthen network effects.It’s also critical to evaluate the feasibility of minimizing multi-homing, building global network structures, and using network bridging to increase scale while mitigating the risk of disintermediation. That exercise will illuminate the key challenges of growing and sustaining the platform and help businesspeople develop more-realistic assessments of the platform’s potential to capture value. 90007 90006 As for Didi and Uber, our analysis does not hold out much hope. Their networks consist of many highly local clusters.They both face rampant multi-homing, which may worsen as more rivals enter the markets. Network-bridging opportunities-their best hope-so far have had only limited success. They’ve been able to establish bridges just with other highly competitive businesses, like food delivery and snack vending. (In 2018 Uber struck a deal to place Cargo’s snack vending machines in its vehicles, for instance.) And the inevitable rise of self-driving taxis will probably make it challenging for Didi and Uber to sustain their market capitalization.Network properties are trumping platform scale. 90007 A version of this article appeared in the January-February 2019 issue (pp.118-125) of 90035 Harvard Business Review 90036. .90000 2º NB-A: FILE TEST 5 REVIEW 90001 Here you have two tests to review Unit 5. 90002 The key is below the tests. 90002 Have a nice day! 🙂 90004 90005 FILE TEST 5 A 90006 90002 90005 90002 90006 90011 90005 1 90013 Underline 90014 the correct word (s). 90006 Example: I’m 90005 much / little / 90013 too 90014 90006 tired to go out. 1 Do your children eat a 90005 little / lot of / many 90006 sweets? 2 There’s too 90005 much 90006/90005 few 90006/90005 many 90006 salt in this soup.3 He usually has a 90005 few 90006/90005 little 90006/90005 enough 90006 sugar in his coffee. 4 We have 90005 too many 90006/90005 too 90006/90005 too 90006 90005 much 90006 money. We can not spend it! 5 Can I have 90005 much / many / a few 90006 of your chips? 6 These trousers are not big 90005 too 90006/90005 enough 90006/90005 very 90006. 90005 2 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase. 90006 Example: Marc is 90052 90013 more generous 90014 90055 than Alex.generouser more generous as generous 1 Suzi works _______________ Dan. Dan has too many breaks! as hard as more hard than harder than 2 My shoes were _______________ than yours. I got mine in the sale. lesser less expensive as expensive 3 This test is not _______________ difficult as last week’s test. as more too 4 I drive _______________ than my father. carefuller more carefully as carefully 5 Our office is _______________ this month than it was last month.busier more busy the busiest 6 Jason dances _______________ than Franz. badder worser worse 7 Chelsea did not play _______________ Real Madrid last night. well than as well as so good than 90005 3 Write the superlative form of the adjective in brackets. 90006 Example: Yesterday was 90052 90013 the hottest 90014 90055 (hot) day of the year. 1 Who’s _______________ (good) teacher you’ve ever had? 2 Alan’s _______________ (friendly) boy I know. He talks to everybody! 3 Is Russia _______________ (big) country in the world? 4 This is _______________ (exciting) game I’ve ever played.I can not stop playing it! 5 _______________ (Far) we’ve ever been is Hong Kong. 6 It was _______________ (bad) film I’ve ever seen. It was terrible! 7 They stayed at _______________ (expensive) hotel in town. 90005 4 Complete the sentences with the correct word. 90006 Example: At Christmas the streets are 90052 90013 crowded 90014 90055 with shoppers. It’s difficult to move. boring crowded quiet 1 Istanbul is an old city with lots of _________ buildings. modern interesting noisy 2 There’s a __________ of Nelson Mandela outside the town hall.statue mosque cathedral 3 I usually buy fruit at the __________ because it’s cheaper. palace church market 4 This is the __________ where the Queen lives. temple town hall palace 5 My town has a __________ of around 150,000. department store population coast 6 Hull is a big city __________ the river Humber. on in over 7 There’s a lot of traffic in London, so it’s very __________. clean safe polluted 8 Not many people go to the beach in winter.It’s usually completely __________. empty crowded noisy 90005 5 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase. 90006 take on time save 90070 spend 90071 waste hurry Example: How much time do you 90052 90013 spend 90014 90055 watching TV? 1 We can __________ time if we take the motorway. It’s much quicker. 2 Do not __________ your time on computer games! Do something more useful! 3 He’s always in a __________. He never has time to relax. 4 Do not be late.Try to arrive __________. 5 How long does it __________ you to do your homework? 90005 6 90013 Underline 90014 the correct word. 90006 Example: He’s putting on 90005 90013 weight 90014 / diet / illness 90006 because he eats a lot of sweets. 1 Too much sunbathing is bad for your 90005 bones / skin / feet 90006. 2 Playing computer games can stimulate your 90005 brain / Eyes / fingers 90006. 3 Drinking coffee can help to 90005 prevent / cure / protect 90006 some illnesses.4 I have an 90005 active / anxious / lazy 90006 lifestyle. I run every day. 5 It’s not a good idea to eat a lot of 90005 quick / slow / fast 90006 food. 6 She does not have a 90005 healthy / bad / thin 90006 diet. She eats lots of cakes. 7 Take some 90005 sunlight / sunscreen / sunshine 90006 to the beach with you. 90005 7 90013 Underline 90014 the word which does not contain the sound at the beginning of the line. 90006 Example: 90005/90006 90005/90006 m 90005 o 90006 st ph 90005 o 90006 ne 90013 m 90005 o 90006 dern 90014 kn 90005 ow 90006 1 / / 90005 u 90006 p m 90005 o 90006 ney m 90005 u 90006 ch poll 90005 u 90006 ted 2 / k / 90005 c 90006 astle 90005 c 90006 athedral 90005 c 90006 inema mos 90005 que 90006 3 / / 90005 i 90006 llness sm 90005 i 90006 le w 90005 i 90006 ne exc 90005 i 90006 ting 4 / e / 90005 e 90006 gg mus 90005 e 90006 um 90005 e 90006 mpty h 90005 ea 90006 lth 90148 5 / / 90005 90006 fr 90005 ui 90006 t f 90005 oo 90006 d stat 90005 ue 90006 g 90005 oo 90006 d 90005 8 Under 90013 line 90014 the stressed syllable.90006 90163 90002 90005 1 Read the article about three lifestyle changes and tick (ü 90006 90005) A, B, or C. 90006 ‘I got skin cancer last year. It was very frightening. I’m better now, but I realised I needed to change my lifestyle. You see, I loved the sun. Every holiday, I went abroad and spent too long in the sun. I did not wear sunscreen. I did not visit the sights like the other tourists. I was not interested. I just spent my time at the beach. When I go on holiday now, I spend more time at museums and art galleries.It’s safer and more interesting. ‘ ‘I was a doctor and I loved my job. But I did too much work. And that’s unhealthy. I had no time for my family or friends. I was not getting enough sleep and I was not doing enough exercise. I felt irritable and stressed. I needed to slow down and change my lifestyle. So I decided to work four days a week, not seven! Now I spend much more time with my children. I sleep better and I do more sport. I have slowed down and I feel happier. ‘ ‘I work in a department store in the capital city.This city has the best restaurants I’ve ever been to. It has the best-dressed people I’ve ever seen. And it has the most expensive shops. So, although I like my job, I do not have enough money to live here! Before, I spent too much money on things I did not really need. I’ve changed my habits now. I try to eat at home, not in restaurants. I do not try to look like the people who come into the department store. And I do not go into the expensive shops. I’m much less frustrated now! ‘ Example: When Maggie went on holiday, she spent too long _____.A at art galleries c B at museums c C in the sun cü 1 On holiday, Maggie did not put on _____. A sunglasses c B sunscreen c C a sunhat c 2 She was not interested in _____. A sightseeing c B lying in the sun c C going to the beach c 3 When she goes on holiday now, she goes to _____. A the shops c B the cafés c C museums and art galleries c 4 Vincenzo worked too much and did not have enough time _____. A to do the housework c B to play golf c C for his family and friends c 5 He felt _____ and unrelaxed.A lonely c B impatient c C bored c 6 He decided to stop working seven days a week and only work _____. 90004 A four c B three c C two c 90011 7 Before, Clare bought _____. A expensive clothes c B things she did not need c 90002 C presents for her friends c 8 Now, she does not go into the _____. A department store c B city c C expensive shops c 9 She is happier with her life because she _____. A has changed the way she lives c B eats in nice restaurants c 90002 C earns more money c 90005 2 Write 90052 M 90055 for Maggie, 90052 V 90055 for Vicenzo, or 90052 C 90055 for Clare.90006 Example: I needed to slow down. 90052 90013 V 90014 90055 90185 1 I have a safer lifestyle now. _____ 2 I have a job in a department store. _____ 3 I have more time for my children now. _____ 4 I do not have enough money to live in this city. _____ 5 I spent every holiday abroad. _____ 6 I was not sleeping enough. _____ 90163 90002 90005 1 Listen to the conversation about Edinburgh and Havana. Fill in the gaps with 90052 E 90055 (for Edinburgh) or 90052 H 90055 (for Havana).90006 1 _____ ‘s architecture is more interesting than _____ ‘s. 2 The buildings in _____ are more modern than the buildings in _____. 3 _____ is not as romantic as _____. 4 The nightlife in _____ is better than the nightlife in _____. 5 The people in _____ are not as friendly as the people in _____. 90005 2 Listen to the radio show. Match the speakers with what they think of their town (A-G). There are two answers you do not need. 90006 In conversation 1, Jim thinks his town is _____.In conversation 2, Sandra thinks her town is _____. In conversation 3, Dave thinks his town is _____. In conversation 4, Jess thinks her town is _____. In conversation 5, Simon thinks his town is _____. 90005 1 Ask your partner these questions. 90006 1 Where do you live? What’s it like to live there? 2 What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited? Why? 3 What’s the best café / restaurant you’ve been to in this country? 4 What’s the best film you’ve seen recently? 5 Who’s the friendliest person you know? 90005 Now answer your partner’s questions.90006 90005 2 Read the information about Harry’s town and answer your partner’s questions. 90006 Name of town: Crawley 90002 Location: in West Sussex, in south-east England, very near Gatwick airport 90002 Population: about 100,000 90002 Description: modern, busy 90002 Things to see and do: picnic / walk in Tilgate Park, a lot of shops, Crawley Town Football Club matches 90005 3 Now make questions and ask your partner about Sara’s town. 90006 • how many people? 90002 • what / See and do? 90004 90005 FILE TEST 5 B 90006 90011 90005 1 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.90006 Example: The café is 90052 90013 busier 90014 90055 this week than it was last week. the busiest busier more busy 1 Tessa dances _______________ than Jane. worser worse more bad 2 Arsenal did not play _______________ AC Milan last night. so good than well than as well as 3 Kevin is _______________ than John. as generous generouser more generous 4 I work _______________ Carl. Carl has too many breaks! harder than as hard as more hard than 5 This test is not _______________ difficult as last week’s test.too more as 6 My boots were _______________ than yours. I got mine in the sale. lesser less expensive as expensive 7 You drive _______________ than me. carefuller as carefully more carefully 90005 2 Write the superlative form of the adjective in brackets. 90006 Example: Is Russia 90052 90013 the biggest 90014 90055 (big) country in the world? 1 _______________ (far) we’ve ever been is Canada. 2 They ate at _______________ (expensive) restaurant in town.3 It was _______________ (bad) book I’ve ever read. 4 Erik’s _______________ (funny) person I know. 5 Yesterday was _______________ (hot) day of the year. 6 Who’s _______________ (good) teacher you’ve ever had? 7 This is _______________ (exciting) game I’ve ever played. 90005 3 90013 Underline 90014 the correct word (s). 90006 Example: These shoes are not big 90005 too 90006/90005 90013 enough 90014 90006/90005 very 90006. 1 We’re 90005 too / much / little 90006 tired to go out.2 Can I have 90005 much / many / a few 90006 of your carrots? 3 She has 90005 too many 90006/90005 too much 90006/90005 too 90006 money. She can not spend it! 4 I usually have a 90005 little 90006/90005 enough 90006/90005 few 90006 sugar in my coffee. 5 Do you buy a 90005 many / little / lot of 90006 books? 6 The children eat too 90005 many 90006/90005 much 90006/90005 little 90006 sweets. 90005 4 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.90006 hurry waste save 90070 take 90071 spend on time Example: How long does it 90052 90013 take 90014 90055 you to do your homework? 1 How much time do you __________ watching TV? 2 Do not be late. Try to arrive __________. 3 We can __________ time if we take the motorway. It’s much quicker. 4 I’m always in a __________. I never have time to relax. 5 Do not __________ your time on computer games! Do something more useful! 90005 5 90013 Underline 90014 the correct word (s).90006 Example: When you go to the beach, take some 90005 90013 sunscreen 90014 / Sunlight / sunshine 90006 with you. 1 Kev has an 90005 anxious / active / lazy 90006 lifestyle. He plays a lot of tennis. 2 She does not have a very 90005 bad / thin / healthy 90006 diet. She eats lots of sweets. 3 It’s a bad idea to eat a lot of 90005 slow / fast / quick 90006 food. 4 Too much sunbathing is bad for your 90005 skin / bones / Feet 90006. 5 Playing computer games can stimulate your 90005 eyes 90006 / 90005 fingers / brain 90006.6 Drinking coffee can help to 90005 prevent / protect / cure 90006 some illnesses. 7 I’m putting on 90005 illness 90006/90005 diet / weight 90006 because I eat a lot of chocolate. 90005 6 Complete the sentences with the correct word. 90006 Example: Not many people go to the beach in winter. It’s usually completely 90052 90013 empty 90014 90055. crowded noisy empty 1 There’s a lot of traffic in Manchester, so it’s very __________. clean polluted safe 2 Liverpool is a big city __________ the Mersey River.in on over 3 Our village has a __________ of around 2,000. population department store coast 4 Bruges is an old city with lots of __________ buildings. noisy modern interesting 5 This is the __________ where the royal family lives. palace temple town hall 6 We usually buy vegetables at the __________ because it’s cheaper. market castle church 7 There’s a __________ of Nelson Mandela near the town hall. mosque cathedral statue 8 On Saturdays the streets are __________ with shoppers.It’s difficult to move. quiet crowded boring 90005 7 Under 90013 line 90014 the stressed syllable. 90006 90005 8 90013 Underline 90014 the word which does not contain the sound at the beginning of the line. 90006 Example: 90005/90006 k 90005/90006 90005 90013 c 90014 90006 90013 inema 90014 90005 c 90006 astle 90005 c 90006 athedral mos 90005 que 90006 1 / / 90005 90006 g 90005 oo 90006 d fr 90005 ui 90006 t f 90005 oo 90006 d stat 90005 ue 90006 2 / / 90005 90006 sm 90005 i 90006 le 90005 i 90006 llness w 90005 i 90006 ne exc 90005 i 90006 ting 3 / e / 90005 e 90006 mpty 90005 e 90006 gg mus 90005 e 90006 um h 90005 ea 90006 lth 4 / / poll 90005 u 90006 ted 90005 u 90006 p m 90005 o 90006 ney m 90005 u 90006 ch 90148 5 / / kn 90005 ow 90006 m 90005 o 90006 st ph 90005 o 90006 ne m 90005 o 90006 dern 90005 1 Read the article about three lifestyle changes and tick (ü 90006 90005) A, B, or C.90006 ‘I got skin cancer last year. It was very frightening. I’m better now, but I realised I needed to change my lifestyle. You see, I loved the sun. Every holiday, I went abroad and spent too long in the sun. I did not wear sunscreen. I did not visit the sights like the other tourists. I was not interested. I just spent my time at the beach. When I go on holiday now, I spend more time at museums and art galleries. It’s safer and more interesting. ‘ ‘I was a doctor and I loved my job. But I did too much work.And that’s unhealthy. I had no time for my family or friends. I was not getting enough sleep and I was not doing enough exercise. I felt irritable and stressed. I needed to slow down and change my lifestyle. So I decided to work four days a week, not seven! Now I spend much more time with my children. I sleep better and I do more sport. I have slowed down and I feel happier. ‘ ‘I work in a department store in the capital city. This city has the best restaurants I’ve ever been to. It has the best-dressed people I’ve ever seen.And it has the most expensive shops. So, although I like my job, I do not have enough money to live here! Before, I spent too much money on things I did not really need. I’ve changed my habits now. I try to eat at home, not in restaurants. I do not try to look like the people who come into the department store. And I do not go into the expensive shops. I’m much less frustrated now! ‘ Example: Maggie always went to _____ when she was on holiday. A beaches cü B art galleries c C museums c 1 On holiday, Maggie spent too much time _____.A in the sun c B with other tourists c C wearing sunscreen c 2 She did not like visiting _____. A cafés c B restaurants c C tourist sights c 3 Now she visits _____ more when she goes on holiday. A shops c B museums and art galleries c C restaurants c 4 Vincenzo worked too much and did not spend any time with _____. A playing golf c B his family and friends c C doing the housework c 5 He felt impatient and not at all _____.A relaxed c B stressed c C tired c 6 He changed his work hours from seven days a week to _____. 90004 A two c B three c C four c 90011 7 Clare bought too many _____. A things she did not need c B expensive clothes c 90002 C presents for her friends c 8 Now, she tries to eat _____. A in cafés c B at home c C in cheaper restaurants c 9 She feels happier with her life because she _____. A looks better c B lives in a different city c 90002 C does not visit the expensive shops c 90005 2 Write 90052 M 90055 for Maggie, 90052 V 90055 for Vicenzo, or 90052 C 90055 for Clare.90006 Example: I decided to work fewer days. 90052 90013 V 90014 90055 1 I live in an expensive city. _____ 2 I had a serious illness last year. _____ 3 I did not do enough exercise. _____ 4 I have a more interesting lifestyle now. _____ 5 I children more now. _____ 6 I liked eating in restaurants. _____ 90005 1 Listen to the conversation about Edinburgh and Havana. Fill in the gaps with 90052 E 90055 (for Edinburgh) or 90052 H 90055 (for Havana).90006 1 The architecture in _____ is less interesting than in _____. 2 _____ does not have as many modern buildings as _____. 3 _____ is more romantic than _____. 4 _____ ‘s nightlife is not as good as _____ ‘s. 5 The people in _____ are friendlier than the people in _____. 90005 2 Listen to the radio show. Match the speakers with what they think of their town (A-G). There are two answers you do not need. 90006 D It’s too traditional. F It’s too dangerous. 90005 1 Answer your partner’s questions.90006 90005 Now ask your partner these questions. 90006 1 Which is the most interesting town / city you’ve ever been to? Why? 2 Where do you live? What do you think about it? 3 Where’s the best place you’ve eaten at in this country? 4 Who’s the friendliest person you’ve met here? 5 What’s the most exciting sport you’ve ever tried? 90005 2 Make questions and ask your partner about Harry’s town. 90006 • How many people? • What / See and do? 90005 3 Now read the information about Sara’s town and answer your partner’s questions.90006 Name of town: Broadstairs 90002 Location: on the Kent coast, in south-east England 90002 Population: about 25,000 90002 Description: traditional, popular, pretty 90002 Things to see and do: lovely shops, interesting museums, sandy beaches 90004 90005 ANSWER KEY TEST 5 A 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 90004 90005 3 90006 90011 90004 90005 4 90006 90011 90004 90005 5 90006 90011 90004 90005 6 90006 90011 90004 90005 7 90006 90011 90004 90005 8 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 90004 90005 ANSWER KEY TEST 5 B 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 90004 90005 3 90006 90011 90004 90005 4 90006 90011 90004 90005 5 90006 90011 90004 90005 6 90006 90011 90004 90005 7 90006 90011 90004 90005 8 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 .90000 2º NB-A: PROGRESS TEST REVIEW 1-6 90001 Here you have two progress tests to review units from 1 to 6. 90002 The key is below the tests. 90002 Have a nice day! 🙂 90004 90005 PROGRESS TEST A 90006 90002 90005 90002 90006 90011 90005 1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. 90006 Example: I 90014 90015 ‘ve 90016 90017 never 90014 90015 read 90016 90017 (read) a book in English. 1 Be careful. We _______________ just _______________ (Paint) that door.2 I _______________ (see) your brother at the pool when I was swimming. 3 We _______________ (fly) to Malaysia at 10 o’clock next Tuesday. 4 _______________ you _______________ (go) to Moscow before? 5 My sister _______________ (study) photography at the moment. 6 _______________ you _______________ (wait) for your bus when I saw you yesterday? 7 When they got to Paris, they _______________ (Go) out for a meal. 8 I _______________ (not be) late tomorrow. That’s a promise. 9 Let’s eat Japanese food.I _______________ never _______________ (try) it. 10 When _______________ Pavol _______________ (Go) back to Warsaw? Is it tomorrow? 90005 2 90015 Underline 90016 the correct form. 90006 Example: When 90005 have you finished / 90006 90005 90015 did you finish 90016 90006 your work? 90032 1 I 90005 ‘m going to 90006/90005 ‘ll 90006 see you at the cinema at six o’clock. 2 What 90005 did you do 90006/90005 were you doing 90006 for your last holiday? 3 My room is 90005 more tidy 90006/90005 tidier 90006 than my sister’s.4 When 90005 did he get 90006/90005 has he got 90006 back from Russia? 5 Katya did not run 90005 enough fast 90006/90005 fast enough 90006 to win the race. 6 Tai’s girlfriend is someone 90005 who 90006/90005 which 90006 loves dancing. 7 That’s the 90005 most 90006/90005 more 90006 difficult question you’ve ever asked me. 8 We’ve finished our homework, 90005 but 90006/90005 so 90006 we’re going out for a walk. 9 Who did you 90005 see 90006/90005 saw 90006 at the post office? 10 90005 Does your brother stay 90006/90005 Is your brother staying 90006 with you this weekend? 11 Megan 90005 always is 90006/90005 is always 90006 late to school.12 I 90005 was sitting 90006/90005 sat 90006 on a bench when the bus arrived. 13 Mr King 90005 will meet 90006/90005 is meeting 90006 someone at four, but he can see you at three. 14 I do not think it 90005 ‘ll snow 90006/90005’ s snowing 90006 tomorrow. 15 We have not had 90005 nothing 90006/90005 anything 90006 to eat today — we’re really hungry. 90005 3 Complete the sentences with one word. 90006 Example: Sorry, 90014 90015 what 90016 90017 did you say? I did not hear.1 I’ve __________ heard that joke. Kim told me it yesterday. 2 The concert was not as good __________ the one I saw last week. 3 She had a party __________ it was her birthday. 4 __________ it was raining, we went to the beach for a picnic. 5 It was __________ worst film I’ve ever seen! 6 This hotel is less expensive __________ the last one. 7 A passenger is someone __________ travels on a bus or train. 8 We have not been to the new museum __________. What’s it like? 9 I’m sure she __________ call me soon.10 Leo __________ the competition. His singing was the best. 90005 4 Put the words in the correct order. 90006 Example: excellent I latest think his will book be 90014 90015 I think his latest book will be excellent. 90016 90017 1 your how people are many in there family? _____________________________________________ 2 does not exercise do husband enough my _____________________________________________ 3 next going are to what study year you? _____________________________________________ 4 as my older me sister is not as tall _____________________________________________ 5 book is this the I’ve read best ever _____________________________________________ 90005 5 90015 Underline 90016 the odd word out.90006 Example: trainers 90014 90015 shorts 90016 90017 boots shoes 1 generous mean funny friendly 2 cap T-shirt sweater top 3 polluted noisy crowded lazy 4 thin bald overweight slim 5 disgusting luxurious delicious comfortable 6 buy hire rent sunbathe 7 necklace earrings leggings bracelet 8 shy talkative extrovert high 9 receipt check-in checkout customer 10 washing up ironing sailing tidying 90005 6 Write the opposite.90006 1 mend __________ 2 win __________ 3 start __________ 4 sell __________ 5 forget __________ 90005 7 Complete the sentences with one word. 90006 Example: 90014 Slim 90017 is the 90014 90015 opposite 90016 90017 of 90014 fat 90017. 1 Did you __________ any souvenirs while you were in Bavaria? 2 I’m sorry, he is not here. He’s __________ work. 3 Bella’s birthday is __________ Christmas Day! 4 I do not have enough __________ to do my work and help you.5 It’s really dark in here. Can you turn __________ the light please? 6 Students, please work in __________ and talk to your partner. 7 When we’re on holiday, we __________ bikes to get around. 8 Can I __________ € 10 from you, please? I’ll give it back tomorrow. 9 I wear __________ and sports socks when I do sport. If not, my feet hurt. 10 I did not spend much __________ when we went out last night. 90005 8 Complete the sentences with the correct word (s). 90006 Example: She tried 90014 90015 on 90016 90017 the dress in the shop.1 Have you __________ your bed this morning? done made cleaned 2 They do not go __________ to eat very often. off out up 3 The hotels are too expensive, so we’re __________ at a campsite. staying hiring renting 4 How do you __________ this word? repeat underline pronounce 5 We’re seeing our cousins next week. We’re really looking __________ it. for forward to after 6 The town centre was very __________. There were a lot of people.quiet boring crowded 7 My university course starts __________ October. in on at 8 We __________ at the hotel very late last night. got arrived came 9 I __________ Victor some money last month, and he has not paid me back. spent lent borrowed 10 Do not eat all that cake! It’s really __________. unhealthy uncomfortable polluted 11 What did you think __________ the play? off for of 12 This lesson started __________ 9.15.You’re late again! on in at 13 I’m going to _______ Chris to our picnic this weekend. meet invite stay 14 Do not worry _______ the washing up. I’ll do it later. about for on 15 Who’s paying _______ the car parking? to for on 90005 9 Under 90015 line 90016 the stressed syllable. 90006 90005 10 Match the words with the same sound. 90006 b 90005 or 90006 ing dr 90005 e 90006 ss w 90005 i 90006 ndy w 90005 a 90006 tch f 90005 a 90006 ther 90005 e 90006 mail 90149 l 90005 a 90006 zy 90152 f 90005 u 90006 nny cl 90005 ou 90006 dy ma 90005 tch 90006 s 90005 i 90006 ghtseeing 1 s 90005 ai 90006 d _______ 2 sh 90005 y 90006 _______ 3 gl 90005 o 90006 ves _______ 4 c 90005 ar 90006 digan _______ 5 tr 90005 o 90006 lley _______ 6 t 90005 al 90006 kative _______ 7 cr 90005 ow 90006 ded _______ 8 tou 90005 ch 90006 _______ 90032 9 b 90005 ea 90006 ch 90005 90006 _______ 90032 10 t 90005 i 90006 ck _______ 90185 90002 90005 1 Read the article and tick (ü 90006 90005) A, B, or C.90006 CouchSurfing — a different kind of travel experience I love travelling abroad, but two years ago I did not have much cash to spend on my holiday. At first, I was planning to go camping again, but then a friend suggested an alternative: CouchSurfing. I had no idea what that was, so she explained. ‘CouchSurfers’ are people who stay as guests in other people’s homes for free, and visit the sights in the local area. You can do the things that most tourists do, like sunbathing on the beach or sightseeing in the town centre.Or your host could give you a language lesson, teach you how to cook local delicacies, or take you to places that visitors never find. It sounded much more fun than my other holidays, so I joined the website and sent emails to about twenty hosts in France and Spain right away. A few days later, I already had ten replies. After a week or two of emails, I made arrangements with four hosts in three different cities. I’m quite talkative and they seemed very friendly, so I was not concerned about spending time with strangers.Two weeks later, I was arriving in Paris, and meeting my first host, Claudette. Over the next ten days, I stayed in four very different homes, improved my foreign languages, and made some great new friends. Sometimes the places where I stayed were basic — a sofa to sleep on, or even just a floor, but sometimes they were luxurious — much nicer than the hostels that I usually go to. I think it was probably the cheapest and most interesting holiday I’ve ever had! I’ve done CouchSurfing again twice since then: in Italy, and here in the UK.I’ll definitely do it again. In fact, I’m going on a trip to South America next year. And I’ve had five visitors at my place, including Claudette. I’ve discovered that hosting is as much fun as exploring a new place. CouchSurfing is a fantastic experience. Try it some time! Example: Emma started CouchSurfing because she wanted to save money. A True cü B False c C Does not say c 1 It was her first holiday in another country. A True c B False c C Does not say c 2 Emma’s friend was a regular 90014 couch surfer 90017.A True c B False c C Does not say c 3 ‘CouchSurfers’ can spend time with the homeowners. A True c B False c C Does not say c 4 Half of the people who Emma emailed did not reply. 90004 A True c B False c C Does not say c 90011 5 Two of the people she visited lived in the same city. A True c B False c C Does not say c 6 Emma went on holiday about a month after joining the website. A True c B False c C Does not say c A True c B False c C Does not say c 8 Emma had a nice bed to sleep in at all the places where she stayed.A True c B False c C Does not say c 9 Emma has now had three CouchSurfing holidays. A True c B False c C Does not say c 10 Claudette was Emma’s favourite host. A True c B False c C Does not say c 90005 2 Match 90015 five 90016 of the highlighted words / phrases with the definitions. 90006 Example: people who stay in a hotel or house for a short time 2 made better __________ 3 finding and learning about something __________ 4 interesting things for tourists to visit __________ 5 different thing to choose __________ 90199 90185 90002 90005 1 Listen to Claire talking about her favourite photo.Tick (ü 90006 90005) A or B. 90006 1 The photo is of a 16 90 206 th 90207 birthday party. A True c B False c 2 Lisa and Tom were at the party. A True c B False c 3 Claire’s mum is popular with Claire’s friends. A True c B False c 4 Jamie is not talkative. A True c B False c 5 Claire has no younger brothers or sisters. A True c B False c 90005 2 Listen to five conversations. Match them with places A-E. 90006 90005 1 Ask your partner these questions.90006 1 What school subject do / did you like most? 2 Why are you studying English? 3 Do you want to learn any other languages? Why? 4 What did you have for dinner last night? 5 What are your plans for your next holiday? 6 What is the best book you have ever read? 7 Do you like beach or city holidays? Why? 8 Which country would you most like to visit? Why? 9 Have you ever spoken English abroad? When? 10 What job would you most like to have? Why? 90005 Now answer your partner’s questions.90006 90005 2 Make questions and ask your partner about a weekend trip he / she went on. 90006 • What / Do / afternoon? • What / Do / evening? • How much / cost? 90005 3 Read this information about a weekend trip you went on and answer your partner’s questions. 90006 Coach leaves London at 8.30 a.m. Saturday Arrive in Bath about 11.00 a.m. Tour of the city: 12.00-5.00 p.m. Saturday Dinner at Smith’s Restaurant: 7.00pm Saturday Accommodation: City Hotel Return travel: leave Bath Sunday at 3.00 p.m. Arrive back in London at 5.30 p.m. 90002 90005 1 90015 Underline 90016 the correct form. 90006 Example: When 90005 90015 did you finish 90016 90006/90005 have you finished 90006 your work? 90032 1 90005 Does your sister stay 90006/90005 Is your sister staying 90006 with you this weekend? 2 I have not had 90005 anything 90006/90005 nothing 90006 to eat today, and I’m really hungry. 3 Who did you 90005 see 90006/90005 saw 90006 at the bank? 4 I’ve finished my homework, 90005 so 90006/90005 but 90006 I’m going out for a walk.5 I do not think it 90005 ‘s raining 90006/90005’ ll rain 90006 tomorrow. 6 Mrs Matthias 90005 will meet 90006/90005 is meeting 90006 someone at three, but she can see you at four. 7 We 90005 were sitting 90006/90005 sat 90006 on a bench when the bus arrived. 8 90005 I’m going to 90006/90005 ‘ll 90006 see you at the theatre at eight o’clock. 9 Your room is 90005 more tidy 90006/90005 tidier 90006 than my sister’s. 10 What 90005 did you do 90006/90005 were you doing 90006 for your last holiday? 11 Yann 90005 is always 90006/90005 always is 90006 late to school.12 This is the 90005 more 90006/90005 most 90006 difficult question in the test. 13 Sofia’s boyfriend is someone 90005 who 90006/90005 which 90006 loves swimming. 14 Jake did not run 90005 enough fast 90006/90005 fast enough 90006 to win the race. 15 When 90005 did they get 90006/90005 have they got 90006 back from Canada? 90005 2 Put the words in the correct order. 90006 Example: excellent I latest think his will book be 90014 90015 I think his latest book will be excellent.90016 90017 1 as my older me brother is not as tall __________________________________ 2 book was that the I’ve read best ever __________________________________ 3 your how people are many in there family? __________________________________ 4 does not exercise do wife enough my __________________________________ 5 next going are to what study year you? __________________________________ 90005 3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.90006 Example: I 90014 90015 ‘ve 90016 90017 never 90014 90015 read 90016 90017 (read) a book in English. 1 When _______________ Maria _______________ (go) back to Rome? Is it tomorrow? 2 My brother _______________ (study) photography at the moment. 3 I _______________ (not be) late tomorrow. That’s a promise. 4 _______________ you _______________ (be) to New York before? 5 Let’s eat Thai food. We _______________ never _______________ (try) it. 6 _______________ you _______________ (wait) for your bus when I saw you yesterday? 7 They _______________ (go) out for a meal when they got to Bangkok.8 I _______________ (see) your sister at the pool when I was swimming. 9 Be careful. I _______________ just _______________ (paint) that door. 10 We _______________ (fly) to Hong Kong at 2 o’clock next Tuesday. 90005 4 Complete the sentences with one word. 90006 Example: Sorry, 90014 90015 what 90016 90017 did you say? I did not hear. 1 This restaurant is less expensive __________ the last one. 2 I’m sure he __________ arrive soon. 3 A doctor is someone __________ helps people in hospital.4 Tara __________ the competition. Her dancing was the best. 5 We have not been to the new cinema __________. What’s it like? 6 It was __________ worst book I’ve ever read! 7 He had a party __________ it was his birthday. 8 __________ it was raining, we went out for a walk. 9 The concert was not as good __________ the one we saw last week. 10 I’ve __________ heard that joke. Adam told me it yesterday. 90005 5 Complete the sentences with the correct word (s). 90006 Example: She tried 90014 90015 on 90016 90017 the dress in the shop.1 I __________ Tom some money last week, and he has not paid me back. borrowed lent spent 2 My university course finishes __________ June. in on at 3 I do not go __________ to eat very often. off out up 4 There were a lot of people in the shop. It was very __________. crowded quiet boring 5 Do not eat all that cake! It’s really __________. polluted uncomfortable unhealthy 6 Who’s paying __________ the tickets? on for to 7 She __________ at the hotel very late last night.90004 got came arrived 90011 8 What did you think __________ the book? for off of 9 Have you __________ your bed this morning? done made cleaned 10 This lesson started __________ 9.15. You’re late again! at on in 11 I’m going to __________ Jill to our party this weekend. meet invite stay 12 How do you __________ this word? repeat underline pronounce 13 We’re __________ at a campsite because the hotels are too expensive.hiring staying renting 14 Do not worry __________ the washing up. I’ll do it later. about on for 15 He’s seeing his friends at the weekend. He’s really looking __________ it. for forward to after 90005 6 90015 Underline 90016 the odd word out. 90006 Example: trainers 90014 90015 shorts 90016 90017 boots shoes 1 leggings earrings necklace bracelet 2 customer receipt checkout check-in 3 tidying sailing ironing washing up 4 slim thin overweight bald 5 shy high talkative extrovert 6 sunbathe buy hire rent 7 T-shirt cap sweater top 8 crowded noisy lazy polluted 9 friendly funny generous mean 10 luxurious disgusting delicious comfortable 90005 7 Write the opposite.90006 1 start __________ 2 sell __________ 3 forget __________ 4 mend __________ 5 win __________ 90005 8 Complete the sentences with one word. 90006 Example: 90014 Slim 90017 is the 90014 90015 opposite 90016 90017 of 90014 fat 90017. 1 When I’m on holiday, I often __________ a bike to get around. 2 He did not spend much __________ when he went out last night. 3 Can I __________ € 20 from you, please? I’ll give it back later today.4 Did you __________ any souvenirs while you were in Italy? 5 I always wear __________ and sports socks to do sport. If not, my feet hurt. 6 Pietro’s birthday is __________ New Year’s Day! 7 Students, please work in __________ and talk to your partner. 8 It’s really dark in here. Can you turn __________ the light, please? 9 I do not have enough __________ to do my work and help you. 10 Sarah is not here. She’s __________ work. 90005 9 Match the words with the same sound.90006 dr 90005 e 90006 ss w 90005 i 90006 ndy cl 90005 ou 90006 dy b 90005 or 90006 ing f 90005 a 90006 ther 90149 l 90005 a 90006 zy 90152 f 90005 u 90006 nny w 90005 a 90006 tch s 90005 i 90006 ghtseeing 90005 e 90006 mail ma 90005 tch 90006 1 c 90005 ar 90006 digan _______ 2 tou 90005 ch 90006 _______ 3 cr 90005 ow 90006 ded _______ 4 t 90005 i 90006 ck _______ 5 b 90005 ea 90006 ch _______ 6 gl 90005 o 90006 ves _______ 7 s 90005 ai 90006 d _______ 8 tr 90005 o 90006 lley 90005 90006 _______ 90032 9 sh 90005 y 90006 _______ 90032 10 t 90005 al 90006 kative _______ 90005 10 Under 90015 line 90016 the stressed syllable.90006 90005 1 Read the article and tick (ü 90006 90005) A, B, or C. 90006 CouchSurfing — a different kind of travel experience I love travelling abroad, but two years ago I did not have much cash to spend on my holiday. At first, I was planning to go camping again, but then a friend suggested an alternative: CouchSurfing. I had no idea what that was, so she explained. ‘CouchSurfers’ are people who stay as guests in other people’s homes for free, and visit the sights in the local area.You can do the things that most tourists do, like sunbathing on the beach or sightseeing in the town centre. Or your host could give you a language lesson, teach you how to cook local delicacies, or take you to places that visitors never find. It sounded much more fun than my other holidays, so I joined the website and sent emails to about twenty hosts in France and Spain right away. A few days later, I already had ten replies. After a week or two of emails, I made arrangements with four hosts in three different cities.I’m quite talkative and they seemed very friendly, so I was not concerned about spending time with strangers. Two weeks later, I was arriving in Paris, and meeting my first host, Claudette. Over the next ten days, I stayed in four very different homes, improved my foreign languages, and made some great new friends. Sometimes the places where I stayed were basic -a sofa to sleep on, or even just a floor, but sometimes they were luxurious — much nicer than the hostels that I usually go to. I think it was probably the cheapest and most interesting holiday I’ve ever had! I’ve done CouchSurfing again twice since then: in Italy, and here in the UK.I’ll definitely do it again. In fact, I’m going on a trip to South America next year. And I’ve had five visitors at my place, including Claudette. I’ve discovered that hosting is as much fun as exploring a new place. CouchSurfing is a fantastic experience. Try it some time! Example: Emma started CouchSurfing because she wanted to save money. A True cü B False c C Does not say c 1 She first tried CouchSurfing two years ago. A True c B False c C Does not say c 2 Emma’s friend did not like camping.A True c B False c C Does not say c 3 ‘CouchSurfers’ share their homes and their time. A True c B False c C Does not say c 4 When Emma sent out emails, everyone replied quickly. 90004 A True c B False c C Does not say c 90011 5 She decided to visit four cities. A True c B False c C Does not say c 6 It took Emma about a month to organize her holiday. A True c B False c C Does not say c 7 Emma is quite extrovert.A True c B False c C Does not say c 8 Some of the places where Emma stayed were unusual. A True c B False c C Does not say c 9 Emma now speaks French fluently. A True c B False c C Does not say c 10 Emma says that she visited Claudette again. A True c B False c C Does not say c 90005 2 Match 90015 five 90016 of the highlighted words / phrases to the definitions. 90006 Example: people who stay in a hotel or house for a short time 90002 90014 90015 guests 90016 90017 1 person who invites people to their home _______ 2 immediately _______ 3 special food _______ 4 without paying _______ 90005 1 Listen to Claire talking about her favourite photo.Tick (ü 90006 90005) A or B. 90006 1 The photo is of a party by the sea. A True c B False c 2 There are six people in the photo. A True c B False c 3 Claire’s mum has dark hair. A True c B False c 4 Her brother Jamie is hard-working. A True c B False c 5 Alex looks bored in the photo. A True c B False c 90005 2 Listen to five conversations. Match them with speakers A-E. 90006 90005 1 Answer your partner’s questions.90006 90005 Now ask your partner these questions. 90006 1 What school subjects do not / did not you like? 2 What kind of music do you like? 3 What are your plans for next week? 4 What do you usually use your computer for? 5 What did you have for lunch yesterday? 6 What is the best film you have ever seen? 7 What would be a perfect night out for you? 8 What is your favourite photo? Why? 9 Have you ever been anywhere very hot? Where? 10 What do you enjoy doing on holiday? 90005 2 Read this information about a weekend trip you went on and answer your partner’s questions.90006 Coach leaves London at 9 a.m. Saturday Tour of Oxford colleges: 2.00 — 4.30p.m. Theatre: 7.30 p.m. Saturday Accommodation: Rudolph Hotel 90002 Free time for shopping 90002 Return travel: leave Oxford Sunday at 7.00 p.m. Arrive back in London at 9.00 p.m. 90002 Cost: £ 195 per person 90005 3 Make questions and ask your partner about a weekend trip he / she went on. 90006 • What / Do / during / day? • Where / Eat / evening? • When / Get back / London? • How much / cost? 90004 90005 ANSWER KEY PROGRESS TEST A 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 10 Is your brother staying 90004 90005 3 90006 90011 90004 90005 4 90006 90011 1 How many people are there in your family? 2 My husband does not do enough exercise.3 What are you going to study next year? 4 My older sister is not as tall as me. 5 This is the best book I’ve ever read. / This book is the best I’ve ever read. 90004 90005 5 90006 90011 90004 90005 6 90006 90011 90004 90005 7 90006 90011 90004 90005 8 90006 90011 90004 90005 9 90006 90011 90004 90005 10 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 90004 90005 ANSWER KEY PROGRESS TEST B 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 1 Is your sister staying? 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 1 My older brother is not as tall as me.2 That was the best book I’ve ever read. / That book was the best I’ve ever read. 3 How many people are there in your family? 4 My wife does not do enough exercise. 5 What are you going to study next year? 90004 90005 3 90006 90011 90004 90005 4 90006 90011 90004 90005 5 90006 90011 90004 90005 6 90006 90011 90004 90005 7 90006 90011 90004 90005 8 90006 90011 90004 90005 9 90006 90011 90004 90005 10 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 90004 90005 1 90006 90011 90004 90005 2 90006 90011 .