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Пустоши wow – Пустоши — Игровая зона — World of Warcraft

Пустоши — Игровая зона — World of Warcraft

Комментарий от Hadarius

Дорога к Высоте Найджела начинается тут

Комментарий от mindfreeze09

Самая непопулярная локация

Комментарий от Bandarbon

зато нету конкурентов на задания)

Комментарий от Suicide777

зато тут есть кАраваны ^_^

Комментарий от xyarriddi

После Катаклизма локация сильно изменилась…на мой непритязательный взгляд как и все другие локации она улучшилась в качестве интереса квестов и их связанности…но многие локации потеряли шик в своём внешнем виде…прилетев сюда, был печально удивлён увидев буйные заросли деревьев вместо обглоданных костей кодо, которые так меня завораживали когда-то(

Комментарий от PrinceSaint

Квесты в локации начинаются с Помощь Пустошам или Изменение маршрута!

ps: Для любой локации: чтоб узнать где начинаются квесты — ищем в поисковике «Возвращение к героям <локация>». Смотрим где квест заканчивается и летим к тому НИПу. Успехов )

Комментарий от Resgun

После смерти Краса (Кориалстраз), Алекстраза хотела тут свести счёты с жизнью.

Комментарий от OneDestro

Рарники этой локации:
  1. Проклятый кентавр — ничего особенного.
  2. Принц Келлен — ничего особенного. Респаун 23 ~ 32 часа.
  3. Каскк — ничего особенного.
  4. Шшшперак — приручается Охотниками. Скин уникален. Респаун
    10.5 ~ 16 часов
  5. Хохотунья — приручается Охотниками. Скин не уникален. Является отсылкой к гиене из м/ф «Король-Лев».
  6. Проклятый Скользящий Плавник — ничего особенного. Респаун 21 ~ 32 часа.
  7. Цапчик — приручается Охотниками. Скин не уникален. Является отсылкой к мульт-сериала «Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны».

Немного об истории локации:

Сама по себе область Пустошей некогда была частью Фераласа – ее покрывали густые и влажные леса. Но после вторжения Пылающего Легиона обитатели ее были почти полностью уничтожены, а земли истощились и перестали цвести. Когда же Легион проиграл в битве на Горе Хиджал, многие из уцелевших демонов вернулись сюда, а за ними последовали колдуны Пылающего Клинка.Всякие попытки восполнить природные силы этой области представляются, по меньшей мере, проблематичными ввиду присутствия кентавров. Пустоши тянутся вдоль западного побережья Калимдора, на севере оно граничит с Фераласом, на западе – с Мулгором и на юге – с Когтистыми горами. Это мрачная местность, чуждая и негостеприимная. Земля здесь серая и сухая и, по большей части, неплодородная, за исключением ряда мест – возле Фераласа и Когтистых гор, где находятся несколько застоявшихся водоемов, а так же там, где тролли или Альянс ухаживают за землями возле своих временных жилищ. Северная, южная и восточная границы Пустошей гористые, с туннелями и пещерами, в которых расположились кентавры. Северо-западную границу отмечает океан. Дальше на юге – сплошные горы. Животный мир представлен стервятниками, василисками, гиенами, рокочущими ящерицами и кодо. Можно встретить воздушных элементалей.

Комментарий от Cassard

Справа внизу, в долине костей, лежат два гигантских скелета гигантских… наг? Кто-нибудь знает что-нибудь про них?


Пустоши — Достижение — World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Skeeve

Link to map

Tethris Aran (54, 13)
Nijel’s Point (65, 9)
Sargeron (76, 21)
Thunder Axe Fortress (55, 28)
Kormek’s Hut (62, 39)
Kolkar Village (73, 48)
Ethel Rethor (38, 28)
Valley of Spears (33, 58)

Kodo Graveyard (50, 57)
Shadowprey Village (24, 70)
Gelkis Village (34, 86)
Mannoroc Coven (52, 76)
Magram Village (72, 73)
Shadowbreak Ravine (79, 77)
Ranazjar Isle (28, 9)

Комментарий от khornehroth

I want to have your Death Knight’s baby on my Night Elf.

Комментарий от Elrael

If you got troubling getting in Shadowbreak Ravine, the coordinates to the entrance are at 77,76

Комментарий от beemann

cords pls i need it

Комментарий от discharge

Here are the /macro commands for Tomtom. By far, the best addon for exploration. (Be sure to be within the Desolace area before executing these macros.)

/way 54 13 TethrisAran
/way 65 9 NijelsPoint
/way 76 21 Sargeron
/way 55 28 ThunderAxeFortress

/way 62 39 KormeksHut
/way 73 48 KolkarVillage
/way 38 28 EthelRethor
/way 33 58 ValleyOSpears
/way 50 57 KodoGraveyard
/way 24 70 ShadowpreyVillage

/way 34 86 GelkisVillage
/way 52 76 MannorocCoven
/way 72 73 MagramVillage
/way 79 77 ShadowbreakRavine
/way 28 9 RanazjarIsle

You may find yourself growing increasingly more and more bored as you slowly make your way accross the world of warcraft. Check out a world of warcraft podcast to listen to to keep ur brain active! My favorite is The Instance. You can find them on iTunes or www.theinstance.net

Oh yea, and make sure your using the auto run button too…

Комментарий от Jesselich

Thanks for the great map, Skeeve!

Комментарий от gerosa

having some elixir of water walking is very useful for this area and the exploration achievements in general

Комментарий от linuspwn

Make sure to pay attention to every little spots where you can explore, for an example, I did not notice Ranazjar Isle until i looked it up here.

Комментарий от spweasel

One of the few achievements that can cause physical harm to the player. If you don’t consider slashing your wrists after running around Desolace for a while, you are a much saner man than I.

Комментарий от Imortalius

how to come to that isle?

Комментарий от kurtiffrig

Question about the post four up that claims that this is «one of the few» achievements that can cause physical harm to a player. Really? What game have you been playing? I’m finishing up Loremaster in Desolace as an 80 and during the time I’ve played I’ve had exactly 7739 deaths, most of them from attempting achievements.

Комментарий от zamarren

Ranazjar Isle is way up at the north egde of the map, just a bit off the coast. You should be able to see it there before you discover it. The coords I got are approx. 30, 7.

Комментарий от xenitenl

You can do the following quest: The Emerging Threat to Ranazjar Isle without having to swim there. You go scouting on a gryphon and you fly over the island.

Комментарий от Zanzsara

Where to get Thargad’s camp?

Комментарий от ovedium

I actually used the naga disguise from a previous quest to get there faster.

Комментарий от PlaywowEu

50.16,08.16 Tethris Aran
29.18,07.98 Ranazjar Isle
29.45,31.86 Slitherblade Shore
55.22,28.89 Thunder Axe Fortress
66.35,06.74 Nijel’s Point
76.53,24.00 Sargeron
72.46,46.00 Magram Territory
64.76,48.63 Cenarion Wildlands
71.03,72.15 Shok’Thokar
80.18,77.16 Shadowbreak Ravine
51.17,77.64 Mannoroc Coven
52.24,58.73 Kodo Graveyard
36.65,71.48 Thargad’s Camp
30.26,62.30 Valley of Spears
23.59,70.51 Shadowprey Village
35.90,82.95 Gelkis Village

Комментарий от Zpox

Here are the /macro commands for Tomtom for Patch 4.2.0.

/Way 50 08 TethrisAran
/Way 29 07 RanazjarIsle
/Way 29 31 SlitherbladeShore
/Way 55 28 ThunderAxeFortress

/Way 66 06 NijelsPoint
/Way 76 24 Sargeron
/Way 72 46 MagramTerritory
/Way 65 48 CenarionWildlands
/Way 71 72 ShokThokar
/Way 80 77 ShadowbreakRavine

/Way 51 77 MannorocCoven
/Way 52 58 KodoGraveyard
/Way 37 71 ThargadsCamp
/Way 30 62 ValleyofSpears
/Way 24 70 ShadowpreyVillage
/Way 36 83 GelkisVillage

Комментарий от jesapplegate

Got the Achieve for Ranazjar Isle at 29.20 10.34

Комментарий от tfseven

If you missed this three zones:
/way Stonetalon Mountains 64.36 91.02 Boulderslide Ravine
/way Stonetalon Mountains 59.12 59.52 Windshear Hold
/way Stonetalon Mountains 44.99 31.41 Cliffwalker Post


Задания в Пустошах — Достижение


Комментарий от AwesomeShaman

I find it odd that Desolace isn’t part of the Alliance version of Loremaster of Kalimdor.

Комментарий от Demesis

at 53/55 quests any help? got teh drop from thunderaxe and a couple other drop quests.

Комментарий от GWARFEST

Achieved this today with several quests to spare, but I came in with 15 already completed from previous loremaster.

A good number of drop-start quests — keep an eye on your loot.

Комментарий от speakeasy

Drop Quest From Thunderaxe Mobs: Надрать уши
Bizby: Бизби
Thunk: Посланник Кенарийской экспедиции Тунк
Ancient Tablets: Древние таблички
Malyk: Иерофант Малик (gives you a quest to go to Desolace)

There was at least one more drop quest but I can’t, for the life of me, remember what it was from. Centaurs maybe?

Комментарий от Sasquacz

It doesn’t count for Horde Loremaster too.

Комментарий от jwelsh

I am stuck at 44/55 and have done all the drop quests and the escort one as well. Any ideas on where to go would be helpful:)

Комментарий от Twistedsight

Also there is a small quest hub just west of Thunk’s Abode… I didn’t need to finish the chain to get the achievement so there’s at LEAST 3 quests.

Комментарий от kristyy

There is also a quest that drops from the Maraudine Maulers — Behind Closed Doors. This will give you two more quests and doesn’t require you to go into the actual instance yet.

Комментарий от Hulkoff

There’s also another escort quest around 66,35 where you escort a kodo caravan, kinda easy to miss I think.

Комментарий от gnjida

On 54,10 on the road also u have 1 npc with some bird.There u get huge chain q .

Комментарий от Kindread

Наемный телохранитель

Found this one on my way to Thunk’s Abode. Was at 53/55, now I’ll be able to finish even with the glitched Maraudon quest. 🙂

Комментарий от Homebrewed

I found 2 random quests at Sargeron where the satyrs are, the starts are at statue near the bigger ruins/buildings, Quests: Ten pounds of flesh & To the Hilt!

Also look out for a NPC on the side of the road if you enter from STM and go down the road

Комментарий от sap0233

There is also a series of quests at Ethel Rethor just west of Furien’s Post in the northwestern part of Desolace that make it so there are more than enough quests left over to get this. You do missions as a naga for some of the series. That is 11 quests total some people may have missed.

Комментарий от Doneethaflan

If you’ve built rep with the Bloodsail Buccaneers, it looks like you may be unable to get this achievement until you repair your standing with the Steamwheedle Cartel:

Bizby is aligned with Ratchet, and ends 4 quests: Fletch Me Some Plumage!, Good Gold For Bad Tail, Heavy Metal, and New Beginnings.
Melizza Brimbuzzle is aligned with Gadgetzan, and is the object of the escort quest Get Me Out Of Here
Smeed Scrabblescrew is aligned with Ratchet, and ends four quests, including Kodo Roundup, Smeed’s Harnesses, and two caravan escort quests, Gizelton Caravanand Bodyguard for Hire (the questgiver, Cork Gizelton, is unaligned).

Just an FYI for my fellow Bloodsail Admirals out there.

Комментарий от treedee

Two more quests at 70.32 and a fly path there.

Комментарий от Lucy8769

I am stuck at 41/55 and came across a drop quest.Its in Thunder Axe Fortress and i got it off the first kill (burning blade reaver)

Комментарий от poopscratcher

Welcome to the hardest zone for the loremaster achievement. The mobs that need to be killed for many quests are scarce and spread far apart. The quests are really grindy. After you finish all the tedious and wristslitting quests, you can enjoy spending 30 minutes scraping 3 or 4 more quests to finish it off.

Good luck have fun 🙂

Комментарий от Aaris

got stucked with 54 quests, and i found this quest. It completed my achievement..

Пока ты здесь

Комментарий от jjanchan

One tip for those quest hunters out there — as of the writing of this post, one of the biggest add-on assets to have is Quest History Felstone. It logs all the quests in the game as a sortable list, and will query the server to check which quests you have or have not completed. If you are stuck in a zone and are unable to find any more quests, simply bring up the add-on and select «New Quests», and sort by category (zone) — this will tell you which of those last lingering quests you have been unable to track down. It even provides quest IDs so that you can look up on those quests on Wowhead.

This add-on has gotten me out of a bind many a time when I have been stuck on a zone quest achievement, so I thought I’d pass that on to all of you. I am aware that the well known add-on QuestHelper has an incomplete quest feature as well, but I find that Quest History is a lot lighter on system resources than QuestHelper!

Happy questing!

Комментарий от Alreadytaken

This achievement is hell to go through, the quests are so badly designed you wanna kill yourself by the time you’re halfway done.

Комментарий от Anathaema

Don’t be a ***** like I was.
If you start this area then don’t go elsewhere until you finish it.
The zone is fragmented so much you’ll end up losing a lot of time recovering the trails.

I have been sitting at 54/55 and I forgot that the naga chain was interrupted when I started doing the zone then moved on to others.

Ethel Rethor is the place you wanna visit for the second part of the naga chain, the NPC there gives you the Slitherblade Charm and from here on you can talk to Valishj.

Hope that helped

Комментарий от dawgfan

The quests in Desolace feel like they were added to the game simply to discourage people from attempting Loremaster. This zone is full of gimmicky quests with the filler quests including TONS of gathering from mobs with very low drop rates and requiring you to go completely across the zone for nearly every other quest. The Naga quest chain, in particular, is very excruciating. I’m about half way done with Loremaster currently and this was the first time I thought about giving it up (although Ashenvale was frustrating as well).

It took me about 4 hours to complete the zone on my 85 Mage. 4 freaking hours…(in comparison, it took me 4 hours to complete the previous 3 zones).

Комментарий от kerrymayall

If you are a high-level Alliance player looking to do Loremaster achieve here it may be tempting to head straight for Nijels Point to begin questing. I did so and completely missed the Officer standing on the road between Desolace and Stonetalon. Talking to her provides the quest Rerouted which gives you another 3 very simple quests to your total that involve talking to NPCs at Nijels Point.

Комментарий от hoyer

Remember to download QuestHubber! Makes the achievement lot easier if you’r stucked…

Комментарий от crow04

As far as I can tell, if you miss a breadcrumb quest as Allaince, you can not get this achieve. I’m at 54/55 and have tried multiple addons and they only give me horde quests and quests that have been removed

Комментарий от Theeljanoon

The brazier quest at 78:23 does NOT count towards the quest achievement 🙁

Комментарий от Zatie

I got frustrated and stopped working on this at 54/55. I could NOT find any other quests and all the quest helper addons kept giving me quests that were obsolete. On the western side of Desolace is a tauren female who you can click on — she won’t have a quest — and when I did that, she gave me another stone. That stone turns you into a naga and you can go to the naga island just west of where the tauren is. The quest I left off on was «Deep Impact» and it’s no wonder, because it’s awful. But, check that to see if you abandoned like Deep Impact, thinking there could be other quests to do and avoid this quest because it’s awful. (Awful).

Good luck!

Комментарий от Pheme

If you get stuck (I’m currently 50/55 >.>) there is an NPC named Bibbly F’utznuckle who starts Собиратель костей. He is easy to miss as he is out of the way and alone.

Комментарий от khaosgurl

For any Horde having trouble finding some quests despite using Loremaster addon. Look over at Furiens Posten, those quests DID NOT show up on Loremaster and helped me finish out the zone.

Комментарий от Waterfuzz

At lvl100 you can start your Desolace quest chain with npc named Furien at 54/8.

Комментарий от Scavenge

I was almost put off questing through here after reading some of these comments, but I needed it as part of Loremaster and coming here after finishing Stonetalon Mountains was no problem at all.
I started the zone on my hunter at level 32 and finished at level 40 (full heirlooms, no dungeons in between) with 5 quests to spare for the achievement.
Yes, some of the quests are out of the way, yes the naga quest chain is kinda tedious but the zone isn’t THAT bad. The quests actually flow from hub to hub, the drops to start quests seem to drop almost instantly from the mobs and I don’t know if they increased the collection quest drop rates but they weren’t too bad at all.
Don’t let the comments put you off, this place ain’t all bad, and with a flying mount it would be a breeze.

Комментарий от Seridar

Last quest for the Horde part: Дело нужное
Last quest for «Threats from Sar’theris Stand»: Очищение нашей расселины

Комментарий от jesslynn

For Horde Loremaster achievements:

List of quests:

Starts with Cenarion Researcher Korrah @ Ethel Rather:

The Emerging Threat
Slitherblade Slaughter
Going Deep
Wetter Than Wet
Deep Impact
Mystery Solved
The Enemy of Our Enemy
A Revenant’s Vengeance
Return and Report
Official Assessment
Naga Threat completes

Go to Karnum @ Karnum’s Glade:

From Karnum Marshweaver:
Stubborn Winds
(He won’t give you any more until you do Thressa+Ferrah’s quests, see below)

From Thressa Amberglen:
Blood Theory
Calming the Kodo

From Botanist Ferrah:
A Time to Reap
Pulling Weeds
Taking Part

Back to Karnum Marshweaver:
Ghost Walker Post
Delivery Device
Maurin’s Concoction
Cleansing our Crevasse
Threats from Sar’theris Stand completes

Completing Thressa+Ferrah’s quests this will also make another quest pop up which starts from Garren Darkwind:
An Introduction Is In Order
Cenarion Property

From Khan Leh’Prah:
Delicate Negotiations
Will Work For Food
My Word is My Bond
Karnum’s Glade completes

Continues From Khan Leh’Prah
Three Princes
Not So Fast!
While You’re Here
Behind Closed Doors (drops from a Maraudine Mauler while doing “Not So Fast!” also, when doing this quest you will see a thing to the side offering “While you were Here”, you can do this back outside while killing Maulers but not required for Loremaster)
Time For Change
Into the Fray!
Death to Agogridon
Uniting the Tribes completes

From Karnum Marshweaver again:
Shadowprey Village
@Shadowprey Village
From Mai’Lahli:
From Jinar’Zilen:
Fish in a Bucket
From Talga Wisemane:
Chipping in
On Behalf of the Horde completes

ALL DONE. Everything else are side quests.

Комментарий от Frostybolts

FYI, just found that on Alliance side, I had to complete «Rock Lobstrock!» in order to get the «Threats from the Sar’theris Stand» sub-achievement

Комментарий от Taraezor

If Horde, you must complete Рыбка в ведерке but you need this quest to be available if this is your only Horde toon able to do this quest and you wish to get the Большая железная удочка.

If you complete the quest, the shellfish traps from Рыбка в ведерке will not be lootable, thus the pole unobtainable.

The quest is the first part of a chain and is instantly available to any horde toon able to quest in the zone. This and Брюхажира lead to Дело нужное which would then complete the Horde-only part of the zone questing achievement.

Alliance are out of luck here as the quest is Horde only.

Комментарий от blus10

If you’re wondering/stuck on this. Open your area map and ensure there are no yellow ! on the map. Finish those off (some aren’t required). Also, check if you have the quest «While You’re Here» quest…doesn’t put location on your map. You are to go to Valley of Spear, near south west part — just north east of Shadowprety Village, to loot items that your destroy. Will also loot item/get prompt for Behind Closed Doors quest.


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