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Вов внутренние земли – Как попасть во внутренние земли в WOW 3.3.5?

Воззвание к героям: Внутренние земли! — Задание

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Комментарий от paxfelix

There’s a valley through the mountain range that takes you to Aerie Peak. If you are coming from the South, go around Dunholme Keep to the west, then turn east. The valley will be on your left, and heads NNE. Towards its end, your see some signs of an improved road, with occasional lamps to either side. Watch for a fork to the left to rise up the hill to the spot.

Комментарий от Umbrosangre

If you are coming into Arathi Highlands from the Wetlands, there will be a new road going north from the main road that goes between Refuge Point and Stormgarde Keep. It will take you through a tunnel north into the Hinterlands. After that, just go west, following the mountain range, until you reach Aerie Peak.

Комментарий от martychonks

The cave to get to The Hinterlands from Arathi Highlands is at 37.00, 29.36 (you can see the cave icon on the map north-northwest from Refuge Point.) Exercise caution once out of the tunnel, as there are level 35 wolves along the road.
If coming from Hillsbrad Foothills, there is a path leading to The Hinterlands at 70.90, 55.59, between «e» and «K» in Durnholde Keep on the map. Do not follow the river; this leads into the Western Plaguelands and can cause a swift death.

Комментарий от Qoko

For max level players going for Loremaster: Hero’s Call is the only breadcrumb quest for the Hinterlands, offered by both the Hero’s Board and Nials in Arathi, but with a max level of 33. As such, when you finish Arathi you will not be able to do this quest and have to go to Aerie Peak directly to continue.

Комментарий от Wyr3d

Owing to the issues raised about Captain Nials quest being a direct copy of the Hero’s Callboard quest of the same name, I have submitted a suggestion to Blizzard that they write a proper one for him. The lvl 33 cut-off for this quest is unreasonable given the revamp of previous zones, and all the perks from guilds, gear and rested XP which are available.

As there is no level cut-off for hero’s call based breadcrumb quests in other areas, I can only assume the level cut off here is an oversight — especially since the changes they did make which restricts the Stone Shards questline (and it’s consequent quests) to just this zone.

Additionally, the Horde has two quests which lead easily into Hinterlands without a problem. The first is Revantusk Village and the second is the Hero’s Callboard counterpart — Warcheif’s Command which does not suffer from this level cut-off.

If more people also suggest this, perhaps they will fix the problem for us Alliance.

Комментарий от GitGudGuides

Hero’s Call: The Hinterlands! http://youtu.be/BfsoSM7-XcM

Комментарий от bebita

Hero’s Call: The Hinterlands! https://youtu.be/XDUQZfFrCHM

Комментарий от machina2413

Sample video:

Комментарий от swedengamer

I recieved this quest while talking to Captain Nials in Arathi Highlands. Turning it in to Gryphon Master Talonaxe in The Hinterlands did not let me take up the other quest from the Heroes Board, so the quest is mutually exclusive with one another just like the quest in Redridge Mountain leading to Duskwood. If you accept the one in Lakeshire, you can’t take the one from the board. Reporting this as of patch 7.0.3.

Комментарий от Egovolter

In 7.3.5 you won’t see this on the board and can’t get the quest unless you are lvl 30.

Комментарий от EmJii

As of patch 7.3.5, captain nials no longer offers this quest, instead you can take the Hero’s Call from the Hero’s Call Board nearby.

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Внутренние земли — Достижение — World of Warcraft

Краткая информация


Комментарий от DonSleza4e

Чумная лощина — 23, 40
ведет в Западные Чумные Земли

Комментарий от juleo

Заоблачный пик(13, 48)
Чумная лощина (23, 40)
Hiri’watha (31, 58)
Quel’Danil Lodge (31, 47)
Shadra’Alor (34, 70)
Озеро Доблести (40, 59)
Agol’watha (47, 40)
Ползучие руины (51, 50)
The Altar of Zul (48, 66)
Серадан (63, 24)
Skulk Rock (57, 40)
Shaol’watha (68, 48)
Jintha’Alor (62, 72)
The Overlook Cliffs (76, 65)

Комментарий от fomichucha

Отвесные скалы — 76,50

Комментарий от mechtatelnica

Алтарь Джинта Алор 59,6/ 77,9

Комментарий от VamP1r


Комментарий от Belsedaar

Ползучие руины — 48,52

Комментарий от true1eo

Нигде не указано про Зун’вату — 29, 57.

Комментарий от qwbess

макрос для аддона TomTom

/way 13 48
/way 23 40
/way 31 58
/way 31 47
/way 34 70
/way 40 59
/way 47 40
/way 51 50
/way 48 66
/way 63 24
/way 57 40
/way 68 48
/way 62 72
/way 76 65

Комментарий от Zynes

Заоблачный пик (13, 48)
Чумная лощина (23, 40)
Исследовательская станция Хири’Вата (31, 58)
Сторожка Кель’Даниль (31, 47)
Шадра’Алор (34, 70)
Озеро Доблести (40, 59)
Агол’Вата (47, 40)
Ползучие руины (51, 50)
Алтарь Зула (48, 66)
Серадан (63, 24)
Осклизлая скала (57, 40)
Шаол’Вата (68, 48)
Джинта’Алор (62, 72)
Деревня Сломанного Клыка (76, 65)


Комментарий от Caronwyn

Here is a map of where you explore everything for this achievement’s criteria.

Комментарий от misntx

i found the shaol’watha at 72,51

Комментарий от Masto

Omg, i spent 1 hour looking for a path up to the northeastern area, just east of Seradane.

In my achievement panel, i could see that i only needed to find Plaguemist Ravine, so i asumed it was the northeastern gray area >.<

Комментарий от crzy

for the ppl that still cannot find Plaguemist Ravine, there is a path starting at 20.48 that leads up to Shindigger’s Camp. At 25.46 there is a path to left as you are going up. Take that left and there is the ravine. Fot those that don’t know, it is a path that takes you to the Western Plaguelands and comes out right by Sholo.

Комментарий от Anxiousfur

Plaguemist Ravine (23, 40) Was a pain in the butt to find! I went from just behind Aerie Peak. But you can also go from Western Plague lands, the path starts at 65, 86 in WPL just a short run away from the Caer Darrow bridge. For those of you on PVP servers or that are flagged, if you go from the WPL end watch out because you will be right next to Aerie Peak if you take the path to the right at the end of the Ravine. Also I would suggest taking this rout as you can explore all of The Hinterlands & end at Revan Tusk Villiage & take the Flight Path to your next destination.

Комментарий от Baxrus

Plaguemist Ravine is a hellhole..

Комментарий от SpyofCenarius

On my newest character trying to get The Explorer Title, I was ashamed to find that Plaguemist Ravine was so far away from the island I had spend twenty minutes on. I spent that time trying to climb mountains: failing, swim around the weird part: failing. All together, I was quite surprised and, as previously stated, ashamed, though the latter was much stronger than the other.

Just hope nobody else spends twenty minutes, hopelessly searching, to find that you looked in ze wrong place.

Комментарий от Shoto

I did exactly the same thing too. SO IRRITATING >:'(

Комментарий от hordecat

These holes are the stupidest thing Blizzard has ever incorporated into their landscaping. There are five of them. Getting out is an impossible feat. Who decided this was a good idea?

Комментарий от SnogCanavi

Actually i got the Plaguemist Ravine here

/way 23.89 38.40 Plaguemist Ravine

Комментарий от PlaywowEu

59.64,78.14 Jintha’Alor
72.64,66.32 The Overlook Cliffs
72.82,53.39 Shaol’watha
63.23,27.26 Seradane
57.37,39.03 Skulk Rock
46.59,39.68 Agol’watha
48.96,52.34 The Creeping Ruin
48.85,68.69 The Altar of Zul
40.93,59.40 Valorwind Lake
33.77,71.21 Shadra’Alor
23.46,58.21 Zun’watha
31.06,48.02 Quel’Danil Lodge
24.50,42.82 Plaguemist Ravine
14.55,47.84 Aerie Peak

Комментарий от jemoess

For those with tomtom:

/way 59 78 Jintha’Alor
/way 72 66 Overlook Cliffs
/way 72 53 Shaol’watha
/way 63 27 Seradane
/way 57 39 Skulk Rk
/way 46 39 Agol’watha
/way 48 52 Creeping Rn
/way 48 68 Altar of Zul
/way 40 59 Valorwind Lk
/way 33 71 Shadra’Alor
/way 23 58 Zun’watha

/way 31 48 Quel’Danil Lodge
/way 24 42 Plaguemist Ravine
/way 14 47 Aerie Peak

Исследуйте Внутренние земли, открыв все их области на карте.



Заоблачный пик








Алтарь Зула


Осклизлая скала




Чумная лощина


Сторожка Кель’Данил


Озеро Доблести


Ползучие руины






Отвесные скалы


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Чего же вы ждете? Скачайте Wowhead Client. 


Задания во Внутренних землях — Достижение


Комментарий от Furore

I’m stuck at 27/30 at the moment. Can’t find any quests in the zone, so I’m guessing there are quests to get elsewhere that points you towards Hinterlands.
I know there was before the shattering, but I can’t find any now.
If you’ve come across any quests leading to Hinterland, please leave a comment at this thread. Thx 😉

Edit; Thanks alot guys.. found the quests at Quel’Danil Lodge and finished off the zone 😉

Комментарий от NelleRavencrest

Im stuck at 27/30 as well, so guess we need some kind of breadcrumb leading to the zone, or a quest-giver is bugged.

I remember that before the shattering there was a lot of stuff going on down at Shadra’alor and some stuff with swimming in a lake and grabbing that thingie for Noggenfogger (quest from Gadgetzan)

Комментарий от kimblehmoose

After you finish the quest «The Highvale Documents» a quest will pop up in the building where you picked up the highvale records, there should be 2 quests from her, that lead onto another 2 quests when you’ve finished them, possibly another after that, i havent finished them yet.

Комментарий от NelleRavencrest

Found some new quests inside the Quel’Danil lodge when I went through the zone after being stuck at 27 as well.

So go there and see if Gilda Cloudcaller have something for you !

Комментарий от Fanxotic

Im stuck at 26/30.. Have completed «The Highvale Documents» and the 2 other quests after..

And dont the Escort Quest with the little chicken.. But can’t find anymore now :S

Комментарий от Isshin

I did 33 quests in this zone.

Комментарий от Sakizen

If your horde and stuck at 29/30 there is a quest giver in Arathi Highlands, Hammerfall named Drum Fel who starts Revantusk Village. It’s an entry quest to the zone that one may miss, gives credit to the Hinterlands Quest acheivement.

Комментарий от deboette

If you’re alliance you’ll get stuck at 27/30 after Quel’Danil Lodge. The problem is Q’D is phased and is under attack by undead. You have to get out of the phased area and go back. The Elves / Draenei pushed them back and you see Gilda Cloudcaller. She gives you enough quests for your achievement.

Комментарий от wyzzy

I think Hinterlands clearly needs a bit more tuning

Комментарий от ashleyfanfic

There is also a quest in Arathi that sends you into Hinterlands.

Комментарий от Darkscarlett

I am stuck at 25/30 quests…I’ve flown all over the place to find more quests and I don’t see any. Any tips?

Комментарий от Alanthea

For those of you who can’t figure out how to get started….go inside the building near the gryphon master. The fellow in there will give you three beginning quests.

I wandered around for awhile, trying to figure out why nobody was giving me quests. Finally, I spotted him.

Комментарий от Adaran

Horde players take note:

If your horde and stuck at 29/30 there is a quest giver in Arathi Highlands, Hammerfall named Drum Fel who starts Revantusk Village. It’s an entry quest to the zone that one may miss, gives credit to the Hinterlands Quest acheivement.

Thanks, Sakizen.

Комментарий от wizzbang

I was stuck at 25 of 30 i found the last quests i needed at Quel ‘ Danil Lodge from Gilda Cloudcaller. Hope this helps you guys.


Комментарий от Brozarius

I feel quite stupid, but gonna tell anyway.
On Horde side I got stuck on 27/30 … frustrating if you can’t find anymore quests.
After installing EveryQuest, I found out missed the exclamation mark of Старейшина Сломанный Клык
He is on top of the building and quite easy to miss. Try targeting him by /tar Elder
Cheers for the other tips here!

Комментарий от JKMillion

Is anyone else having trouble not being able to turn in quests. If you know how it can be done plz let me know thank you

the quests with Anchorite Traska Problem is I have the quests but can’t turn them in because she is training or fighting something invisible.

Комментарий от jolly1337

For hordes it’s fairly straight forward.

Start out at the Hiri’watcha research station and do the first quests and then move on to raventusk village.

Once you get the first jintha’alor quest(s) make sure you pick up the rest at the hub area (67,64).
I still had quests when i finished the achievement.

Комментарий от jjanchan

One tip for those quest hunters out there — as of the writing of this post, one of the biggest add-on assets to have is Quest History Felstone. It logs all the quests in the game as a sortable list, and will query the server to check which quests you have or have not completed. If you are stuck in a zone and are unable to find any more quests, simply bring up the add-on and select «New Quests», and sort by category (zone) — this will tell you which of those last lingering quests you have been unable to track down. It even provides quest IDs so that you can look up on those quests on Wowhead.

This add-on has gotten me out of a bind many a time when I have been stuck on a zone quest achievement, so I thought I’d pass that on to all of you. I am aware that the well known add-on QuestHelper has an incomplete quest feature as well, but I find that Quest History is a lot lighter on system resources than QuestHelper!

Happy questing!

Комментарий от Spameer

If you have stuck at 26/30 go to Quel’Danil Lodge, there are next quests.

Комментарий от AnnoyingTiger888

Hey guys, I’m hoping someone can help me out.

I’m a level 102 alliance trying to complete this achievement. I’ve literally went to every single place on the map but haven’t been able to find any quests. When I first arrived, I got the two quests to feed the Gryphons and kill the wolves, then I was sent to kill slime, collect bottles on the beach, kill turtles and kill a few trolls. After turning them in, I wasn’t offered another quest.

I’m stuck at 21/30 quests completed and I feel like banging my head against the wall. I’ve already read the other comments, and I’ve checked the lodge — no dice.

If someone can help me out, I’d really appreciate it T_T

Комментарий от Haqin

Alliance Quests in The Hinterlands.
(Note, I have used «>» to show when a quest ‘leads to’ or ‘unlocks’ another quest or quests; and «+» to show when another quest needs to be completed for this)

Breadcrumb Quests
Hero’s Call: The Hinterlands! (Only if you’re the correct level)
This can be taken from the normal Hero’s Call Board or Captain Nials in Arathi.

Aerie Peak
(1) A Mangy Threat
(2) Razorbeak Friends (+1 >4)
(3) The Battle for Andorhal (lvl 35: breadcrumb to Western Plaguelands, does not count for achievement)
(4) Out to the Front (>5)

Stormfeather Outpost
(5) The Wicked Revantusk
(6) Gan’dranda (+5 >9, 10)
(7) Snapjaws, Lad!
(8) 99 Bottles of Booze on the Beach (+7 >11)
(9) Skulk Rock Clean-Up
(10) Skulk Rock Supplies
(11) Prime Slime (+9, 10 > 12)
(12) Down with the Vilebranch (>13)

(13) Vilebranch Scum
(14) Heads Up (+13 >18, 19)
(15) Faces of Evil
(16) All That Skitters (+15 > 17)
(17) Dark Vessels
(18) Death to the Vilebranch
(19) Ongo’longo’s Revenge
(20) It’s Ours Now (>21)
(21) Summit of Fate (>22, 23)
(22) Venomous Secrets
(23) Hunt the Keeper (+22 >24)
(24) Quel’Danil Lodge (>25)

Quel’Danil Lodge
(25) In Defense of Quel’Danil
(26) The Highvale Documents (+25 >27)
There is no quest taking you to the next quest giver, you need to head across to the nearby main lodge yourself, where you will find:
(27) The Eye of Shadra (>29)
(28) Can’t Make An Omelette Without… (>30)
(29) The Fang of Shadra (>31)
(30) Starvation Diet
(31) The Shell of Shadra (>32)
(32) Summoning Shadra (>33)

(33) Shadra the Venom Queen

Anywhere in The Hinterlands, from a random drop
(34) Find OOX-09/HL! (>35)
(35) Rescue OOX-09/HL!

Комментарий от xRodge

Horde side, seem to have a strange occurence (8.0.1 BFA prepatch time).

Started in Revantusk, as normal. Did all the quests there. Then did the Jintha’Alor quests, finishing at Охота на хранительницу. OK so far.
But it seems to have granted me the «Hinterlands Quests» achievement — despite clearly being able to see that the «Hiri’Watha» part of the achievement is greyed out and I haven’t done it yet…..

Not really gonna complain, because I HATE this zone. Hence why I had never completed before, but now need it for Loremaster…..

Комментарий от neopeo

the bugg still i there i got the achivement but ony kompleted 2 of 3


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