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Wow монеты воздуха – Монеты воздуха — Валюта — World of Warcraft

Монеты воздуха — Валюта — World of Warcraft


Комментарий от kodora1316

To start earning these coins simply by pickpocketing start with Хочешь купить лампу?, which is picked up from Griftah in the rogue class hall.

Finish the quest chain up to Монеты воздуха and you can now pickpocket these coins from Legion mobs when you have Лампа Аль’Абаса in your bags. You’ll start picking up items like Кольцо-талисман or Хронометр Вимбильдуна Турбольярда (among others), similar to WoD. Except these don’t take up bag space, they’re automatically converted to Coins of Air.

But wait, there’s more! Continue the quest chain from Griftah until you finish Джинн, прет-а-порте , which lets you pickpocket Coins of Air even more quickly by providing access to Сияющая лампа Аль’Абаса.
(Warning: Do not attempt to hold more than one lamp in your bags. Doing so is hazardous to your health and will prevent the collection of any coins.)

You’ll also be able to purchase items from Griftah:

— Трусливый сурок for 10,000 (cageable, stays stealthed)

— Пещерная крыса for 10,000 (cageable)
— Бочка с банданами for 50,000 (still purchasable for 10,000 Тусклые железные монеты , just use Свисток для условного сигнала )
— Бочка с глазными повязками for 50,000
— Иллюзия: яд for 25,000 (still purchasable for 5,000 Тусклые железные монеты , just use Свисток для условного сигнала )

The total cap is 2,000,000 so you won’t need to worry about the cap if you’re saving up to purchase all the things.

Confirmed below by multiple people
There are reports that Синь Гогельмогель can bring these back from missions because of his Липкие пальцы .
Also possibly from Воры из братства Справедливости’ Обшаривание карманов as pointed out by Rommon

For a general guide on pickpocketing I recommend Wowhead’s guide: https://www.wowhead.com/pickpocketing-guide

The weekly quest Возьму без вопросов now awards 2,500 gold (no longer 4,999).

Комментарий от bastcreature

Finally, FINALLY, Rogues are getting some pick-pocketing love in Legion. Pickpocketing rewards have been extremely stingy. Even WoD had far better rewards.

Комментарий от Koolaider

I’ve had pretty good luck going around Soul Engine: Apocalypse in Faronaar, Azsuna. The Soul Reavers and Eredar are all pickpocketable. Remember to kill the NPCs after you pickpocket them so they refresh.

Edit: Another great place to farm these is the area around Black Rook Hold.

Комментарий от SquirePip

Is the line «Evaporate into mist after a while.» just flavor text or do you actually lose them after a certain amount of time?

Комментарий от Attackr00t

A spot I found that I was very happy with was the top of Moon Guard Stronghold in Suramar (30,10)coordinates. Just going from one side of the barrier to the other pickpocketing the Imperial Conjurers. Should work at any stage of the Suramar questline and there is a portal from Shal’Aran right there.

Комментарий от Disclonius

I’m farming those coins in Suramar. It is full of Humanoids and Demons and the best part is since you’re disguised, you don’t have to worry about being too close to your targets while stealthed.
The only NPCs you’ll have to pay attention to are of course the ones that can see through the disguise. However, you can sap them and keep pickpocketing in peace 🙂

Комментарий от Bursi

If you need a certain amount of Монеты воздуха, here is a macro to track it:

/cast Pick Pocket
/run for _, ID in ipairs{ 1416 } do local name, amount = GetCurrencyInfo(ID) print(name .. «: » .. amount) end

Комментарий от Bursi

If you need a certain amount of Монеты воздуха, here is a macro to track it:

/cast Pick Pocket
/run for _, ID in ipairs{ 1416 } do local name, amount = GetCurrencyInfo(ID) print(name .. «: » .. amount) end

Комментарий от Itfiggures

Hang around picking portal mobs under the Sentinax as others kill em for you, endless.

Комментарий от tookietook

they dont seem to evaporate ive kept some for a while been logged off but they dont seem to leave anyone see if they do actully evaporate?
side not sentinax is great for this the broken shore mobs drop more than one item at a time during a pickpocket and they get killed and resummond alt

Комментарий от Semaphor889

Also to add, after finishing the quest High Fash-Djinn I then bought the lamps from the first 2 parts from Griftah and started PP’ing again and I was getting extra items than just having the Gleaming Lamp in my bags.

Of course buying the lamps again costs another 1000g but does speed up how many CoA you are getting.

Комментарий от Haqin

You can also gain these by completing missions with Marin Noggenfogger in the team, likely due to his Sticky Fingers ability. After multiple missions I’ve found this to be a 100% ‘droprate’ and you will gain random pickpocket items each time (that immediately become Coins) on top of any other random item he brings back.

The pickpocket loot table seems to be exactly the same as pickpocketing a NPC so, which lamp you have will effect how many items you loot etc.

This also happens if you use the upgraded Defias Thieves with the Pick Pocket ability.

Комментарий от kanemochi

Any ideas on the best place to farm these?

Комментарий от Dreadalous

WORD OF WARNING! once you pick up and start completing these quests Жуль no longer requires Тусклые железные монеты for purchasable items. If you want the Wod items to buy with your dingy Coins then you will have to summon him using your Свисток для условного сигнала. I have used this next to Grifta in Legion Dal and the cost of Иллюзия: яд is only 5k Dingy coins whereas Legion Grifta requires 25k Монеты воздуха.

Now I haven’t as yet farmed the air coins properly but briefly spent 5 minutes pick-pocketing while questing in Broken Isle and the amount of airs u get per PP seems better in my opinion than farming Dingy coins per time spent.

Hope this saves some time for people

Комментарий от Kurasu

The amounts of coins given for the various items you pickpocket if you are carrying Лампа Аль’Абаса:

Кольцо-талисман = 5
Подвеска-талисман = 10

Колье-талисман = 20
Перстень-талисман = 30
Браслет-талисман = 40
Безвкусный хронометр = 50
Кольцо со звездной гравировкой = 60
Блистающая печать маны = 70
Подвеска с отблеском маны = 80
Пропитанный маной перстень-печатка = 90
Сплетенный из маны браслет = 100
Вычурный хронометр = 200

After you have completed Верность – сама по себе награда and are carrying Светящаяся лампа Аль’Абаса, these will possibly show up as well as all of the above:
Окутанное маной колье = 250
Сделанные из маны четки = 400
Манаграфическая карточка = 600
Элегантная магическая подвеска = 800
Искусно сделанный хронометр = 1000

Броское магическое ожерелье = 2000
Медальон волшебных воспоминаний = 5000
Сверкающий перстень-печатка синдорай = 10,000
Хронометр Вимбильдуна Турбольярда = 20,000

After you have completed Джинн, прет-а-порте and obtained Сияющая лампа Аль’Абаса, there are no new items to pickpocket, but you will potentially obtain multiple white (2-4) or green items (1-3) when you pickpocket them, though the base coin values for those items will remain the same. I have yet to receive multiples of either Blue or Purple items with even this lamp.

The lamp effects *USED TO BE* cumulative. However, at this moment, you are only able to pick up coins if you have one lamp in your inventory; pick which one (most likely Сияющая лампа Аль’Абаса for best returns). If you have more than one lamp, the others can be placed in your bank and you will gain items just fine.

Manual turnins are not necessary; as long as you’re holding at least one of the lamps, coins will be given to you as soon as the item is picked up, unlike the Тусклые железные монеты where you need to summon or visit Griftah to fence your goods.

Remember: a number of the items, in particular the pets, are BoE. As such, you can potentially make a little extra selling to non-rogues while you’re at it.

Комментарий от Goldschakal

Small guide to farm around 100k coins/10minutes.

Download the Addon Serverhop from Curse, make a Macro called «/run ServerHop_HopForward()» and bind it to a Hotkey. The macro will make it easier to hop Servers.

Download an Addon to enable faster Looting, also known as quick loot. That way you’ll rarely see the lootwindow again.
Make a Macro called «/cast pick pocket» for easier pick pocketing.

Complete all Quests from Аль’Абас till you get the Quest Джинн, прет-а-порте.

Once you accepted the Quest, buy Светящаяся лампа Аль’Абаса & Сияющая лампа Аль’Абаса from Жуль.

Go to the Platform @ 55.64 in Suramar, pocket pick those 16 mobs and then Serverhop via the Serverhop Macro till you completed Quest Джинн, прет-а-порте.

After you completed the Quest, get the new Lamp and just in case check if you still have the other 2 previously mentioned Lamps.

Now you can return to 55.64 in Suramar and get around 100k Coins of Air per 10minutes.

Комментарий от Gunnerb52

Anyone having issues with coins of air no longer dropping? I got to 54,000 exactly and they stopped coming. I spent 50k figuring maybe it is glitch with the cap but still nothing drops coins of air.

Комментарий от HeavensC1oud

If you haven’t done the assassination artifact quest there are plenty of people to pick pocket in the stormwind scenario portion

Do the initial portion of the quest until you can purchase Shining Lamp of Al’Abas & Gleaming Lamp of Al’Abas from Griftah and then head into the artifact scenario

Комментарий от Playround1

So I need the lamp in my inventory?

Комментарий от Lunyra

I have all 4 lamps with me but can no longer loot and Coins.

Комментарий от Helionpetmaster

A sweet way to farm these coins of air i have found, is to go to any Warden Tower Assault WQ.
This will allow you to farm the coins without the need to break stealth and killing them as, generally i have found, by the time you have made a circuit, your fellow players will have killed all those mobs you just pick-pocketed. A quick respawn rate should afford you non-stop pilfering, what more could any self respecting rogue hope for.
An extra bonus with using this method is, simply by pickpocketing each mob, if you are close by when any other player kills them, you will gain credit working towards completing the tower assault WQ without ever ha


Лампа АлАбаса и сокровища Жуля

Патч 7.2.5 нельзя назвать крупным обновлением игры, но в нем очень много интересных небольших добавлений, которые сделают жизнь игроков интереснее.

Вот, например, АлАбас и Жуль помогут разбойникам вновь почувствовать себя отнимателями богатств и передавателями их себе любимым.

Начиная с 100 уровня игроки-разбойники смогут взять квест у Жуля в классовом оплоте разбойников. В ходе этого задания:

  • Вы покупаете тусклую лампу;
  • Покупаете набор для полировки лампы;
  • Полируете лампу;
  • Призываете джинна АлАбаса;
  • АлАбас посылает вас собирать Монеты Воздуха из карманов мобов;
  • После сбора 1000 Монет Воздуха вы получаете эпическую лампу АлАбаса, позволяющую добывать еще больше трофеев;
  • В обмен на 10000 Монет Воздуха раз в неделю Жуль даст вам 5к золотых;
  • После сбора ряда эпических и редких предметов из карманов мобов, вы получите самую крутую Сверкающую лампу АлАбаса, которая позволяет лутать еще больше Монет Воздуха.

Из карманов мобов вы можете добывать разные предметы, которые обмениваются на Монеты Воздуха автоматически — сразу после лута. Эпические вещички имеют “стоимость” 10-20к монет, редкие — несколько сотен, а зеленые — десятков, а обычные и того меньше.

Что купить на Монеты Воздуха?
Вот это — самое интересное. Ради чего фармить монетки, не ради 5к золотых же? Вы можете покупать разного рода забавные вещички у самого Жуля!

Скрытный сурок (10к) — питомец, который ходит в Незаметности=).

Пещерная крыса (10к) — просто боевой питомец с уникальной моделькой.

Бочка с банданами (100к) — игрушка, которая дает игрокам банданы. Ее вы могли получить еще в Дреноре.

Бочка с глазными повязками (100к) — еще одна бочка, но на этот раз из нее можно получить замечательную глазную нашлепку, чтобы почувствовать себя одноглазым головорезом.

Что ж, отличный и милый контент. Помнится, Кувалдыч провел немало приятных минут в Дреноре занимаясь “карманными делами”. Это было намного интереснее беганья кругами по Гарнизону.


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монеты воздуха вов — Видео

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Возьму без вопросов — Задание


Комментарий от Martika

Similar to the coin turn-in quest from the version of Griftah in your garrison; not worth repeating for the 50g after the first turn in of the week.

Комментарий от TheSteelPhantom

I’ve found the best place to Pick Pocket farm is Moon Guard Stronghold in Suramar.

Комментарий от Illmatica

If you don’t feel like traveling throughout a massive area, I found that the Suramar Harbor is a nice place. Just circle the whole area inside and out until you’re done. Them pockets fill up again real quick. There are a few demons who can see through stealth but they are not elites. Some of them (closer to the outer area) patrol in areas where they can be killed without being seen.

Комментарий от Haldhur

The murlocs at the center of Azsuna are another good location.

Комментарий от sivla

whatever coins you get, just save them for the weekly quest. On the ptr you could easily make 120k a week …now not so much…in fact i am trying to ponder the point of pick pocketing at all…just another example of how atrocious this developer has become.

Комментарий от Hsilia

I’ve found that some of the sentinax portals have mobs that can be pickpocketed, very useful as they spawn in large quantities and are killed rapidly.

Комментарий от Anuerysm

Went to the murlocs in Azsuna at level 101. 10-15 min, over 11k in coins. Very good area, at any level.

Комментарий от tabitreader


If you are trying to get a battle pet or an XMOG rogue item or toy, be careful not to simply press Complete Quest! I just signed away 10,000 coins (enough for 1 battle pet) for 4,999g. Not what I wanted to do, but hey, muscle memory.

Yeah, it’s a lot of money, but I wish I would have bought the battle pet.

Going to try a ticket for reversal.


Комментарий от RogueEntity

Is this quest, or the pickpocketing ability broken now? I completed all of griftah’s and the djinn’s quests last week, and got enough coins to buy all but the 2 pets. This week, I took the «I’ll take those, thanks!» quest again, but all I get when I PP now is copper and the occasional food/drink item. No more common/rare/epic items or coins of air. And yes, I do have the 3 lamps in my inventory.

Комментарий от Cosmicwind

The best place I have found to farm coins and quest items has been in the Dungeon Eye Of Azshara (I put it on Normal not sure if Heroic or Mythic would have a higher drop rate- if I try those settings I will post which is better). I did a lap of the dungeon and I got 50k. This took about 15mins. By the time you are back to the beginning the adds can be pickpocketed again, so no need to reset dungeon. I pickpocketed everything that had pockets.

Комментарий от Cosmicwind

The best place I have found to farm coins and quest items has been in the Dungeon Eye Of Azshara (I put it on Normal not sure if Heroic or Mythic would have a higher drop rate- if I try those settings I will post which is better). I did a lap of the dungeon and I got 50k. This took about 15mins. By the time you are back to the beginning the adds can be pickpocketed again, so no need to reset dungeon. I pickpocketed everything that had pockets.

Комментарий от Lswindrunner

How come no one has mentioned the guards ?

As part of the Assa artefact quest, you have to go into SW and PP guards till you find ‘information’. Since it is a ‘scenario’ there are no players of the opposite faction and here’s the kick, the guards give a massive amount of coins and there are loads of them all concentrated in one small area, I got 2500 from just ONE guard.

Just keep doing laps and you’ll have enough coins to buy all the toys etc in no time.

Комментарий от tooltip

Completing this weekly will have Griftah offering you Все равно возьму next.

HOWEVER, the second one only awards you 50 gold, so don’t be bamboozled.

Комментарий от Calfos

They have removed the quest… 🙁

Комментарий от kthonik32

did they remove this on tuesday. i had done it on one character on monday and today with a different toon it is gone.

Комментарий от Millidor

CONFIRMED! This weekly repeatable character quest has been removed from CLASS TRIAL rogues. Many people were creating multiple class trial rogues to do this over and over in order to mass large amounts of gold. You will NOT find this hotfix in the notes though.

Комментарий от Eyecandy

Anyone has cords or map pictures of good location for this quest?

Комментарий от Ametrine

Wonder why the reward is exactly 20c short of a full 5000g? Did Griftah lose a few coppers somewhere?

Комментарий от mville

To collect coins go to Suramar, flying ability is highly recommended. It will also be easier without a follower.

Exact location: FP Iron Grove Retreat, head towards Moonfall Overlook to /way 30.7, 9.4

There are plenty of safe spots to get yourself into stealth. There is a constant supply of Imperial Conjurers coming down the stairs. Target and pickpocket, repeat, repeat.

I collected 5,000 coins off one, although that is rare, usually between 3 and 200 coins of air from each. It will take 10 minutes or less to get 10K.

Комментарий от Chivalreon

As of right now, this does not seem to get nerfed in BFA. Enjoy your weekly trips from Zuldazar and Kul Tiras back to Dalaran in the Broken Isles, in order to collect your 5k g! 😉

Комментарий от starduzt23

Комментарий от Kupotek

Nothing anymore, only getting copper pickpocketing in Suramar now.
Is this quest no longer available? I know you can still pick it up in Dalaran,
but nothing drops the coins anymore.

I also noticed the mobs that ran out of the temple of light now have no pockets.

Комментарий от Surchys

With 8.1 it looks like this has been nerfed yet again, just did my turn-in and only got 1232g.

Комментарий от Baneleaf

This appears to have been nerfed….again. I checked on multiple rogues of multiple levels and the reward was now 1232 gold. Unfortunately I had already turned in the quest on my 120 rogue (I have 6 rogues) so I cannot hard confirm that it is the same nerf at that level. I have a ticket in and will try to update this once the ticket is answered but at the moment the ticket has an unknown duration. The nerf appears to be another unannounced 8.1 change but the previous nerf was also unannounced in 8.0

****Edit. Two days ago I put in a second GM ticket on this as the first was ignored and got in a rather heated argument with a GM who kept telling me this is a 14 year old game and that things happen. He said this appears to be an undocumented change and got all huffy when I asked why such minor things as changes in syntax are mentioned in patch notes but cutting a quest reward in half goes unsaid, again. He abruptly ended the ticket and told me the game is old.

Комментарий от Hrazmadul

If they nerf the gold why not nerf the coins too? 10000 to 5000 to 2500 coins of air… seems fair.


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