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Wow печать сломанной судьбы – Печать сломанной судьбы в WOW Легион: где взять валюту для бонус ролла? — Wowgaid.ru: гайды World of Warcraft

Расписание. 10 Печатей Сломанной Судьбы

Добрейшего вам утречка, драгоценные читатели! Кувалдыч надеется, что ваша праздничная неделя радует возможность подольше поспать и побольше поиграть в WoW.

А Близзард опубликовали расписание выхода Цитадели Ночи и разблокировки уровней сложности и крыльев в Поиске рейдов.

  • 18 января — Нормальный и Героический режимы.
  • 25 января — Эпохальный режим и 1 крыло ЛФР.
  • 8 февраля — 2 крыло ЛФР.
  • 22 января — 3 крыло ЛФР.
  • 8 марта — 4 крыло ЛФР.

Вы можете прочитать тактики на боссов Цитаделей Ночи, ознакомиться с выпадающим там лутом и посмотреть видео. Кувалдыч составил их на базе данных из атласа подземелий, а также видео-роликов с тестирования боссов. Хотя это — всего лишь тестирование, механика в целом останется без изменений.

А чтобы быть готовым к выходу Цитадели Ночи на 100%, желательно к этому чудесному моменту запастись большим количеством Печатей сломанной судьбы! А именно:

  • На этой неделе вы сможете получить 3 Печати сломанной судьбы за квесты в Даларане у Верховного мага Ландалока.
  • На следующей неделе еще 3 за эти же квесты. Игрок может хранить лишь 6 печатей, поэтому в день запуска Цитадели Ночи вам нужно будет потратить минимум 4 печати.
  • Затем вы сможете получить еще 3 Печати сломанной судьбы за квесты у Ландалока.
  • Еще 1 за эвент Путешествий во времени, начинающийся 18 января.
  • И, если очень повезет — еще 1 печать за миссию в классовом оплоте!

Итого — 10-11 печатей. И пусть за них вы получите эпики, а не золото. Кстати, даже если с дропом не повезет, в ЦН за проваленные бонусные роллы также будут давать Силу Артефакта — все какая-то польза=)

А пока мы готовимся к освоению нового контента и разминаем лицо для фейсроллинга по ЛФР, можно убить очередного мирового босса — Обломка! Огромного морского великана!

Он обитает в Крутогорье на дальнем северном побережье:

Босс особенно интересен для шаманов, поскольку они смогут получить секретный облик Артефакта: Надежду Зандаларов. Для этого ваш шаман Совершенствования должен обладать Знанием Артефакта 4 или выше — тогда с боссам ему выпадет Боевая палица Ширваллы.

Убить Обломка очень просто, а чтобы было еще проще — посмотрите это видео!

Кстати, о Знании Артефакта. Если вы трудились над этим не покладая рук со старта WoW: Legion, то на этой недели должны достигнуть капа в 25 ЗА и больше не сможете производить исследования. Впрочем, Близзард обещали вводить новые ранги Знания Артефакта в будущем.

А пока вы можете наслаждаться достижением Часть истории, открывающем доступ к новому облику Артефакта!

Но продолжим. На этой неделе проводится бонусный эвент на Арене, который позволяет получать на 50% больше очков чести в стычках.

Археологи могут выполнить новый квест Темные секреты, за выполнение которого можно получить Кровь юного Маннорота, а ее затем преобразовать в Аннигилят! Судя по комментариям к квесту на Вовхеде, задание не из простых, будьте осторожны!

И да, не забывайте про Ярмарку Новолуния — первую в 2017 году. Если вы еще не выудили 500 Острозубов Новолуния для обмена на Ската Темной Воды — самое время это сделать=).

В Overwatch вышла новая карта — Оазис! Это огромный город посреди арабской пустыни с уникальной механикой и очень опасным автомобильным движением, способным быстро и эффективно оборвать жизнь вашего персонажа.

А напоследок — вы только не пугайтесь! — вот каким представляют Грома Адского Крика в далеком Перу…

Ну разве не красавчик?!


Печать судьбы: ресурсы класса — Задание

Комментарий от jjanchan

This quest is offered by Верховный маг Лан’далок, and grants the Печать сломанной судьбы — the new bonus roll currency at Legion launch. These seals require various currencies to obtain.

Верховный маг Лан’далок is located at (56, 67) in the area outside of the Violet Hold (to the right side near the pools as you are facing the Violet Hold entrance).

Печать сломанной судьбы will be usable in all Mythic dungeons, in the new Tier 19 raids Цитадель Ночи and Изумрудный Кошмар, and for the new world bosses (Ана-Муз, Каламир, Драгон Зиморожденный, Обломок, Хумонгрис, Левантия, На’зак Одержимый, Нитхегг, Шар’тос, The Soultakers, and Иссохший Дж’им).

As with recent currencies, only 3 per week will be obtainable (with potentially rare exceptions), and the hard cap will be 6 seals.

The currency can be obtained from quests that require a certain amount of gold or Ресурсы оплота класса (similar to the Warlords of Draenor model). These quests are available from Верховный маг Лан’далок outside of the Violet Hold at in Dalaran (Legion version). Your second and third seals purchased with the SAME currency increases progressively in price — this is noted in the chart below.

Some of this information may not be final, and is subject to change

As in Warlords of Draenor, you can mix and match which currency you use for seals (some with gold, others with resources) to a maximum of 3 seals total.
If you only buy 1 or 2 seals with a specific currency, the quests will reset the following week, allowing you to spend the lowest amount again (you only pay more for the second and third seals you buy within the week).

NOTE: In Legion, it will be possible to trade Personal loot items if you already have a better item in that slot. It remains to be seen whether this will apply to bonus rolled loot.

Комментарий от Tenjen

Is this something separate available to all or part of the order advancement research for seals?

Комментарий от dracolight

Awfully holier than thou words for someone who was wanting us to risk our lives back in Wrath on various raid bosses for mere badges.

Комментарий от Foxies

If you wanna check if you completed weekly Seals quest specifically the 1000, 2000 and 4000 Order Resources ones use this:
/run for k, v in pairs({Seals1kOR=43892, Seals2kOR=43893, Seals4kOR=43894 }) do print(format(«%s: %s», k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and «\124cff00ff00Completed\124r» or «\124cffff0000Not Completed\124r»)) end

Also off-topic but macro related:
Get a Macro Toolkit addon, extend your macro up to 1024 characters and use this for Mythic Dungeons lockout check:
/run local saved = {} for i = 1, GetNumSavedInstances() do local name, _ , _ , difficulty, locked = GetSavedInstanceInfo(i) if difficulty == 23 then saved = locked end end for _, v in pairs({«Eye of Azshara»,»Vault of the Wardens»,»Maw of Souls»,»The Arcway»,»Neltharion’s Lair»,»Black Rook Hold»,»Halls of Valor»,»Darkheart Thicket»,»Court of Stars»,»Assault on Violet Hold»}) do print(v, saved and «- \124cff00ff00Completed» or «- \124cffff0000Not Completed») end


Печать сломана — Задание — World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Zillions

Anyone else pan their camera to the right and then go HOLY ____?

Комментарий от Auryan

«We’re gonna need a bigger cloud serpent.»

This is a standard vehicle bombing quest; it does not appear to be on a timer. You can leave the vehicle and speak to Mishi again to resume it.

Bomb placement was kind of a pain in the ass; perhaps it was my camera settings, but the camera did not stay fixed as I «looked around» for fissures to bomb. So I would see a fisure, go to use the vehicle button, but then the camera would swing back around to straight-ahead view. I settled for the few fissures (tall, tall columns of rising smoke) placed somewhat outside the Sha. These become «re-bombable» for quest credit completion.

Комментарий от Lopina

Has anyone fallen down and does not know how to get up again?

After trying to wall-jump and speaking to GM I found a way. Get inside that hut (house) in the base of the hill. Use «Unstuck» option, but make sure your HS is on cooldown, so you do NOT get ported to inn. You will die and your ghost will be up the hill, next to a spirit healer there. From there, resurect with spirit healer and res sickness 😀

Комментарий от scryed2007

I wish I knew of a way to get back up since I fell. If there is a way please tell me I can’t finish the zone because of this -_-

Комментарий от Vilious

I also jumped off and discovered that there seems to be no way to get back up. The beta forums had plenty of people with same problem, and there never was a response from Blizzard. Throwing a ticket in the massive pile and hoping for the best.

Комментарий от Duerma

Don’t shoot the ground in the middle — keep your eye out for steaming black & white circles along the outside. Those are what you shoot to get quest credit.

Комментарий от Konics

I also jumped….luckily I got the flight path thats up there before I jumped. Don’t think there is anyway back up if you parachute down so don’t! Just talk to the little dragon.

Комментарий от YukinoSnowstorm

Actually due to a friend having the issue we came up with two ways. 1, Hope a warlock is doing it and will summon but have enough in the phase for it. Or 2, Climb up the tower as far as you can and jump. Jump till you die. You’ll get ported to the graveyard at the top. The place to jump from is on a ledge near the FP master, were you see two trees, and the edge of the hut. You’ll have to climb up and jump a few times.

Комментарий от sandriq

If you want to see walkthrough of this quest, click here !
I hope it will be useful.
Thanks !

Комментарий от Aeridos

If you’ve ‘fallen’ off the mountain, you can just take a flightpath back up. As long as you’ve tagged the flightmaster on your way up, ofc. Just talk to Mishi 🙂

Комментарий от thathurts

This is a bombing quest. Fly with Mishi again, once you hit the statue you will see grey smoke coming from the ground. Press 1 and click on the grey smokes. You will keep going in circles until you finish the quest.

Комментарий от giovannileanza

Talk to Mishi, don’t jump!

Комментарий от Melyriely

Here is your answer…..Worked for me. If you go and talk to Cho’s Pet in Pearlfin Village it will take you back up.

Комментарий от Genicee

If you fall off go back to 59 81 and he will fly you back up.

Комментарий от Ronlej

The quest is a bombing quest. Take mishi, cho’s companion and do a bombing run on the fissures.

Комментарий от Neurolanis

People aren’t «falling down», we’re going down because there is no indication that we’re supposed to talk to Lorewalker’s companion before going. To get back up you simply need to head to the nearest flight master and fly back.

Комментарий от clarkeyboy

A hotfix has now been applied:

If you have not yet completed this quest and fall down, you can return to Mishi at both Grookin Hill (Horde) and Pearlfin Village (Alliance).

Hope that helps!

Комментарий от Ashendor

«Unstuck» option is not an option at all. If you fallen down, you should just go back to Pearlfin Village and find Mishi — he’s on the same place, where you got previous quest (Последний фрагмент головоломки for the Alliance).

Комментарий от sirnuggleton

If your having a hard time completing this quest do to other people closing the fissures or whatever, just exit from the dragon and re-enter till your not near anyone else flying around. This worked for me when there was a lot of people shooting down.

Комментарий от petcas

I jumped off cliff before i read the quest! after reading posts here I ran back to Gookin Hill and found Mishi there. She flew me back to Serpent’s Overlook. By the way there is a Flight Path down the stairs.

Комментарий от JWL828

I logged off while doing the quest and when I came back I was on the ground. Not thinking, I abandoned the quest figuring I could just pick it back up. Evidently the only way to pick up the quest is to get up there to do so. The NPC in Pearlfin Village (I’m Ally) doesn’t have an option to fly there. Should I bother putting in a ticket or just wait till I’m 90 and fly up there?

I tried dying there all around the mountain and ended up at a graveyard that is on the ground so it was no help.

Комментарий от Jaymacibe

This Sha is huge! While flying check out the sky. It even as an effect of the clouds.

Комментарий от mychatposts

For all the buildup to this I thought it was going to be a doozy, but it turned out to be pretty easy.

Комментарий от mychatposts

Just keep in mind that after you complete this quest line you get to meet… oh god, don’t say it…. you get to meet «Li Li»!

Комментарий от rosemunde

Had a little trouble clicking on the smokey spots, but got them all. Anyone else see a little resemblance to Rift?

Комментарий от carfo

yes if you fall off, go to either of these villages depending on your faction and /target Mishi. He has an option to bring you back up to Serpent’s Overlook.

Комментарий от UndeadWarlock

«Unleashes fire from ages past.»

More hints that Cho may be related to the Bronze Flight/Timewalkers?

Комментарий от Ikshuki1


Комментарий от Bongo2k

The Sha of Doubt has to be the largest/tallest mob in wow, its unfortunate it doesn’t feature more prominently in the game.

Комментарий от GamingTV

Complete Playthrough in 1080p HD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VBrV7bzSnk

Комментарий от mrcoolt

I would have thought this would be the Sha of War, not Doubt.

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

The Seal is Broken http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hCA7FtX_rI

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it 🙂

Комментарий от allOf

The Seal is Broken https://youtu.be/q4HxXuiG6VA


Сломанные печати — Задание — World of Warcraft

Краткая информация


Комментарий от Jaxor

«This Will Be A Puzzle But For Now Just Click It All»

Does what it says on the box.

Комментарий от Cymre

Gameplay video for this quest and the next few in the chain. This is just like the Power Grid quest you did earlier.

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it 🙂

Комментарий от varenne

Same logic as in Энергетическая сеть

This time it is all in 1 room and you have 2 currents ( 2 beams) and 3 seals on the floor.
Objective is to point both beams to the same seals and click on this seals.

Lets suppose initial blue current direction is seal 1
Use 1-st blue pillar and beam switches to seal 2
Use 2-nd blue pillar and beam switches to seal 3

Same for the purple pillars

Breaking the Seal is part of Помрачены, но не забыты — The Light Below storyline.
You can find more info about storyline in the achievement link
You will also need this quest for Добрый сурамаритянин

And here is storyline related to this quest:

№ column
is quest approximate order in Suramar storyline

Комментарий от zuthyx

Each seal can be activated separately when it has two beams on them at once.

One beam from a high pillar, one beam from a low pillar. While solving this puzzle, also keep in mind that each pillar only has two positions it may be in.

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it 🙂

Комментарий от Rocknight

Blizz HQ:

This quest isn’t annoying enough, let’s add spiders!

Комментарий от Abysi

Arachnophobia from above!

Комментарий от yonae123

You want a seal on the floor charged with BOTH beams.

1. Pick a seal to focus on
2. If the blue beam nearest you is NOT pointing at the seal you want, click it
3. If it still isn’t focused at the spot you want, run round to the other blue beam and click it, success!

Do the same method for the pink to get both beams pointed at one floor seal spot.

Click the seal. Kill the trash. You win!

Комментарий от kromzul

This is a diagram of this little puzzle that I drew up, which will hopefully be informative! It’s not very fancy, but should communicate how it works. Each of the towers has two possible positions; one position for each of the two large ones will power one of the small ones, which will then have its own two positions. It should be pretty easy how to figure out how to get two power beams into each target using this map.

View post on imgur.com

Комментарий от bazzyl

How to do this shown in the video below:


Комментарий от Boxofbeer

There are two beams, you have to channel both on any seal to make it clickable

Сломанные печати — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsiQwO-HDA0

Комментарий от Zaynah

The three seals are located around the central pedestal in the room. In order to break one of the seals you have to perform the following steps:
  • Focus the blue beam on the seal
  • Focus the purple beam on the seal
  • Click on the seal

You can change the focus of the blue beam by clicking on one of the taller columns and you can the focus of the purple beam by clicking on one of the smaller columns.
Once you break a seal, a spider will appear and attack the closest player (probably you).

Good luck!

Комментарий от rodmin

If by any chance do you have arachnophobia…

… brace yourself for the cinematic of your nightmares.

Even i felt my back’s skin shivering.

Комментарий от JNasty

Video guide: https://youtu.be/ZxzmW3hWTDM

For this quest, you will need to use the same skills you developed during the quest «Power Grid» to get the Low and High Potency Switches to blast ley energy at the same seal simultaneously. After you break each seal, a spider will drop down and attack you. Follow this order under the starting conditions to quickly finish the quest:

Seal of the Sky:
Interact with the right-side (northeast) Low Potency Coil
Interact with the left-side (southwest) High Potency Coil

Seal of the Earth:
Interact with the right-side (northeast) Low Potency Coil
Interact with the right-side (northeast) High Switch

Seal of the Tides
Interact with the left-side (southwest) Low Switch
Interact with the left-side (southwest) High Potency Coil

Комментарий от bigworm2

What I wasn’t getting that I needed do AFTER I got 2 beams on a seal was that I needed to CLICK THE SEAL. Thanks!

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

There are two beams, you have to make them both channeled on to any seal to make it clickable

Сломанные печати — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsiQwO-HDA0

Комментарий от Ovidian

The seals are slabs on the floor surrounding the light bulbs.

Комментарий от Allanjpm

This quest Power Grid is the worst i have ever seen. Shame Blizzard. And you want subscription for such garbage?

Сломайте печать приливов, печать земли и печать неба.


Печать приливов сломана


Печать земли сломана


Печать неба сломана


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Длинный рычаг


Короткий луч


Короткий рычаг


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